Good late afternoon of STS Day 6!
Well, that was a nice little workout, wasn't it?

Yowza! Nice work, Cathe, putting that one together! My triceps are toast, and my back is t.i.r.e.d!
I so agree with
Tracy about having the pull ups at the end! I don't even attempt unassisted at that point; my hands and forearms are shaking and it's all I can do just to do my assisted toe-touch at the bottom. Do you all also find you can go heavier with the underhand barbell rows than the overhand ones? Yet the workout manager gives me the same weight for both.
With those leaning triceps extensions, the stabilizers are critical, as
Tracy noted, aren't they? My right arm is hyper-flexible, and when I lift that arm at that angle, holding a db, it slips right out of the socket. So, for the right side I have to hold the arm at more of an angle than straight up, as Cathe does. The left arm/shoulder is fine.
I was looking forward to the strip sets at the end....until I got there! I eeked out all the reps with the requisite loads, but can't say I'm going to win any medals for form! I was working really hard to keep my elbows up during those double-arm kickbacks, and fighting to get full extension.
I did the Pilates abs from Ab Circuits for the first time, and was so relieved that 98% of it was done lying on my back! My arms did not want to support me anymore. I really liked that ab workout. Thanks so much for putting that together, Cathe! Tonight I'm going to introduce my husband to the partner abs

. He'll be thrilled, I'm sure.
I used the purple dynaband this week, as I keep hearing Cathe's green band is so taut. The extra challenge felt very good. I may have to buy some of those Cathe bands, though.
I'm looking forward to The Cathe Report on Disc 5!