I did this one today and I was really questioning my 1RM's for some things, but I did it. I just did it slower than Cathe! ;) Those barbell rows were nasty! I love band work, but that love is really being tested in these workouts. :D And it sure wouldn't have broken my heart if the workout had ended like 20-30 minutes sooner. ;) Going to be feeling this one for sure.
I did Disc 5 this morning, and was surprised to be able to move up in weights -- especially on my triceps. (They were sore after last week's workout!)

I'm enjoying the workout and have set up a better pull-up system using the Valor squat stands and a light Body Bar. Now the pull-ups are challenging for me!

I think I need to replace our existing green bands with some new Cathe bands, since mine are a little too friendly and forgiving! ;)

Looking forward to legs on Saturday!
disc 8, week 3...I was able to go up a lot in weight, I was suprised at how much. I've been sleeping really hard this week! Those BB rows wipe me out, I'm really pushing myself upping the weights as much as I possibly can. I can't believe next week is week 4 already! I really like meso 1
Week 2: finished disk 5

Let me start by saying how excited I am about this program! I actually look forward to working out, even on legs day. (ouchie!)
Anyway, finished disk 5 yesterday and feeling great. It was my favorite disk of the program so far. The drop sets at the end just about did me in, but I made it through. It is such a feeling of accomplishment. I am stronger than in week 1 and it feels wonderful. What I love about STS is the fact that it makes you use heavier weights than you normally would, and the variation is fantastic. The time really does fly by. Disk 6 (legs) is tomorrow. I am still recovering from those plate moves from last week. Inner thighs and hams were not happy. (and I didn't even use weights!) Looking forward to the challenge.
The pullover nearly did just that :D....whoah, thought I was going for a back flip, lol. I had to work hard to anchor my trembling lower back while my trembling triceps tried to maneuver that weight so gracefully over my head and back. I'd forgotten how hard they were :confused:

Hi Cathe!

I was "relieved" to read your review of Pullovers (I did Disc 11 yesterday!). Sometimes on these I feel like I'm going to be pulled back or feel my shoulders are going to snap over if I don't! So this is "normal"??? I always get scared , in fact , once during this move (Not on STS), I DID go over!

Is the trick to tighten something more? Your Core? your low back?

I love reading your reviews of the Discs by the way!!!
I did disc 5 yesterday. I can't believe what a difference a 5% increase in weights makes. I'm feeling it today in my shoulders mostly but also in my triceps. Did cardio kicks this morning & had a hard time lift my arms; shoulders were stiff. It got better as the workout progressed. Boy the band work in STS sure sneaks up on you. At first it's like, okay no problem but by the 3rd set of of the 7x1, arms were saying "hello", well not "hello" but they definitely were stinging. I'm already seeing a difference in my upper body after just 3 weeks (doing the 6 mo. rotation) more definition & toning. Absolutely loving STS.

i just finished meso 1. what wonderful workouts. they are sooo incredible. my whole body it fried. will really enjoy my week off.

cathe, i was wondering if you could answer a question for me. this may sound strange, but sometimes when i finish one of the workouts i feel like i could almost throw-up. is that normal? and i have been having quite a bit of naseau (sp?) since starting the program. NO, I AM NOT PREGNANT!!! i'm 54 and don't have the equipment. LOL!
it may be totally unrelated, but thought i'd ask. it will be interesting to see if it goes away next week. i did finally make a dr. appt. cuz it is getting rather painful, too.

thanks for your advice,
Hi STS'rs! I haven't forgotten about you. I am just juggling a lot in these last few days and haven't been able to get on forums the way that I would like to. I will eventually be posting here to address your questions regarding DISC 5, so keep asking if you have them :)
hey cathe, did you see my question about living in germany? know you're busy, just wondering.
Phew....I just finished Disc 5. Holy Moly!!! My arms totally gave out on the last drop set of tricep kickbacks. They are shaking as I type. And of course, I totally LOVE that!!:eek:

Tonight I used my heavy tension tubing for the pull-ups and chin-ups. What a difference! DH is actually down in the basement right now screwing a hook into the ceiling beam so that the next time I use it, it'll have a little more tension to it. I think I need to go out over the weekend and get the "super" heavy tension tubing!!!

That's a good thing, right?!?!
I did this last night to finish out week 2. Did 4 and 6 Sun and Mon, but then life got in the way of this one on Tues/Wed and Thurs is my rest day, so finally on Friday I popped this in the dvd player not with as much gusto as usual because I was already privvy to feedback about the workout - Killer workout after a long week at work is daunting!
Anyway, I loved this workout. The tubing really is not easy when you have the heavy resistance, but I still want the tower, so I can really torture myself with pull ups and chin ups.
Drop sets - my back and tris were screaming, but I loved the incorporation of this new element, since PUB is one of my favorite workouts.
The double arm rows with the band was alot harder the second time around. I remember thinking, "hmmm, this isn't feeling like last time." I must have choked up on the band alot more....
Definitely felt the side lying one arm pushups ... pleased to see they were back :)
I really liked the seesaw pushups on the stability ball. Whenever I try to do tricep push-ups on the bench, I don't feel like my form is good enough to drive at the results I am looking for...with the ball and the seesaw position, I definitely felt it....
Lastly, I think I only paused the player 1x to scramble for equipment, which means I stayed within the alloted rest break time for most of the workout as a result-- whoo hooo -- that in and of itself is an accomplishment lol :)

Thanks again Cathe for a great series...

Happy Saturday everyone!
Still sore on Saturday...

and I did this disc on Thursday.

My lower back is still sore from those supermans and deadlifts. That is such a weak area obviously. I take the exercises to the gym, but I think I need to review the stretch portion of the videos too so I can get a good stretch in my lower back. It is tight!

This disc really worked me. I loved those drop sets at the end. That was fun and a great way to get a final burn to the muscles.

I had to take a bit longer of a break and I also found that I was not able to use the 65% weight. I had to reduce the poundage a little. That is ok though. I will get there.

The whole workout was a great challenge and I feel good.
Me and my husband just got done with disc 5. When you told us to do pullups (or chin-ups, I can't remember which) and said "someone count or just yell time when we're done) we both immediately yelled "time". Too funny. I wonder how many others do the same.

Hi all!

I know I'm a bit behind schedule (actually started STS on March 2) and I'm following the 5-month rotation.

I have one question on the side-lying tricep extension on the ball. I did my 1RM and I'm following it religiously! But on these exercises my shoulders seem to be the first to give up by rep 12 or something... Really I can't go over 11 or 12 reps even with the 60% of 1RM. :eek::eek::eek: Could my form be an issue here?

Should I drop the weights, recalculate my 1RM according to the weight and reps I managed to complete on disc 5 (e.g. 8 kgs for 10 reps) or keep the weight load and do something about my form (if there's a trick in there somewhere...).

Thanks in advance!


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