Cathe Friedrich
Hi All! Let us know how you did on this this leg workout. I'm going to attack it tomorrow 
Hello Cathe,
I'm wondering about if I can start from meso 2 and then proceed with meso 1 after meso 3 wich I will finish this week. Can I mix the mesocycles or I have to start again from meso 1?
I'm really satisfied with this programme and I would like to do it again, just to know in how many way I can use it.
Thank you very much
I love your plyo workouts!! Those one legged squat thrusts! Only you could come up with something so unique & killer. About halfway through those my leg is so weak I have to go to two legs. You always give me something to work toward. Thank you!! After recovery I'm going to do it again. Can't decide whether to do it as is or do the 6 month version. Any suggestions? I can tell the difference in my body, I haven't really lost any mentionable weight but everyone thinks I have. My clothes do fit better, so I'm very satisfied. Thanks again!!
I finished disc 35 this morning. I am not a fan of plyos--too old--really! I actually do remember when I could do them. So I have been modifying like crazy with these leg workouts. But today I decided to try harder with them and wow I could actually do most of them. At least for maybe 12 reps. Shocked myself. There are some I will never conquer but I was surprised at how much I did. I even got the paper plates under control. Thanks Cathe for the push--really should say shove.