Back to continue!
Lisa, I love that you double fisted your beer drinking at the beer festival!

I'm glad that your other sis apologized for berating you, that was really unfair. And I totally agree with your decision not to take in your nephew--you have enough to deal with. Plus, how would you get your needed alone time if your nephew was there? I love your vacuum and mop max workouts with DH! I am lucky that my DH takes on some things too. I don't know if the therapy session your sister asked you to attend has already occurred, but I had a different take on it. I think it would be good for local sis to know what the past 9 months have done to you and that's why you have to back off and take care of yourself. But I support whatever you choose to do of course! I hope your weather is consistently good bike riding weather now. And please give Suki a hug from me!
Jody, between my last post and this one, I went to a friend's house to meet their Corgi puppy. What a little cutie she is! I brought her some obnoxious squeeky toys too.
Ronne, before I forget, I want to mention that Cathe on Demand now has all the premixes for her workouts! It's something like 1500 in all. Something you've been waiting for I believe.

I'm not streaming yet, it will take me a while to embrace it because Beachbody's streaming fails a lot. And that is the only way to get their workouts now.

I like your workout plans, strong and sensible like Jody said. I used to do workouts M-Th every week for years but life is more unpredictable now so I do them when I can or feel like it (meaning sometimes on the weekends). Congrats on doing CCC! I lost that one when I sold it on eBay.

I followed the Feb. rotation too (I think it was February's!) and was surprised by how tough RSK was too! I also thought of you when I did PHA and I'm glad it wasn't so bad for you! I think of you every time I hear the word Brexit. What little I know of it is from John Oliver's show. I don't think you are a laughing stock, I think we're doing that here very well. In fact, on John Oliver's show, they showed the PM (I hope that's the right term) of Australia imitating our POTUS and it was pretty embarrassing to me as an American!

I love being in quiet nature and have to admit I am so spoiled where I live. I am in the woods and I have neighbors but they are at least 50 feet away in all directions. A delivery truck broke down not far from our house awhile ago and DH overheard the driver say he was happy to be broken down in one of his favorite areas.

I don't blame you at all for tearing up over the loss of your snake, she was a devoted companion for many years! I am sorry you lost her.
I am sorry to have been gone for awhile, DH and I went to San Diego for almost a week and there was a lot to do before we went. And a lot to do after we got back! The trip was wonderful, sunny, not too hot at all, and we packed in every place we could see. I think my favorite was the Sunset Cliffs. They go for miles and its a pretty big deal to see them. Meaning everyone and their brother goes there! It was hard to find parking, but we did! Pick up trucks backed in, motorhomes parked, people partied. And all just to see the sunset high above the ocean. But I love the ocean so that's probably why it was my favorite. We have beaches here too, but they're pretty different. Colder for one, the surf isn't very high, and you can drive on them here.

Other than that, work has been busy and DH's older brother managed to retire from the state at 59 1/2 years old. Depressed me and DH! But finally, DH wants to look at the finances and make some plans. I've been wanting to do that for years. So yay!
I finished Cathe's Feb. rotation last week and I want to do a Beachbody program next. If I can get the streaming to work that is! I also have a long weekend planned with a girlfriend for hiking and wine tasting in a couple of weeks. Can't wait for that, I don't get much hiking in these days. I don't even care about the wine tasting really.
I have written your ears off enough fit babes, I will let you go now. Have an awesome and healthy week! Tracy