Mary, I need a hair refresh as well. I think your niece is super lucky to have you, as are your kids, of course! You guys seems to work well as a family unit, complement each other, if that makes sense. You forgot to say your workouts, ha ha, I know you keep up with them.
Lisa, I think with your sis problems, you would have been over your head if you also had a troubled nephew living with you, it can be hard to say no though. I hope you can continue to fine restoration and peace within your own home. Do you guys still have all of your extra bikes? You should save one Ebike in case I can visit and ride with you. I used Strava yesterday, 8 mph! To me, I was hauling ass
Ronne, head clearing in the outdoors sounds fabulous and probably goes perfect with yoga days. Well done on finding some new clothes. I am tempted to get rid of EVERYTHING that doesn't currently fit or haven't worn. That would be almost all of my stuff. Just start over...I'd never miss it. I should do that all over my home, tbh.
Yesterday I did some weights via FS one set of Push and one set of Pull. Woop!
Bike at Riverbend- I timed myself putting rack on car and loading bike. It took 20 min cos I can't remember which strap goes where, but the bike loads easily and intuitively and seems secure, so that is good. I'm happy with my purchase. Bike shop spent a lot of time giving me tips on a high seat position, stepping off and starting off from pedals, not from seat and I've been doing that, I think its good for my knees. I wouldn't have made those adjustments on my own, but I can't cheat it using a men's bike with high seat.
Work- off for a few days, woop! Need to do taxes and shop car insurance/change agencies.
Family- DD Jilly bought a 2018 Corolla, pd cash! That was an annoying typical experience with dealership. Now she's sick with flu or something fever 103 yesterday

Animals - cat to vet but is OK ($480), new squirrel youths in palm ( watched one fall 18 ft or so from tip of palm frond to ground) and lots of birds at feeders.
BBL to update with today's Cathe