Hi! Lots to catch up!
Ronne, enjoy DD! Thanks for that link about health care reactions. Re colonoscopy, the 4K I pointed out is what the various parties billed, they were reimbursed significantly less by my insurance- which kicked in because it was a recommended screening. My actual cost was supposed to be zero, but one physician pre billed me. Our system is complicated and I have many many thoughts! In general, I think we spend a lot of money prolonging death.
Lisa, woo hoo! So happy for your Peleton! LOL, my bro got me a Roomba in part for keeping an eye on mom. I love that thing! She's had a back log of dust; she's spent 11 hours vacuuming my upstairs carpets. Its amazing!
Mary, how was the Costco run? I've been off a lot and not going in extra. Starting Xmas onward we will be on no more PDO allowed so screw it, I'm getting my time in while I can.
Tracy, do you have time off for holiday?
Workout wise I've been doing LIC BM2 parts and premixes. I should have gone outside today but it was overcast and cool. Now at 540 pm it is also dark. I'm definitely motivated by sunshine and demotivated by cool and gloom. I should check the mail for my new workouts! Merry Christmas to all, though I will likely be back before then. What will 2020 thread be called? You know in Feb we will have 2:20 on 2/20/2020 and military time 20:20 2/20/2020.
PSS LOVE THE ZENNI's!! All three pair of glasses fit and look nice, no adjustments needed and I'm happy with the look. My strongest pair weighs the least and the lenses are quite thin. I just followed the prompts when I ordered them. Again, 3 pr of rx glasses for about 155!
And, I saw new Star Wars last evening. I got a Padawan braid for the occasion, yes I am a geek, thank you very much.