Basic Premixes
Warm Up + Back + Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Biceps + Bonus Abs + Stretch Time: 59:52
Timesaver Premixes
Timesaver#1 Double Back: Warm Up + Back + Back + Stretch Time: 29:26
Timesaver #2 Triple Back: Warm Up + Back + Back + Back+ Stretch Time: 40:15
Timesaver #3 Double Chest: Warm Up + Chest + Chest + Stretch Time: 16:07
Timesaver #4 Triple Chest: Warm Up + Chest + Chest + Chest +Stretch Time: 20:27
Timesaver #5 Double Triceps: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Stretch Time: 23:13
Timesaver #6 Triple Triceps: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Triceps + Stretch Time: 30:39
Timesaver #7 Double Shoulders: Warm Up + Shoulders + Shoulders + Stretch Time: 23:24
Timesaver #8 Triple Shoulders: Warm Up + Shoulders + Shoulders + Shoulders + Stretch Time: 31:10
Timesaver #9 Double Biceps: Warm Up + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch Time: 21:06
Timesaver #10 Triple Biceps: Warm Up + Biceps + Biceps + Biceps +Stretch Time: 27:39
Timesaver #11 Back & Chest: Warm Up + Back + Back + Chest + Chest +Stretch Time: 38:07
Timesaver #12 Tri’s and Bi’s: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Biceps + Biceps +Stretch Time: 36:54
Mish Moshes
Scrambled (Push Pull): Warm Up + Chest + Back + Triceps + Biceps + Shoulders + Stretch Time: 46:40
Extreme #1 (Double it): Warm Up + Back + Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Biceps + Back + Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Biceps + Stretch Time: 83:36
Extreme #2 (Double Each Round): Warm Up + Back + Back + Chest + Chest + Triceps + Triceps + Shoulders + Shoulders + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch Time: 83:36
Extreme #3 ( Includes 2 Rounds of Bonus Abs mixed in with the main workout rounds) Time: 59:32
*You can pre-order Strong and Sweaty and Cycle Sweat or learn more at: http://bit.ly/2b6wLrn Act Now! Current Pre-Sale Prices End Nov 30th
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