Janie Great job on S&H triceps and biceps!
Cheryl Great job on 30/30 and NE abs and all of your power washing. Glad to hear you are getting new windows! It sounds great sitting outside having a beer with the neighbors!
Julie Great job on LMCB, sorry to hear that you thigh was giving you trouble, but I'm glad to hear that you were able to work it out. It sounds like you didn't get injured, so happy about that! I did get major DOMS from my disc 7 workout and it didn't help that I had a 4 hour car ride ugh!
Janie Great job on S&H legs! That whole series is tough!
Cheryl Great job on RK and your house work. i hope you did sleep well that night!
Julie Great job on LBB!
Janie Good for you for taking off your birthday. I hope you had an absolutely fantastic day!! It sounds like you had some nice plans and you are so right, being 65 (or in my case 55) is definitely a privilege!
Cheryl Great job on Step Moves. I hope you had a great weekend too.
Janie Great job on your 2 mile walk. Awww, thanks so much for the birthday song, I could almost hear you singing it!
Cheryl Great job on BC AND remembering what your Saturday workout was!

Fort Langley sounds like a lovely place and it sounds like a nice day.
Julie Great job on Total Body tone up, it sounds like one I would like. Great job on doing all that stuff that you had been putting off too, that is a great feeling! Great job on your Sunday double shot too! So nice that you had a blast. The live workouts sound like a lot of fun, almost like you are there in the room with her! It's also nice to hear that Cathe is human!
Janie I hope you enjoy your travels, touch base when you can!
Thursday morning I did a quick workout since we were hitting the road to Charleston. I did 30/30 and then we drove to Charleston. We had a really nice time there and I didn't do any workouts! We did walk around quite a bit on Friday and had some great meals! The wedding Friday night was outside on a plantation and was just beautiful. We were going to stay until Sunday, but because I had to fly to San Francisco for business on Sunday we came home Saturday instead. I didn't do a workout on Sunday either, even though I should have! I went to the hotel gym this morning and did an hour on the elliptical (5 miles), then did a few weights. I'm not sure if I'll make it to the gym every morning or not, but we will see! Have a great day!