Strength in Numbers

Julie Good job on Power Hour. It isn't one of my favorites due to all of leg work. Good job on MMA Boxing and Muscle Endurance too. You guys have gotten a lot of snow back there. Hopefully it wasn't too hard commuting to work. It is almost Spring here I am waiting for the Cherry Blossoms to bloom.

Penguin Not nice that your DH didn't get home until late. Well at least work gave him a day off instead of making him come in. I hope you enjoyed your time with April in the park. Good work on Athletic Training. The firewalker bands always make me feel like a penguin :D.

Janie Good work on Low Impact Circuit. That is a great workout. Yep Spring is just around the corner. Good work on Cardio Supersets too. That is a fun workout that goes by really fast.

Monday I woke up at 1am and couldn't get back to sleep :mad:. I was hoping that I might have some energy after work but all I wanted to do was to go to bed. Last night I got a good sleep and got up early and did Cardio Supersets. Also today when I went out for my lunch time walk I went to a store to browse. Well what did I find but a pair of Cathe's weighted gloves. I was very happy since I wanted them and they are no longer on her website. I was surprised since her stuff isn't sold up here :confused:. Also my brother got me to sign up for the Spartan Sprint on June 1st. It is a 5km obstacle race. I am crazy!!!!! Below is the link to it.

This morning I did a new yoga video. It was Yoga Foundations by Travis Eliot. I have heard good things about him so I thought I would give it a try. The DVD has three workouts on it and I did the first one. It wasn’t bad but I didn’t feel as relaxed as I do with Yoga Relax. I’m going to keep going with it and see if I get more comfortable and then progress to the 2nd and 3rd workouts.

Penguin Great job on Athletic Training! Hehe! Makes it feel like Cathe is talking to you doesn’t it! Glad your hubby could get the car fixed. Hope you get all your errands done tonight.

Janie Great job on Superset! Yes the weather has been kooky here lately. The snow last night was big, wet flakes so I had hoped they wouldn’t blow all over the roads but no such luck. Last night and this morning was the roads were snow packed and slow going. I’m the same way with focusing so much on what I am doing I tend to tune out the music. Step cardio may be the exception but only after I have learned the routine can I let myself listen the music.

Cheryl Sorry about the no sleep the other night. Glad to see you got a much better night last night. Great job on Cardio Supersets! What an amazing find! Is it the 1 pound or the 2 pound gloves? They will come in so handy. Oh boy you are crazy but in a good way. I bet you will have a great time at the Spartan Spring. I can’t wait to hear about it. I was telling Janie how the snow was not the nice kind. It made the commute last night and this morning pretty slow going.

Have a great day!
Tonight was only 25 min. of Legs and Glutes. Felt like I was pulling on a leg muscle too much, so decided to keep it safe and stopped. Tomorrow is another day. I truly don't want to be injured. Plus I'm doing better on my weight lifting for my right arm. Instead of only 3 pounds doing bicep exercises, now it is 5 pounds. Took awhile to get there and looking forward to lifting heavier still. Someone told my slow and steady wins the race. Or something like that. I believe it.

Cheryl, Oh no! More insomnia. You poor thing. I don't blame you for going to bed early, I would too. Glad I read you having a better night and did Cardio Supersets. OOOOO, don't you love shopping and finding Cathe's weighted gloves? I'm waiting for another turbo barre. Come June sounds like a very fun obstacle race. You are not crazy. I'm looking around our area seeing if I can do a run or walk 5K during the better weather months.

Julie, Great job on Yoga Foundations by Travis Eliot. Will have to look that one up. Take care of yourself in that snow and be safe and warm. OK?

Take care,

This morning I did Hardstrkes for the first time. It was fun. I liked it better than I thought I would even with the situp/pushup combo at the end. This time it is only 6 rounds of 5 each rather than 8 rounds but I still slowed Cathe down on the DVD player. I definitely need to practice those bear crawl presses. I felt very off balance like I was going to fall on my head.

Janie Great job on your Legs & Glutes express and listening to your body and stopping before you injured yourself! Congrats on the increase in biceps curls too! I know you have been struggling with elbow issues for so long it is nice to see the progress. You are right that slow & steady wins the race. I always tell myself to be the tortoise not the hare.

Have a great day!
I spent the morning chasing kids at Bible Study. Then did 3 miles with Leslie.

Hubby came home sick yesterday and went straight to bed so no woekout for me.

We are planning a day trip this weekend down to Pontotoc, MS to put flowers on the graves of Hubby's Gma and GreatGma.
Today was HC Low Max premix 1-4. Had to, not ready for the full 70 min. LOL

Julie, Great job on HS. I enjoy that one too. Love the idea you can slow Cathe down. LOL Oh! I love those bear crawls. So much fun. I do mine very slowly compared to everyone else. I'm being more of a slug than a hare though. LOL:D

Penquin, Great job chasing kids and doing a 3 miler with Leslie.

Take care,

Today was Muscle Max. Did a timesaver premix. 54 min. Using the 5# dumbells for biceps I had to stop short a little bit. It's getting better though. At least I'm completely done with the 3 #'s. Man, do I have a long way to go. I remember using 30+ #'s, but then again that's how I got tennis elbow in the first place. Learned a lot from this injury. I am so listening to my body.

Penquin, Great job on planning weights and for cleanmax. LOL

Julie Good job on your yoga video. Sometimes it takes a while to get used to a different style of workout. The gloves that I found were the two pound ones. I wanted them for a while. I hate the wet and slushy kind of snow, that is what we usually get. I hope your commuting gets better.

Janie Good that you listened to your body and cut the workout short. You don't want to injure yourself. I agree that slow and steady wins the race eventually you will be at 8 pounds for your bicep curls.

Julie Good job on Hardstrikes. I like this workout but the situp/pushup combos get me every time. The bear crawls sure do take practice. I like them but like you I feel a bit off balance.

Penguin Good job with chasing the kids at bible study, that is a workout in itself and your three miles with Leslie. I hope hubby is feeling better.

Janie Good job on HC Low Max 1-4. Don't worry that you're not ready for the full workout you will get there.

I got a bit behind again. There were a couple of days where I didn't get onto the computer. So for workouts Wednesday I did Legs and Glutes, Thursday was Low Max and today was Hardstrikes. I used my weighted gloves for Hardstrikes, I just used 1 pound though and it felt great. I think I will do that for all of my kickboxing workouts. After that it was housework and laundry and some running around.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Today Rolly and I went for a stroll for 20 min.

Tonight was Afterburn; Express Intervals 1-5. YOOZIE! I modified! Did the whole thing, was so proud. 34 min. This must be a Hiit workout. Guess what, I've started losing weight. I'm now 7.9 pounds over my goal. LOL

Cheryl, Great job on Wed; Legs and Glutes, Thurs. LM and today's HS. Love the idea of using the weighted gloves for kickboxing workouts. Also great job on cleanmax.

Take care,

So Thursday I decided to get sick. Well, I guess I didn’t decide to but I did. I had an enormous head cold that made me stay home from work Friday and not be able to work out Friday or Saturday. I am feeling a little better today but am still a little stuffy and have a sore throat with a slight cough. I wanted to do something so I did Push/Pull. I had High Reps on the calendar but that would have been too intense. Push/Pull was just right.

Penguin Great job on your workout chasing the kiddies and then tacking on 3 miles with Leslie! Poor hubby! I feel for him. I hope he gets better soon. Hope you got your house cleaning and weights in. I definitely did not do any housework this weekend. I did do grocery shopping because you gotta have food and I did do laundry because I need clean clothes but that was it. The rest of the house can stay filthy for now at least.

Janie Great job on LM! Doing what you can is great! I go slower on the bear crawls too. I think I try to push myself up to much. Cathe stays in a semi squat and I was trying to stand up completely. Definitely need to work on those. Great job on MM! I’m so proud of you for listening to your body and stopping early with the biceps curls! Great job on your walk with Rolly and then AB! I think AB is definitely HiiT-like. Yea on the weight loss! It is nice seeing results.

Cheryl Great job on Legs & GLutes, Low Max, and Hardstrikes! I bet the 1 pound gloves really added to the workout. Maybe when I am feeling better I will give that a go. Great job on cleanmax, laundry, and errands. I’m hoping we are done with the snow. Yesterday the high was close to 50 so a lot of the snow melted. Hopefully, this is the start of an early Spring.

Have a great day!
Janie Good work on your walk with Rolly and Afterburn Express. I bet it would have been a Hiit type workout. So nice that you are starting to lose weight again. That is such a good feeling, you are almost at your goal.

Julie That sucks that you got sick. But Push/Pull is a good one to get back into working out. It isn't too intense. I know my throat is feeling funny today but I am hoping that it will go away. I hope all of your snow goes away soon and Spring starts soon for you.

Today was yoga and the instructor is really good. She added in some pretty hard core exercises too I was sweating at the end.

Have a great day everyone.

We had a nice weekend spent together. We went down to MS of Sat then spent Sun shopping and running errands. Hubby needs some new sneakers but he's very particular, nothing too trendy or expensive. He's worse than me.

Good news on the homefront. His work changed their minds {new CEO} and he was offered a different job to start in May when his old job ends so we are happy!! But since they keep changing their minds, I'm trying not to get too excited. One issue is the new job is second shift 2-midnight. We aren't thrilled but we can see some advantages to spending more daylight together {such as we can get up and exercise}, Hubby usually stays up til midnight anyway.

I baked 5 big chicken breasts last night, we split one {with veggies}, and I froze some and put the rest in the fridge for later this week. We are doing better with trying to cut back on portions.
I did Xtrain Cardio Legs for the first time and it wiped me out. I'm planning on sitting for a while, but it was fun. Alternating cardio blasts with strength moves, with a Lot of different exercises so I didn't get bored; and I didn't feel squatted or lunged to death.
Today was Low Impact Step. I forgot about this one. For sure and oldie but a goodie. Then STS Ab Circuits Stability Ball Abs. I only did about 8 min. of it then my tummy cramped up. like a Charlie horse, then felt it relaxed. Thought it was time to stop. Will do better on those next time.

Julie, Oh no! Sure hope you get better soon with the head cold. YUCK! Great job on Push/Pull.

Cheryl, Great job on yoga and with the core exercises too.

Penquin, Glad you had a nice weekend with hubby, shopping and running errands. I'm glad for you good news about starting another job when his old job ends. Lets hope they stay true. Great job on XTrain Cardio Legs. Yep, that one is challenging. Love the way to prepare for your meals.

Take care,

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Yesterday I did get in Intensity. I was feeling good enough to give it a go but I did have to pause and rest a few times and I doubt I gave it the high intensity it is meant to have. After that, I had to drop Maggie off at the vet to get a tooth removed. Poor girl! Anyway, my day was so packed I didn’t even have time to post. This morning I did High Step Challenge and now have a challenging day ahead of meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Oh and trying to get work done sometime too.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! Most of the snow has melted because the temps over the weekend was in the upper 40s with lots of rain. We have flooded fields and some of the streets that sit lower are flooded as well. Luckily our sump pump has been working fine and we have not had any problems. I hope your sore throat doesn’t turn into something.

Penguin Great job on CLB from XTrain! I like that one a lot as well. I like it better than the plyo legs from STS. Sounds like you had a good but productive weekend. That is great news about the job. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts to make sure this time the job sticks and they don’t change their minds again. 2nd shift can be hard but I think it was harder when my DH worked 3rd shift. I had to get used to sleeping without him being home which was hard at first. Great job on the food front too!

Janie Great job on LIS!! Plus adding on stability ball ab circuits!! That is a tough one for sure. I am not a fan of core work to begin with so I usually find an excuse to skip it or intentionally leave it out of my homemade rotations.

Pam Hope you had a good flight back home and are getting adjusted. What a bad weekend to travel back East with the time change and all.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies, I am finally home. I was going to try to respond to all of the posts that I missed, but I missed so many that isn't going to work! You have all been doing great with your workouts though. Janie I love your Abel, I bet he does too! Penguin So happy to hear about your DHs job! That is great news. Julie Sorry to hear about your cold, but you must be feeling better if you could do Intensity!!Cheryl WOW, I guess things are expensive there if they are twice Vegas prices. I think the prices there are crazy!

I was sooo happy to get home, it was such a long week! I got home on Saturday night and went right from the airport to a party. Then on Sunday my girlfriend had invited me for a girls day of shopping, lunch and visiting the Duke Gardens. Her friend that we ski with in Maine was in town and then we met a couple of other friends too. It was a really nice day and it was in the 70s outside so it was really nice walking around the gardens even though not much is in bloom yet. I planned on sleeping in on Sunday because of the time difference and time change, and I ended up sleeping in on Monday too because I just couldn't make my eyes open! So this morning was my first workout since I got back and I did To The Max. I can't remember what day I posted last week, but I did end up working out every morning except Thursday, so I was happy about that. I did AOLIH, Tabatacise twice, and Hiit 40/20. I was hoping that the floors are nice and thick in the hotel so that the people below me wouldn't be upset with the jumping. I never got a call or a knock on the door about it, so hopefully there was no issue! I was kind've happy that the time change happened on the same weekend that I came home, since this way I only have to deal with adjusting once instead of twice. OK, now I need to get some work done! Have a great day ladies!

Penguin I am happy for your hubby that he has a new job to go to. Hopefully they don't change their minds. XT Cardio Legs does wipe you out. I remember the first time I did it and I had to modify a bit to get through it.

Janie Good job on Low Impact Step and the Stability Ball Abs. Too bad that your tummy cramped up while doing the ab work but you will get it next time.

Julie Good job on Intensity, don't worry that you had to pause a couple of times. Poor Maggie I hope she is doing well. Not fun to have a tooth removed. Good work on High Step Challenge too.

Pam Welcome back!!!! Wow from the airport to a party then to shopping, lunch and visiting Duke Gardens. No wonder you slept in for a couple of days. Good job on To The Max and all your workouts in Vegas.

Well the hour time change kicked my butt again :mad:. It is so irritating that it does me in like this. Sunday I didn't do much besides yoga and Monday I could hardly get out of bed. I struggled through work and then just wanted to go to bed as soon as I came home. Same for today. I think I am going to take tomorrow off from working out too and hopefully I will be able to do something on Thursday.

Have a great day everyone.


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