Strength in Numbers

Last night DH was feeling better when I got home so we did Shoulders & Arms. It was a decent workout but I think next time I will need to go heavier in order to feel it. DH made it 3/5 of the way through and then walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I talked to DH about my working out in the mornings and being there more as a “personal trainer” at night. I don’t think he liked the idea. We compromised on him making sure he is watching and listening to me rather than Tony because Tony does not mirror cue and his constant chatter confuses DH plus DH will stop when he is ready and will either do some treadmill or stretching while I finish the program. He has agreed to not do Plyometrics for a while and will stick to the treadmill while I do a Cathe HiiT or Imax.

Janie Great job on the Wedding Video! That is great that you could add a riser under the step. Even for most of it is really a big step (hehe pun intended) on getting you closer to your goals. I think DH and I have a plan but we will play it by ear over the rest of this week and next. I feel bad because he thinks P90X is really intense but I haven’t found it to be so. Of course, some of it could be due to my not being able to put my full effort into it yet. Thanks for the support.

Eunice Great job on disc 27! You’re too funny calling your arms little buggers! It is always nice to have DOMS in your triceps and shoulders though. Great job on LIC and nailing it! That is really awesome. You are a crazy woman tacking on 100 walking lunges, squats and core work. I’m impressed with your drive. That is a bummer about the wedding and how much longer you have to stay. I hope you can get that changed so you can go to the wedding. I know you have been looking forward to it. Hope your headache goes away.

Have a great day!
Hey ladies! I'll do a full check in when we get back, but having a great time here so far. Saw a friend from high school for a drink last night and then had a great dinner. Tonight is the show, can't wait for that!
Julie I just wanted to say you aren't selfish to want to get your own workout in at all. What about doing your workout in the morning and then still working out in the evening with DH but modifying the intensity to a level that is appropriate for him. I was wondering if his headaches are because if the exercise and diet since it's a big change for his body. How is the diet part coming for him?

I hope everyone is doing well. Glad you got your painting done, it sounds like you had a really nice time at the beach. Talk to you soon ladies!

Did 30 min. on the treadmill at 3.6.

Eunice, Great job on disc 27, I'm proud of your DOM's. Also great job on LIC Challenge completely. Yea, congratulations! Also for the 100 walking lunges and squats and core workout. Wow! You certainly had energy!:) Good for you.

Julie, You are so funny. LOve your joke "A big Step". LOL;) It's hard working out with a person that is not as far ahead as you. I know, but you got to do it anyway. Encourage him and if you want to be his spotter or PT, that's good too. That would be so cool! But do your workout before or after that. I'm really glad he's exercising. I have to take my hat off for him. Encourage and then encourage him again.

Pam, So glad you are having a great time. It sounds lovely.

Cheryl, How ya doing sweetie?

Take care ladies,

Julie Good job Julie and good job to your DH for making it that far of the workout, see, slowly his making progress his going to do so good that next time you look around you'll see him doing that and more. Whatever you guys decided its fine the good thing is that you are being there with him and for him latter when we gets more confident maybe he will let you do your own thing.;) It is nice to have DOMS on places that I never thought I would you know triceps are very tricky to hit, but I'm glad I did it this time. Tell me about it I'm still very sad about not being able to come to Mexico that stinks.

Pam Hello miss mini vacation have fun. What kind of show are you going? is the one you were talking about? I would say take lots of pictures:D

JanieGood job doing the treadmill, I bet you got a good sweat. I'm alone now since every one is gone to school and work, so I can dedicate as much time as I want to my workout. I'm trying to keep the house in order so if I don't spend my time working out I kind of just hang around doing NOT much. :confused: Well I cannot complain about it.

Today I did Cardio super sets, it was a good one easy for the last day of work, since we are repeating a lot of the dvd's maybe next week I will subb for intensity or CCC I miss those workouts.
Well not much over here Saturday is almost over, see you guys latter... and have a great weekend you all.:D:D:D
Well I got a computer virus and it wiped out all of my data :mad:. I have no idea how I got it but anyway I have it fixed and I can get back checking in.

Eunice A few people have said that their knees hurt more with S&G. You would think since it is low impact that their shouldn't be problems with your knees. Wow Sam must be a pretty big boy if he is bigger than you in the car :eek:. Ha Ha you got those little buggers good did ya. Good job on doing LIC all the way through. You did have a lot of energy to tack on walking lunges, squats and core work. Too bad about the wedding, maybe DH can get the date changed and you can go back earlier.

Julie Glad to hear that your DH was feeling better. Why doesn't your DH want you to workout in the morning? I think that would be a good compromise so you can be his PT in the evenings.

Pam I must have missed it.....what show are you going to?

Janie Good job on your treadmill workout.

Well I missed my yoga on Friday :confused:. I forgot to set my alarm to go off earlier in the morning and then with my computer problems I didn't get a chance to do it last night. I did do the step portion of the Wedding Video this morning. It was a pretty good sweat fest.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Well it was another super busy weekend. I don’t think I got a chance to sit down and relax until after 4 Sunday afternoon. Friday night, DH and I did Legs & Back. Let’s just say it wasn’t Cathe’s legs workout. :rolleyes: First, I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of doing more pullups and on leg day especially. I would have rather just focused on legs. One exercise I thought was missing was deadlifts. So instead of doing the last two sets of pullups, I did a set of wide and a set of stiff legged deadlifts. That helped the workout feel complete. :D DH did half of the workout and then walked on the treadmill until I was done. Saturday, we had a vet appointment for both dogs, did lots of grocery shopping and then came home and cleaned like crazy. At 5:30, we finally got a chance to try and workout. DH and I tried Kenpo X but he was having trouble following Tony so we turned off the DVD and just followed the book. DH discovered he is not a fan of kickboxing. :( So we decided that we would only do the weight work of P90X on MWF and instead of following the DVD, we will just follow the book. DH gets frustrated that he can’t keep up with the DVD so this will be better. Tuesdays DH will walk on the treadmill and I will do a HiiT workout, Thursdays and Saturdays will be a Cathe cardio for me and DH will walk on the treadmill one of the days and the other take a rest day. We’ll see how this plan goes this week. Sunday was a day spent full of cooking and getting meals ready for this week. Tonight will be Chest & Back for DH and I. Sorry for the long rant.

Janie Great job on the treadmill! I think DH and I finally got a plan down that will help us both reach our goals. I will get to go forward on the cardio at my own level since DH is just beginning and on weight days, we will go at our own pace which will allow us to pay attention to our form and lift properly. Thanks for the encouragement for both of us. It is hard but I really need to be there for him on this.

Eunice Great job on CSS! Yep that one is a slightly easier one compared to Cathe’s regular killers. I miss Intensity too. I’m not sure I miss CCC. Maybe I miss all of it but round 4. That one kills me every time. Thanks for being supportive of DH and I. We are working on getting our groove down and hopefully have something now.

Cheryl Great job on the WV step portion! I haven’t done that one yet but I might try it sometime soon since I will get to do my own cardio thing. That stinks about the computer virus. Those things come out of nowhere but at least you got it fixed. I think DH’s reasoning for not wanting me to workout in the mornings is because I kept complaining about wanting to workout with him and he doesn’t see me standing there coaching him as working out. Not a huge deal. Yes, I prefer working out in the morning but I really need to be there for him right now and maybe eventually he will be ok to go on his own.

Pam Hope you had a wonderful mini-vacation. Catch up with us when you can!

Have a great day!
cheryl I did no shopping at all in NYC, DH really isn't much of a shopper. The closest we came was walking into a Swarsky crystal store because I saw a necklace in the window that looked cute.
Great job on YM.

Janie How wonderful that the bathroom is painted, congrats, how does it look? Don't worry about only losing a 1/4 pound, as you said, at least you didn't gain, and you can't expect big losses all the time. Hang in there, you are doing great!

Julie I just want to say that what you are doing for your DH is awesome. I love the new plan that you have worked out and hopefully it will work well for both of you.

Jane Great job on the wedding video! I tried to do it the other day but it wouldn't play in my DVD player :( It works in my computer though so going to copy it over to our network hardrive and then I can play it from the PS3. Isn't technology great! Great job on using a riser too! Don't worry about having to take it off near the end, you've made great progress!

Eunice Junk food or something got me again last night :confused: My stomach was really upset again. Probably because we stopped for burgers and fries for lunch on our way home from the airport :rolleyes: Feeling good now though! I love dogs, I wish we could have one, but with as much as we are away we don't think it's fair to a dog. I love hearing your stories about Sam though!
Great job on disc 27 and getting those buggers good! :D congratulations on getting through LIC too, that is great! It's so much nicer when you aren't frustrated and can really enjoy the workout! Wow, walking lungest, squat and core too, you go! Awwwwwwww, so sorry to hear that you aren't coming back in time for the wedding :( Keeping my fingers crossed for you that DH is able to get the date changed.

Julie Glad to hear your DH was feeling better, and that you got a good workout in for shoulders and arms.

Janie Great job on 30 mins on the treadmill!

Eunice we had a great mini-vacation. As usual, we didn't take many pictures, but we'll get around to posting the ones that we did take at some point here. We went to the Broadway show Book of Mormon. OMG it was so funny!
Great job on CSS, Ha, I saw CCC this morning when I was grabbing my workout and was thinking I hadn't done it in awhile but DON'T miss it! ;):p

Cheryl Sorry about your computer virus, how annoying! I hope you have recovered the important stuff!
The show we saw was Book of Mormon - very very funny! Good job on the wedding video step portion, sorry you missed your Friday yoga but these things happen sometimes.

Julie You did have quite the busy weekend. I'm anxious to hear how your new plan works out for both of you, it sounds like you have come to a great compromise!

Thursday morning I did Power Max. That is an oldie but a goodie. After that I just packed and we headed to the airport. We didn't do too much on Thursday once we got to New York. Just walked around a little bit, went to a wine store to get some wine for the room (or course!) and then met my friend from High School for a drink. That was so much fun that DH decided to call one of his high school friends who lives there now, but he was out of town for the weekend. We had the most amazing dinner at Gramercy Tavern that night, but we were both so tired by the end of dinner that we were glad to get back and sleep. Friday was just walking around all day, we spent the day walking what is called the high line. They took an old elevated railroad track and made it into this really nice park. We also went and saw the Freedom tower and had lunch at Katz's deli. That is where the famous scene from When Harry Met sally was filmed. Friday night was the play. OMG, I don't know if any of you watch South Park at all, but it was written by the South Park creators. It is SO totally offensive but just hilarious. Those guys will make fun of anything. It's won something like 9 grammy awards though. Saturday was cold and little snowy so we spent the day at the Natural History museum. My friend works in marketing there and gave us free tickets. Then we went to this really cool place called Eataly. It's a big combination market/restaurant type place but it has all different restaurants in it. Sunday we just got up and headed to the airport to come home. This morning I started Cathe's Feb rotation with BM2. I haven't done the upper body part yet though, so I'm going to try to get that in later. Have a great day everyone!
Today was the Wedding video. I used the risers making the step up 8". It was truly a sweat fest for me. Loved it!

Eunice, Great job on Cardio Super sets. You are so good with your workouts. Very proud of you.

Cheryl, So sorry about the computer vires. They are so nasty! Glad everything is OK now. Don't you just love Cathe's cueing on the Wedding Video? Good job!

Julie, Great job on your hubby and you for Friday's legs and back. So glad you are tweaking your workouts to fit your styles. Cleaning your house makes me think I need to do the same here. Well starting tomorrow will put a dent in that situation. It needs it. Tell your DH that it takes time for the body to get use to exercising. He'll eventually get better at and see a wonderful body in the process. It's not a long rant. I love reading what is happening in your lives. Encouraging your honey is very important. Mine has his motivation now, and I remember when he first started out, that he needed me for the beginning of his program too. Have fun you two!

Pam, Great job on PM. Yes, I love that one as well. NYC sounds like what I expected it to be. Something for everyone and always busy trying to do a lot of things. Sounds like you guys enjoyed your stay there. Great job on BM2 this morning. One day I would like to go back there and stay a little longer to enjoy more of what NY has to offer.

Take care everyone,

Cheryl Sorry about your computer, I hope you didn't lost any important stuff, you know pictures, or else. I didn't know that some people had said that about S&G I was thinking that too, it supposed to be good and gentle to my knees not make them hurt. Bummer about missing yoga on last weekend oh well there is more days to come and you will have the chance to get it done. Love the wedding video too, good job!!

JulieOMG Julie, you did had a busy weekend:confused: I can understand your point of view on P90X when I did it I thought the same as your DH it was hard :eek: but after getting to know about Cathe I had never ever going back to Tony, I guess it was good for a beginner but not for a Hard-core Cathlete like us:D hahaha!!! I like your new plan I think that is a good idea for you guys your DH is going to get conditioned and you are going to get your Cathe fix.:D Poor little girl I hope you get to rest or at least to relax a bit during the week. Enjoy chest/back you can always add some of Cathe moves at the end..... Your welcome!!!!

PamSo, did you bought that cute necklace?:DBe careful not to eat that much junk food:p I know you do good Pam, but not your belly!! I'm so glad you are back!!! I was counting the days till we get back but now, I'm so mad :mad: I hope DH can do something about the final date... I know what you mean about having dogs and if you travel a lot like you do, I don't think is a good idea. I will keep you inform about our adventures now we went back to walk in the mornings he just love to be outside. The other day I was poking DH and told him, "I don't know why? but, when we are walking people look at me, I don't know if that is because Sam is sooo cute or because of me"? he just did Huh! it better is because of Sam!!:D I don't get those shows south park. I'm glad you did have fun, hopefully I get to see some of your pictures. I think we should set a date and all of us should do CCC, just because none of you guys missed it.:D:eek:
Good job doing Power Max, I love that one too. and for doing this morning BM2 too, It does sound like you did had a blast, and great places to eat yummy!!! good for you!!!! So you are going to do February rotation, good girl.

Janie Good job doing Wedding video and awesome job using the risers. I love the sweat feast.

Today it was so hot that when I finished my workout I was dripping and my clothes felt so gross, :eek::eek: Yesterday I did disc 1 chest/biceps/shoulders and today I did disc 6 legs and core from ab circuit I did weight and plates I haven't done that one in so long so it was pretty tough, spatially the plates I did only half of each set:eek: my shoulders were burning instead of my core.... weird!!!
Have a great day everyone.:D
Janie Great job on the wedding video and on 8 " Wow! You go ahead! I rarely do higher than 6 inches anymore, that is awesome!
Oh yes, NYC is quite the place. I might be going back for a girl's weekend later this year sometime because one of my other high school friends was jealous when Connie and I were together :p :rolleyes:

Eunice No, I didn't buy the necklace, but you know, it's never too late since you can buy everything online these days ;)Yes, I will have to keep getting my doggie fixes from you and Janie and Julie. Our cats get mad when we leave, but they can handle it much better than a dog. As long as someone comes over and gives them treats every day they are ok :rolleyes: Oh I think it is definitely YOU that people are checking out on your walks. Tell that DH he better stay in line! :p I checked my workout manager and CCC is on the calendar for Friday! Are you in?! Will Janie, Cheryl, and Julie join in our pain??!
Great job on disc 1 and disc 6. I saw them both on FB and wondered if you have done them both the same day, so glad to see that it was 2 days worth! OMG, I haven't done W&P abs in a long time, it is such a killer!

This morning was Cycle Max for me. The last segment kicked my butt! But it was all good. And i was finding little valentine's all over the house. DH left one on my step, one in my tea container, one in the cat treats container, one in my workout clothes drawer, one in my makeup bag, one under my scale, one in my computer, not sure how long I will be finding these! Some of them had little bags of sweethearts with them, it was very cute. I hope you all have a great day. We are going to dinner and a concert tonight so hopefully I can get up for my workout tomorrow!

Last night DH and I did ½ of Chest and Back. Then DH rested a little while I did a few trisets for more chest work. I think that is the thing I miss the most is doing weighted chest work instead of endless pushups. This morning I am feeling some nice DOMS in my chest that I didn't get from last weeks workout. :eek:

Pam Great job on Power Max before your trip! It also sounds like you got a lot of walking in which is great exercise. How fun to get together with an old friend from high school and catch up. Sounds like you had a wonderfully fabulous weekend trip. Great job on Cycle Max! If I remember, the last segment is those hover squats which I dread. I actually like the scrambled premix a little better because those are done first and I get them out of the way. What a sweetie your husband is to have gone to all that trouble to hide those little valentines everywhere. I don’t think I will be joining you and Eunice on Friday for CCC. Friday is Leg day for DH. But please be thinking of me during round 4! ;)

Janie Great job on the WV! Yea for adding the risers up to 8”. 8” of step height is pretty tough. I’m hoping now that DH and I are separating our cardio out that I can find time to work that video in. Yeah, last weekend only put a dent in our house cleaning. We are going to try and knock the rest of it out this weekend. The dogs also need groomed which hopefully will help with the shedding for one day! :rolleyes:

Eunice Great job on discs 1 & 6 plus ab circuits! Weights & Plates is the toughest and I kind of recall my arms wearing out before my core did on most of the moves. HaHa! We were having the same thoughts on adding Cathe moves at the end. That is exactly what I did last night and by the time I was done I had that wonderful, worn out feeling. :p

Have a great day!
Happy Valentine's Day To You All Too!

I made a huge mistake! I did the WV with 6" instead of 8". Wish I could do that! LOL Today was the treadmill again, for 40 min. at 3.6 with an incline. Tomorrow is STS mesocycle 2 hypertrophy. Yea! I spent one or two more days longer for the active recovery to get the week started where I wanted it to be. Now I'm in sync.

Eunice, Great job on yesterday's disc 1 and today's disc 6 legs and core. Good girl!

Pam, Great job on CM. I can't wait for mine to get all set up. Still will take awhile yet though. O, how cute that your honey would place valentine's all over the place. Very romantic. Enjoy dinner and the concert tonight.

Julie, Great job doing 1/2 chest and back, trisets. Congrats on the DOM's. You are figuring out the sequence of working out and it's great.

Take care everyone,

Julie Wow did you ever have a busy weekend. I am glad that you and DH are figuring out how you want to do your workouts. I found that Tony is not Cathe either and that I didn't find the workouts left me feeling like I got a really good workout in. I have no idea how I got the virus, just all of a sudden my computer started doing some really strange things. Once your DH gets used to working out he may be OK with doing it on his own and you can go back to working out in the mornings again.

Pam Too bad you didn't get in any shopping that would be one of the things I would have to do if I went to NYC. Sounds like you had a good time though. I don't think I have heard of the Book of Mormon, I will have to look it up. I used to watch South Park years ago, you are right that they are totally offensive but it is hilarious. Good job on Power Max and BM2. Your DH is such a sweetheart for leaving all those little surprises around the house. Good job on cycle max too. Ummmm CCC on Friday.......OK I am in!!! I haven't done that one in a long time.

Janie Wow I thought that was awesome doing the WV with an 8" riser. Don't worry 6" is a really good height, that is what I use and it still gives you a good workout but is nicer to your knees.

Eunice Well I did lose some stuff on the computer but there is nothing I can do about it now. Good job on disc 1 and 6 and the weight and plate workout.

Well I don't know where the evening went yesterday but I didn't get a chance to post. So yesterday I did STS disc 1 Chest, shoulders and biceps and today I did the express premix #2 from Turbo Barre.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie Good job doing chest/back that's what I was doing while doing the 12 week program I would add some of Cathe moves and it did always work for me and I can see that is going to work for you too, have a nice DOMS day!:D

Pam That sounds like a plan go online and buy it.. Poor kitties they don't like to be alone, when Sam was a puppy I didn't like to live him alone but now I kind of had people offering to watch over him if we ever needed, I don't think so anymore after dragging that poor lady, that by the way her feet still not 100% fine. I'll have to tell that to DH he better watch up:eek: Ok I'm in for Friday since I was the one bringing it up:p:eek: Oh boy, not 2 dvd's in one day but wait I haven't tell you guys what I did....
Great job doing the Cycle Max, do you have a bike? awesome I so want to do that one too... So sweet of your DH, that's a lot of thought in there surprising you ever step of the day, so sweet! Have fun at the Concert miss having fun every day!:p

JanieOh Janie, that is alright, you did good and that's all it matter. Good job doing the treadmill for 40 min. Enjoy STS tomorrow. Have you done the Cycle Max using the treadmill? I think I heard something like that. I wonder if that is true. I want to try it.

Cheryl Good job doing disc 1 chest/shoulders/biceps and today premix 2 from turbo barre, in what week are you? I was supposed to be in week 4 but I skipped that and I'm doing week 6 I had a plan hehehehe!! Not really but kind of.

Well Sunday I try a new dress that I bought last year and it almost fit me, so DH told me to go to the gym to walk for 2 hours or so, he said that I should do my STS weight workout then do a long slow cardio and just because I'm so obedient I did it on Monday I did upper body weights then I went to the gym and did a long not to slow walking for 1 hour and a half, then Tuesday I did legs and core and you guys just can imagine how sore and tired I'm???? Today I did After Burn and oh men! I don't know if Cathe meant to keep burning FAT after the workout was done or if the muscles were going to be burning for ever!!!!! You know the sensation of burning that you can not even give up anymore. yes, that kind of burning.:confused:
So I had being walking Sam in the morning, doing the workout, and then some tomorrow if I'm alive I have back/triceps then I still thinking about going to the gym to do another long,slow walk... So if I'm not checking is because I went to bed very early.
So I'm just waiting to get a little darker so I can go to bed, today was a long busy day I had to go groceries, put all that stuff away, cook diner, OMG, dead.
SOmething really funny though I think I had being really, really tired that last night I was sleep talking, I over heard my self :p:confused: so funny, so this morning I asked DH if I was talking last night and what I was saying? he say that I was talking spanish, I think is because last night we were talking about me not practicing my spanish because really there is no one here that I can chat in spanish and even when I spoke to my sister I say the wrong words and she make fun of me..:confused: Sorry if it was a little to long...
Have a nice day you guys.
Julie Great job on chest and back and then getting some trisets in. I agree, I like weighted chest work a lot more than endless pushups. I'm glad you have some nice DOMS too! Oh yes, the last segment of Cycle max is the never ending hover squats. And just when you think you're done she won't let you sit down :confused: I think I will have to try the scrambled pre-mix next time, I do like the idea of getting those out of the way early in the workout. We will miss you Friday with CCC. I'll do the 4th round an extra time just for you....ok, maybe not!!! :p I will be thinking of you while I am suffering through it though! Hmmm...I wonder if there is a premix that changes up the order of the segments in CCC too.....??? I will have to look.

Janie Oh no worries about the 6" vs 8". I thought you were some kind of superwoman with the 8"!! Great job on the treadmill and for getting yourself all synced up :) You are going to enjoy your spin bike. Talk about a sweat fest!

Cheryl If we do end up doing a girl's weekend in New York I imagine it will be a big shopping fest! Woo hoo! That makes three of us for CCC on Friday. We can share each others pain! :D I would say that I can't wait, but I think I can :p
Great job on STS disc 1 and TB premix!

Eunice OMG, I can't believe that ladies feet are still bothered by that. Wow, she must have let him drag her for awhile. When we had a dog we had a pet sitter that would come twice a day while we were gone, but he still got really lonely. My mom and/or sister come over and check on the cats when we are gone. They don't get as lonely as the dog did, but you can tell they are happy when we come home. They tend to be on us a lot more. OK, CCC for you me, and Cheryl on Friday. I'll be jealous though because you'll have it over with before we do. :rolleyes: Yes, I've had a spin bike for several years. I used to use it a lot more than I do now, so I'm glad that Cathe has a spin dvd and includes it in some of the rotations now to make me use it.

Wow, great job on upper body, long slow walk, legs and core, and AB miss obedient one! :D I know what you mean about the burning sensation after AB, you really do feel a burn for awhile. For me, it seems like it is mostly in my butt! I HOPE you are still alive!!!!! sleep talking in Spanish, that is really funny! Does your DH understand Spanish? I wonder what you were saying?!

Dinner and the show were both very good last night. It was just Bruce Hornsby and his piano, no band. It was much more mellow than when I have seen him with his band, but really nice. He is just so talented and seems like he really loves what he does. This morning was 40/20. It was nice having a short one to do since we got home late so I got to sleep a little longer. 40/20 felt good, I got a good sweat on. Have a great day ladies!!

Last night I did HiiT 30/30 while DH walked on the treadmill. I don’t know why but last night 30/30 about killed me. I was getting side cramps for the first time since I can’t remember when. I’m not sure if it was because I was tired or not used to working out in the afternoon or what but I’m glad I picked 30/30 instead of 40/20! Of course, I did spend one of my 30 second rest periods chasing Ozzie down to remove DH’s shoe out of his mouth. Yeah, that’s why it was a killer this time! :rolleyes:

Janie Great job on the treadmill with an incline! Not a huge mistake to mistype 8” instead of 6”. It happens. And if you are like me, I always have to count out how tall my step or high step is twice just to make sure I have the right height and risers. Plus 6” is a good height for stepping because it still works the legs great. Yep, the last two nights seemed to go pretty good so far.

Cheryl Great job on disc 1 and TB premix #2! That is exactly how I feel about P90X. They just are not giving me a good workout. I feel like I need to add on to get those good DOMS back. I have a feeling my weekends are going to be busy for a while now that I am cooking up food for DH for the entire week. It makes the weekend a little harder but I like knowing that our meals are all made a proportioned out for the week.

Eunice Great job on Afterburn! That is too funny about the burning but I do know what you mean! Cathe has a way of turning the burn on like no one else I know. Wow you are my super woman hero to be doing so much. You make me feel lazy with all you do, weights plus 1 ½ hours of walking. That is so funny you were speaking Spanish in your sleep. So I take it DH doesn’t know any Spanish I took 4 years of Spanish in high school 16 years ago and don’t remember too much but I remember a little. ? Let’s see if this helps with the Spanish … Eres una super mujer! Hopefully I got that right!

Pam Great job on 40/20! That’s a good thing when you can say 40/20 felt good. I’ll expect those same comments in Friday’s post regarding CCC! That would be nice if there was a premix that put round 4 first for CCC but I don’t think there is a scrambled premix for that one. I guess if you had the download you could make one in the workout blender. Seems like a lot of trouble to go to though. Maybe you could make a version with all round 4s!

Have a great day!
Today was STS disc 13, chest shoulders and tris. Wow! This is so much better than the last 12 discs. I just feel like now I'm getting there. Don't get me wrong, these are harder because you do go into failure. I love that! Also 20 min on the treadmill right after the workout.

Cheryl, Great job on yesterday's STS disc 1 Chest, shoulders & biceps and today's express pre #2 fro TB.

Eunice, I'm going to take your advice one day and use the cycle max on the treadmill. OMG, you are so good at your workouts. You are so much like the energizer bunny. LOL Good for you! Now go rest, you deserve it from what you did today. I've often wondered if you could mix up English and Spanish. I guess you can. LOL YOu are so funny. Talking in your sleep, you must have been very very tired.

Pam, Yes, I'm looking so forward to my spin bike and experiencing Sweat Fest! love piano! Great job on 40/20.

Julie, Great job on Hiit 30/30. Your honey is doing so well. Hmmmm. I wonder too why this workout was so hard this time. It could be not enough sleep, doing it at a different time... It's all good though. Ozzie sound like a character. LOL :D

Take care ladies,

Eunice I am in Week 6 but I am mixing it up a bit. It was suppose to be I think disc 2 Legs but I felt like doing Turbo Barre instead. Looks like we are both in the same week now, so are you going to go back and do week four or are you just going to continue on from where you are? You are obedient aren't you doing what DH says :D. You are working really hard, good for you. Too funny about you sleep talking in Spanish.

Pam New York just seems like the place to shop, maybe one day I will get there and be able to do it. Yep we can share the CCC pain with each other. Both you and Eunice will have finished it before I even get up to do it. I haven't done it in a while and Julie now has me worrying about segment 4 :eek:. Good job on 40/20 after being out late. Bruce Hornsby is a name I haven't heard in a long time.

Julie Good job on 30/30. There could be various reasons why it seemed so much harder last night. You are doing it at a different time and your workouts have changed a bit and maybe it threw you off a bit. And chasing Ozzie when you should be recovering probably didn't help either :D. You are organized to cook all of your meals on the weekend and then you don't have to cook during the week. I wish I was that organized to do that. Not giving me a good workout is one of the reasons I won't do p90X.

Janie Good job on disc 13 chest shoulders and tris and your treadmill workout. Meso 2 and 3 are my favorite ones.

Well today was suppose to be AB but I was missing some of the other workouts so I decided to do Step Moves this morning. I know it isn't as intense as AB but I was missing some of the higher impact workouts.

Have a great day everyone.

Pam Did I say that the lady had to take some antibiotic?:eek: It was ugly. So nice to have your mom or sister to come to feed the kitties I bet they are all over you guys:p Ok, so tomorrow I have CCC already on my calendar don't worry we well have the same pain/fun just in a diff time. I hope when we get back DH gets me a spin bike, I don't think he will want to because he wants to get a power rack. I'm very obedient, isn't? :eek::eek: I do feel it in mu butt and quads for those climbing mountain planks the fast ones, ouch!! that one really hurts a good hurts of course! He does understand some spanish but the whole thing and I'm pretty sure that I sounded more like a drunk person, half word he say that I was saying something about having to clean the 4 corners.:confused: I'm glad you has such a good time last night, I think mellow is good for a calm week day night instead. Good job doing 40/20 by this I'm assuming that your ankle is full recover?

Julie Good job doing 30/30 and DH doing the treadmill, I think if you haven't done it for a while it is going to be a killer one. Oh those 30 sec rest were not a rest if you had to chase Ozzie, that was active recovery hahaha!!!
Don't worry you'll get the hang of Cathe one more time. That is so true Cathe knows the best of how to makes ask for more, I think we all secretly love the pain. No I'm not supper women I'm supper crazy :confused: Well DH understand just a little bit of spanish but he not speak it, you have to practice your spanish girls!!! Yes you got that one right "Tambien soy una mujer bien loca" do you got it?

Janie Good job doing disc 13 chest/shoul/tris I love meso 2 as well she does have so much variety on that meso, failure is good. Also for doing the 20 min on the treadmill, oh boy that paleo diet is giving you a lot of energy, good for you. Thanks Janie you make me smile and I'll take your advise I really, really need to go to bed one more night. Of course you can but it doesn't sound good mixing both languages.

Cheryl Oh we are doing the same mixing things up, I haven't give it a thought if I'm going back to week 4 or just keep moving on, I think I'm just going to keep moving I even think of not taking a rest week, if I did it during the 12 week trainer I can do it now too... Oh yes, I'm so obedient not on everything though DH wish I was. See you on Friday!!:p Good job doing Step Moves I love that one too.

Well today I had a very busy crazy day, I didn't even took my boy for a walk :confused: I had to answer some emails Brandy's school bills stuff, then I did disc 5 back/triceps I got a good burn, I was glad the weight wasn't as heavy as I usually I'm hoping for it was just perfect, because then I had the energy to do the long, slow cardio I did left tight afterwards to the gym I did it for 1:32 I have to count the 2 min as well because it was hard:p:eek: but I did it, then I came back home and cook some of the turkey muffins (meat balls) DH asked me to cook a pot of chili for him only, for lunches and stuff so I did that too, cook dinner with all the crazy stuff after that, I hope I can have a good night because we bought a espresso coffee pot the one you boil on the stove and I had a cup of it.
I will see you guys tomorrow, Pam, Cheryl... CCC is waiting for us.
Have a great day every one.
Julie Great job on hiit 30/30. Isn't it funny how sometimes that one doesn't feel too bad and then other times it just kills you? not sure what it is, but I have been there with you! Too funny that you had to chase Ozzie down for the shoe! How is the sleeping going with Ozzie these days? Is he doing a better job of behaving himself?
HA! I'm not sure I have EVER said that CCC felt good! You are a really funny girl suggesting a version with all round 4's. I think I will do that one right after you do :p Too bad it doesn't have a scrambled pre-mix though. I downloaded the workout blender but I have never used it so far. Have you?

Janie Great job on disc 13! Are you going to joing Cherl, Eunice and me on CCC tomorrow???? :D Great job adding 20 minutes on the treadmill after your weight work too! You have really been doing awesome!

Cheryl I've never really done any shopping in New York. The only times I have been there for non-business purposes have been with DH and since he isn't into shopping I haven't been able to do much. I'm looking forward to us doing CCC 'together' tomorrow. We won't listen to Julie and her helpful suggestions of doing nothing but round 4 :rolleyes: I think I would collapse on the floor if I tried to do that. It seems like your sleep mask is still doing the trick for you, that is so great!
I don't blame you missing some of the higher impact workouts and SM is such a good one. Great job!

Eunice Oh no, I don't think you mentioned the antibiotics before....:confused: yikes! I'm guessing you won't be asking this woman to watch Sam for you again....;) The CCC countdown is on........less than 24 hours now for me! Maybe you guys need a power rack AND a spin bike....??
You're right, mellow was good for a weeknight dinner. Of course you know me, tonight I have Girl's Night Out :rolleyes: We have nothing planned for the weekend though. Of course that could always change :D
I'm sorry you didn't get to walk Sam, but great job on disc 5 and your long, slow cardio you obedient wife! You absolutely should take credit for those 2 minutes! Uh oh, i hope you were able to sleep after that espresso! Maybe you'll need to drink some before CCC tomorrow.....???

This morning for me was Legs and Glutes. It was a good one, I have only done it a couple of times before so I didn't know what to expect. It seemed like she did everything just to the point where you were wondering how much more you could do and then stopped, so it was perfect. We all need to rest up for CCC tomorrow morning...not great planning for me with Girl's Night Out tonight. Oh well, I'll make it! Have a great day!


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