Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on PS BBA and Shoulders! That was a good sub for GS! Bummer on the rainy day on your rest day but hopefully you will have plenty of good weather days ahead for rest days.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening! It is still chilly in the morning and it was super windy yesterday but so far the weather is looking pretty Springy for the rest of this week and into the weekend. Fingers crossed!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! I’m glad to hear you are getting some spring weather. It was super windy here yesterday too!

This morning I did Tracey Staehle High Intensity Step Mix. I really like that one but hadn’t done it in awhile so was a little rusty on some of the combos. I’m working on getting the kittens to start eating canned food, but so far they are not at all interested. Two of them have started lapping water from the dish though, so that seems like a good sign. I’m also introducing them to the litter box, but so far they just want to play and dig in it :rolleyes:. They are almost 6 weeks old, so it should be soon! Have a great day.

Pam Good job on Rev'd Up Rumble + bonus abs 1 + the extended stretch. Too funny about Kit Kat and her secret admirer.

Julie Haha that's the trick don't clean something and then buy a new one when it breaks ;). Great work on your heavy lower body workouts and hike in the Scottish Highlands, your lower body mobility and forearm stand work. You were productive and that is so nice of you and your sister to clean your mom's house. Oh poor bunny.

Pam Good job in subbing another workout when the other one didn't work and SJP. Nice to have a neighborhood picnic.

Julie Great work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor strengthening. It is still chilly in the mornings here too but the afternoons are nice. I hope your Springy weather continues.

Pam Good job on Tracey Staehle High Intensity Step Mix. Hopefully the kittens will start eating the canned food soon and using the litter box instead of playing in it.

So Friday I did FS Mixed Impact Cardio and Pull Day. Then Willow had a vet appointment and everything went well. In the afternoon we got the car cleaned out and washed. Saturday we had our first regatta. We got bronze in the womens C division. It is the same placement we have had in the last 3 years. At least we are consistent. It was really hot out too and I did get burned. No one was expecting it to be that hot out. Sunday I was tired so I took the day off and just relaxed. Monday I had to go over to our friends place early to be there when the carpet layer came. He had new carpeting put on the stairs so I spent the time with Zoey. Last night I went dragon boating, it was a bit rainy out but it wasn't too bad. This morning I did Muscle Max and then went grocery shopping. After that we had a few errands to do.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Tracey's High Intensity Step Mix! That is too cute the kittens just want to play in the litter box!

Cheryl Great job on FS MIC + Pull Day! Yea for medaling at the regatta but so sorry you got burned! I bet the race plus the heat and the sunburn really wore you out. I bet Zoey loved having you visit her. Great job on MM!

This morning I did a bike ride in Costa Rica and a Hatha yoga session from Yoga Burn! It was tough because even though I felt good about working out, Ruby curled up in my lap while I was sitting in bed. Made me want to curl back up with her and go back to sleep.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your bike ride in Costa Rica and Hatha yoga session. It is so nice to curl up with a pet and just forget about the rest of the day.

This morning was Tabatacise. It was tough but I made it through. Then I went out and took my mom out for some shopping and the casino. We were both losers there today.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Tabatacise! I'm glad your mom is feeling good to get out and have some fun.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening! I am so excited for the weekend. Not only to get a little more sleep but also because it is supposed to be super nice out and maybe hitting 80 on Saturday. I am so looking forward to sitting on the deck.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on MIC+pull day! I’m glad to hear that everything went well for Willow at the vet. Great job on medaling in your regatta. It’s funny that you have been so consistent with your placement. Bummer that you got burned, but sometimes that first sunburn of the seasoN is nice because it makes it feel like summer. At least to me! Great job on dragon boating and MM!

Julie Great job on your bike ride and yoga! The pets really can make it hard to get up sometimes when all they want to do is cuddle!

Cheryl Great job on making it through tabatacise. That one is hard no matter how you are feeling. Bummer about not winning at the casino, but hopefully you had a nice time.

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! It sounds like you are in for a beautiful weekend! I hope you enjoy it!

Yesterday DH and I went for a bike ride. The high temperature was only 62 yesterday and it was cooler than that when we started and really windy, so I was really cold when we were done. I didn’t want to get out of the hot shower! This morning was Leaner Legs and then I had to take Mika and Levi for their neuters. Levi knew something was up and he would not let me catch him! I had to get DH to come up and help me grab him. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor strengthening. Enjoy your weekend and sitting out on your deck.

Pam Great job on your bike ride in the cold and wind and Leaner Legs. Funny how animals know when something is up and won't let you catch them.

This morning was Body Weight and Bands. Now I need to get the laundry and housework done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on BW and Bands! I hope you got all of your housework and laundry done.

This morning was Pure Strength. I did both the Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and the Back and Biceps discs. They are both pretty short and with skipping one cool down and warm up it was just a little over an hour total. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on your chilly bike ride! I sometimes have a hard time getting out of the nice warm shower too. Great job on LL! OMG, Levi was just having fun with you chasing him. Great job on PS all upper body! Luckily those are both short enough to combine.

Cheryl Great job on BW&B! I hope you got all your housework and laundry done and could still relax a little.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and a hike in the Scottish Highlands. After that I did some cleaning and then sat on the deck for a few hours. It was a little windy but so nice out. Saturday I did my lower body mobility and worked on my forearm stands. After that I did some meal prepping. It was pretty windy out so I didn't sit outside any. Sunday it was really hot out at almost 90. DH and I helped transport a dog from his foster home to his adoptive home. His name was Leon and he was so cute. He had a little bit of a grumpy looking face but he had the best smile and loved to give kisses. This morning I did a heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and nike, lower body mobility and forearm stands, and your heavy lower body workout! That is great that you were able to get out and enjoy some of the nice weather. Aww, Leon sounds so sweet, that was really nice of you to help with his transport!

This morning Tilly had to be dropped off for her spay and I didn’t feel like getting up early to do my workout, so I did Drill Max after I got home. We already have a great application for Mika and Levi together, so hopefully that works out. my DH really wants to keep Mika, but I just don’t want to add another cat right now. Our neighbors son and his girlfriend also feel in love with him, but they are not ready to adopt right now. Levi still hasn’t fully forgiven me for taking him to the vet on Thursday! He is letting me pet him, but quickly running away so I can’t grab him! Have a great day.

Pam Great job on PS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Back and Biceps.

Julie Good work on your heavy lower body workouts, hike in the Scottish Highlands, your lower body mobility work and forearm stands. Nice that you could spend some time out on your deck. Leon sounds adorable.

Pam Good job on Drill Max and doing it after you got home. That is great news about Mika and Levi, I hope it works out. Too funny about Levi running away from you.

So Thursday I got all the housework and laundry done and also some outside stuff done. Friday I did RWH LIHI 1. Then I went to the SPCA to help with the transfer. Saturday I went dragon boating with another team. In the afternoon we went to another home show that our friend wanted to go to. Sunday I took as a day off but I went to the farmers market and for a walk in the afternoon. This morning was Imax 4 and now I need to get some pressure washing done outside and this evening is dragon boating.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on getting DM in after dropping Tilly off! Oh that would be so cool if Mika and Levi get adopted together. Haha! I am sure Levi will forgive in time but I bet he is thinking last time this lady picked me up, I lost two things off my body.

Cheryl Sounds like you had a very productive day on Thursday. Great job on RWH LIHI 1! I have only been to a few home shows but they are always fun. Great job on Imax 4! Hope you got your pressure washing done.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening. I have 3 interviews today. I am already tired just thinking of them.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LIHI 1 and dragon boating. I haven’t been to a home show in awhile. I always enjoy them but they make me want to come home and redecorate :). Great nob on Imax 4, it sounds like you have a busy day ahead.

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! I hope the interviews go well. I saw a job posting for a technical interviewer once and though I would go mad if all I did was interview people!

This morning was RWH LIHI Back, shoulders, and biceps plus bonus abs 1. Yesterday and I got 12 bales of pine straw and got them spread and will go get another load or 2 today. I think I only need 1-2 more loads so that will be nice. While I was spreading it yesterday I disturbed a very large snake. I let our a shriek and DH asked what was up. I said Big snake, not a black one! He came over and checked it out and it was a copperhead, so he went and got a rake and relocated it outside the fence. I was surprised it didn‘t go crazy when he picked it up, but it just sat there calmly on the rake . Hopefully I don’t run into any of his friends! Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor strengthening. I hope your interviews go well.

Pam Great job on RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps + Bonus Abs 1. That is a lot of pine straw to spread. I would have screamed too if I saw a snake. I hope you don't see anymore of them.

This morning was Push/Pull. I couldn't do the deadlifts as my back was really sore from the pressure washing and dragon boating. After that DH had to go to the dentist to have his permanent crown put in. Then we went to get groceries. I spent the afternoon relaxing since yesterday was so busy.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RWH LIHI BSB plus bonus abs 1! Oh my gosh, that would give me a heart attack if I saw a snake like that. I am so glad neither of you were bitten. Hopefully he tells his friends to stay away.

Cheryl Great job on Push/Pull! Glad you were safe and didn't do the deadlifts. Yea you were able to find some time to relax a little. Seems you have been having a pretty busy last couple of days or weeks.

This morning I did a bike ride in Costa Rica and a hatha yoga session. The interviews went well. They were all really good candidates but I can only chose one. That is always the tough call to make and see which would be the best fit and hope you get it right.

Have a great day!
CherylGreat job on PP. I hope your back is feeling better. I bet dragon boating puts a lot of strain on it! It sounds like your afternoon relaxation was well deserved!

Julie Great job on your bike ride and yoga. That is great that the interviews went well and they are all such good candidates. it sounds like you can’t make a bad decision.

This morning was RWH Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I really hate the finishers, especially all of the pushups in the chest part. I can’t believe how heavy Cathe goes for it either. The people who are interested in Mika and Levi are coming to meet them today. I talked to the woman and really liked her so hopefully that goes well. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your bike ride in Costa Rica and hatha yoga session. Glad that the interviews went well. I am sure you will make the right decision on who to hire.

Pam Great work on RWH Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I always struggle with the finishers especially with chest. I hope everything goes well with Mika and Levi's adoption.

This morning was slide and glide. Then I went out to my mom's and took her out to get a few things.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RWH CST! Cathe loves her pushups. Fingers crossed for the meet to go well.

Cheryl Great job on S&G! Hope your mom is feeling much better. Sounds like she is able to get out more recently so that sounds good.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening. We have had some really nice days the past couple of days in the 70s and 80s. Might get some rain over the weekend but hopefully it won't be too bad.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on S&G!

JulieGreat job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! It sounds like real spring finally arrived!

This morning was RWH LIHI legs with abs mixed in. The snow angel jacks always kill me in that one. The meet and greet went great yesterday and they will be taking them for a trial on Monday to see how they do with their other dog and cat. I made a deal with my DH that if the trial doesn’t go well we can keep Mika, so I’m REALLY hoping it goes well . He’s a really great cat, but I’m still giving Squeaky pills and working on figuring out some kind of feeding routine for her and Fritz. Now Tilly has a terrible sounding cough and I think maybe ringworm, so I‘m picking up some antibiotics for her today. I moved her into a room by herself so the others don’t get it and she is so sad . Have a great day!


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