Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on TBGS. That sounds so civilized getting together for tea .

Julie I totally understand about doing the grass seed too early. It seems like every year when it gets nice I rush out and get flowers and we always have another frost after that. Great job on YB and your bike ride. When I was getting up so early (but still not as early as you!) to workout, I made Wednesday my rest day so that I had a day in the middle of the week to sleep a little more That really helped me. Hopefully your plan with yoga on Wednesday will help!

This morning was Muscle Max. It’s a little less crazy with leg presses and a more reasonable amount of push ups than some of the other workouts. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on Yoga Burn Hatha Yoga and your bike ride in Cost Rica. I think it does help sometimes to know that the workout you are doing isn't too intense.

Pam Good work on Muscle Max. Some of her other workouts go a bit crazy with the pushups.

This morning was RWH LI Hiit 1 and bonus abs 1. Then I needed to go and get some groceries for my mom and take them out to her. We did go to the casino but I did win anything and my mom won a small amount.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on MM! This was my first Cathe weight workout and I loved it. Several years ago I scheduled my rest day on Wednesdays but I just didn't like working out on Sundays either :rolleyes:

Cheryl Great job on RWH LI HiiT 1 plus bonus abs 1! I am glad to hear your mom was feeling good to be able to get out and have some fun.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor work. We have had nice temps the last couple of days but are supposed to dip into the 40s on Saturday. Just in time for the weekend!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on LI Hiit and bonus abs! your mom must be feeling a lot better if she was up for going to the Casino. That is great to hear, and she even won!

JulieGreat job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! I understand about not wanting to workout on Sunday too. Hopefully your plan of yoga on Wednesdays will help!

This morning was KPC. I’m just finishing Cathe’s March rotation and I’m not sure what she was thinking with this week. First it was CCC, then MM (which has abs), then KPC, which we know has abs, and I was supposed to do Stability ball abs also, and tomorrow is PUB! I decided I didn’t need to do Stabilty ball abs with all of that! I only made it through the first 3 pikes and then switched back to ball exchange. Yesterday I did my first load of mulch. Between that, MM, and digging up some obnoxious plants my upper body is talking to me today. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor work. I hope the forecast is wrong and it won't get that cold on the weekend.

Pam Great job on KPC. That is a lot of ab work for one week. I guess your body is talking to you with all the work you have done between workouts and mulching.

This morning was ICE Chiseled Upper Body. Now I am waiting to see when the SPCA will need me today.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on CUB!

Yesterday was a beautiful day so DH and I went for a bike ride And then mainly chilled by the pool. I still have half a load of mulch that I didn’t finish spreading on Thursday, so I’m going to try to get that done before our rain starts today. This morning was Pyramid Upper Body with lots of modification on the pikes. Have a great day!

Pam Good work on your bike ride and PUB. So nice that you have had some great weather. I hope you got your mulching done before the rain started.

Thursday night we went to see John Wick 4. It was OK very much the same as the last 3. Friday I ended up taking Zoey out for a walk in the morning and then got the laundry done. Saturday I was pretty tired so I just went for a walk in the afternoon between breaks in the rain. I was going to do yoga this morning but I was moving really slow so I decided to take it easy. I have a volunteer potluck at the SPCA this afternoon so I need to get something made for it.

Have a great day.

Pam Wow that last week as an ab killer with all those abs. Good thinking that you didn't need to add on SB abs too. Great job on KPC, your bike ride, and PUB! You are a trooper with all that upper body work and mulching on top of it. Hope you got all your mulch spread.

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB! I have only seen the first two John Wick movies I think. I barely made it through the first one after the opening scene with the dog. Hope you had a nice time at the potluck.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and a hike in Scottish Highlands then did some meal prepping and went to my mom's to clean her bathrooms. Saturday I did lower body mobility and some forearm/headstand work. After that DH and I ran some errands. We got a wintry mix with some sleet at times. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did a heavy lower body workout. We still had a freeze warning as of this morning. This better be our third and final winter or I give up!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Nope, didn’t get the mulch done. I looked at the radar and saw we were about to get it so never ended up going ot Saturday morning. It’s good that you were able to get a walk in between rain storms.

Julie I didn‘t even end up trying to spread the rest of the mulch before the rain because I saw it was going to be starting in 15 minutes when I was going to go our so didn‘t think it would be worth it. Great job on your heavy lower body workout and hike. How nice of you to go clean your mom’s bathrooms! Great job on your lower body mobility and forearm and headstand work! Wintry mix?! WHAT? That is just wrong. I do Hope it is your final winter!! Great job on your heavy lower body workout. I think you had a birthday over the weekend too, Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was my rest day. I didn’t even bother trying to spread the mulch because I knew it would be so heavy and wet after all the rain that we got on Saturday. I’ll see what it looks like today. I spent some time with the kittens trying to see if they would eat some canned food, but they had no interest, The mom happily ate it all though! Then I stripped paint off a big standing jewelry box that I got from our Buy Nothing Group, Now I have to decide how I’m going to paint it. This morning was the entire Body Max 2. I haven’t done the whole thing in a long time, but it went by quickly. Have a great day!

Julie That opening scene with the dog is hard to watch. I am not a big fan of John Wick but DH and our friend are so we had to go see it. Good job on your heavy lower body workouts and your hike in the Scottish Highlands, your lower body mobility work and forearm and headstand work. That is so nice of you to clean your mom's bathrooms. I hope this is your final winter because it is almost May!!

Pam Funny about the kittens not wanting the food but mom eating it all. Great work on BM2 and doing the whole thing.

So the potluck was fun and I even won a pair of wine glasses as well. This morning I did FS Shred Cardio and Push Day. It was tough but I made it through. Then I got some cleaning done. Next I am going to go and get some groceries and then it is dragon boat practice tonight. This is our last practice before our first regatta this Saturday.

Have a great day.

Pam Spending time with the kitties sounds like a great way to use part of your rest day. Great job on BM2! I love the music in that one. At least the step part, I can't recall the weights section. Hope you can get some mulch spread. Yes, my birthday was Saturday when we got the wintry mix. But it made for a lazy day after we got done running errands. I was able to chill out and read a book.

Cheryl Oh how exciting to win wine glasses at the potluck! Great job on FS SC & PD! That is exciting your first regatta is coming up. Hopefully that means winter is for sure done with both of us.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening! The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy at work. We have interviews these next three to four weeks. Those always take so much out of me.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Congratulations on winning wine glasses! Great job on FS SC+PD! I haven’t done that one in ages. I bet you are excited for the first regatta of the season!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! Interviews are not fun at all, I hope that they go well.

This morning I did Hardcore Extreme high and low impact intervals. It switches back and forth between Low Max and Imax 3 intervals. I thought we were done after the last Imax 3 interval, but was surprised when it then went into the cardio blasts from Kick Max. That was not a pleasant surprise, but I made it through. Yesterday afternoon I finished spreading my load of mulch and went and got another this morning. I still need another 2 or 3 loads after this one. I’ll be happy when it’s done. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on HCE! Oh my no that would not be a pleasant surprise. The cardio blasts in Kick Max are pretty tough especially after the Imax intervals. Great job on making it through that! I am always amazed at how much mulch you spread.

This morning I was able to get up on a Wednesday and do a workout! I did a bike ride in Costa Rica and a yoga session. It felt really good. Hoping I can keep this Wednesday momentum going.

Have a great day!
Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor strengthening. Interviews are not fun to do and they do take up a lot of time. I hope the time goes by quickly for you.

Pam Great job on Hardcore Extreme. That wouldn't be a pleasant surprise to go into the Kick Max cardio blasts after all of the intervals. Wow that is a lot of mulch that you need. I hope you can get it over and done with quickly.

Julie That is great that you were feeling really good on Wednesday. Great job on your bike ride in Costa Rica and your yoga session.

Tuesday morning I went for a walk with a friend. Then in the afternoon DH had to go to the dentist to have a crown done. He has a temporary one for a couple of weeks until the permanent one get put in. This morning I did FS Bootcamp Kickboxing and Legs and Glutes. Then I got the vacuuming done. In the afternoon I went out to my mom's and took her out for a drive. We went down to the ocean for something a bit different to do.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on FS BC KB & LG! Oh that sounds so nice to go down to the ocean with your mom. I hope she is doing well.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening. We are still having frost warnings in the mornings but the afternoons are getting in the 50s and maybe the 60s today and tomorrow. I hate to jinx it but maybe Spring is here.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on your bike ride and yoga session and congratulations on the Wednesday morning momentum! I hope it does continue for you!

This morning was Gym Style Chest and Triceps. Other than the push up fest to start it off, I like that workout. I came here to post this morning and saw that I never hit post on this entry yesterday!

Cheryl Going for a walk with a friend sounds wonderful! Great job on FS BC KB + LG! I hope your mom is doing better.

Julie Great job on your heavy uper body and hip flexor work! Hopefully spring is finally here to stay. It is way too late to be having frost warnings!

This morning was Gym Style legs, another one of her leg workouts that seems like it’s never going to end. I know my calves will be screaming tomorrow! Yesterday I ended up doing 2 loads of mulch and it is finished! Yay! Now I have to do some pine straw, but it’s easier and I don’t have as much of that to do. I also got 2 new kittens yesterday. They are about 5 months old and hopefully will be good company for Kit Kat. One of them is a bit obsessed with her and she doesn’t know what to think about it yet. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor strengthening. Fingers crossed that spring is finally here for you.

Pam Great work on GS Chest and Triceps and GS Legs. Glad that your mulch is now finished. I am sure that Kit Kat will come around with the kitten that is obsessed with her.

This morning was Cardio Party. Then I went to the SPCA. We got 4 kittens 4 cats and a very cute lopped ear bunny. Then I came home and got some cleaning done outside. It was hot so I am taking advantage of that. I wanted to clean out the BBQ but looking at it I think we need a new one instead.

Have a great day.

CherylGreat job on Cardio Party. Oh, bunnies are so cute! It’s fun seeing all the different kinds of animals you get. Great job with your outdoor clean yp too. I still have more of that to do.

This morning was Revved up Rumble with bonus abs 1 and the extended stretch. My hamstrings and calves are feeling yesterdays workout so that stretch felt good. Kit Kat is doing pretty well with her new admirer, but she does still smack him every so often. :p Have a great day!

Pam Great job on GS CST! That pushup fest is not so festival. Great job on GS Legs! So happy the mulching is done for you. How cute that one of the kittens is obsessed with Kit Kat! Great job on RUR plus bonus abs 1 and ES!

Cheryl Great job on CP! Oh I bet the bunny was so adorable. I put off cleaning my toaster oven so long that it broke and then I got a new nice clean one :)

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and a hike in the Scottish Highlands! After that I was feeling really productive and got some cleaning done, the dogs nails done and gave them a bath and did some meal prepping. Saturday I did my lower body mobility and forearm stand work. Then I went to my mom's and spent about 5 hours cleaning her house with my sister. Then when I got home, as I was getting out of the shower I heard DH yelling at the dogs. Ruby killed a bunny again. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did a heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and hike! Wow, you did get a lot done, good for you! Great job on your lower body mobility and forearm stand work and all of that cleaning at your mom’s. Poor bunny :(. Great job on your heavy lower body workout!

Saturday was supposed to be Gym Style Back, Biceps, and shoulders, but that disk won’t play so I did Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and abs and then did the shoulders from the other PS disk. After that I picked up another foster kitten and then we had a neighborhood picnic in the afternoon. Sunday was my rest day and it was an ugly rainy day so I spent most of the day doing laundry and playing with the kittens. This morning was Step, Jump, and Pump. Have a great day!


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