Cheryl We must have been reading each others minds with PHA 3. Great job on that and your housework and blind cleaning. It seems no matter how much cleaning you do there is always more to be done. 
Julie Great job on your ride in Barcelona and your YB rounds! That is great that Shebas swelling has gone down a little.
This morning I did Imax 1. Then I spent most of the day making lasagnas. I signed to be a lasagna mamma with a program called lasagna love. It was started by a mom in the midwest who was wanting to help people who have been affected by covid and it's now in almost every state. Tomorrow I will be delivering the lasagnas to a couple of families in the community. Have a great day.
Julie Great job on your ride in Barcelona and your YB rounds! That is great that Shebas swelling has gone down a little.
This morning I did Imax 1. Then I spent most of the day making lasagnas. I signed to be a lasagna mamma with a program called lasagna love. It was started by a mom in the midwest who was wanting to help people who have been affected by covid and it's now in almost every state. Tomorrow I will be delivering the lasagnas to a couple of families in the community. Have a great day.