Strength in Numbers

This morning my treadmill worked!! I did a run in Portugal and a hike in Hawaii. I'm getting to the point where I can't maintain my speed as I am increasing the length of time I am running. I had been going at 6mph which is really probably sloth speed for most but I was proud of it. Now I am thinking I will have to dial back some since my runs are at 8 minute intervals which is pretty long to me.

Have a great day!
Julie We are back to cold weather now. It was 25 degrees when I looked a little while ago so all the news is about the frigid temperatures. The guy was mad about not getting Mai, but it turned out he would not be approved anyway. They have 2 animals that they haven't taken to the vet in 6 years. He said they haven't needed to go because they haven't been sick and they can't afford rabies shots. When our volunteer explained that they have to have rabies shots by law he got mad and left. I have gotten several pictures of Mai in her new home and she looks quite happy and very much at home, so it worked out for the best. I was able to get Spanky and take him with me to the adoption event. He was pretty scared at first, but he relaxed and did ok. Unfortunately it was a really slow day. We only had one adoption and that was at the very end when we were packing top to leave, My DH brought Paulie over later when he was able to get him. He did not look happy in the adoption center, Spanky was sitting on top of the cube looking out the window so I'm hoping they will do ok. I haven't gotten any reports yet from anyone who goes to clean. Great job on your manual run, PHA2 with 6 rounds, and PHA 2020. I'm so glad that the service tech was able to come get your treadmill fixed so quickly. Hopefully you won't have any more problems with it. Did your house get really cold when your power was out? At least it wasn't out for too long. You are pretty dedicated cleaning in the dark! I think I would have gotten a blanket and my kindle and sat in front of a fire :)

This morning was Hiit DWP and no equipment abs. I was skipping that one when it was on the calendar for awhile, but it was good to do it again. I think I got burned out by it because I was taking it with me when I traveled a lot since it doesn't require any equipment. It is so quiet in the house with only 1 foster here! Plus my DH left for NY yesterday afternoon so it was just me and 3 cats. Tai doesn't really know what to do with himself with no other kittens around. Have a great day.

Pam Yikes I thought your first count was bad but 182 I agree is ridiculous. I can't do all of them on my toes and I do need to modify. Cats can be a challenge to get into a carrier. That is great that your DH could bring him over later. It would be hard to leave them, I am sure you were getting stink eye from them. I bet it is quite now, ummm does that mean it is time for some more fosters? Great job on disc 7 and all of the push ups. They can hide and sometimes they are right under your nose but you just can't see them.

Julie I need to modify especially with the push ups. I wouldn't give yourself a hard time about it because it isn't an easy series. Good work on your manual run on the treadmill and LITE PHA2. That is great that your console got replaced and hopefully it will work. You are good with cleaning in the dark, I would have taken a nap :). Great job on Live PHA 2020. That is great that your treadmill is working and you could do your run in Portugal and hike in Hawaii. You will get your speed up again with the 8 minute intervals. You just need to build up to it.

Pam Good job on Hiit DWP and No Equipment Abs. I do think it is time for more fosters, I think both you and Tai would enjoy it.

Monday I did STS disc 4 and all of the push ups though I did need to modify. I can't do that many push ups on my toes anymore. Last night I met up with my dragon boat team for a meeting. We are getting ready for the season and hopefully will be back on the water next month. The training will be a lot more intense this year so I really need to buckle down and really get my cardio improved, strength and flexibility. I am pretty good but there is room for improvement. This morning was Imax 4 and bonus abs 2. The snow is pretty much all gone now except for the big piles. The rain is back and it has warmed up a lot.

Have a great day.

Pam Oh I’m sorry I was not wishing cold weather on you! It sounds like things worked out perfectly for Mai. Fingers crossed for both Spanky and Paulie that they start getting some interest. I think my cleaning helped keep me warm when the power was out. Great job on DWP plus NE abs! This may be a good time for Tai to get some rest and hopefully recover from his respiratory issues.

Cheryl My DH for sure wanted to take a nap and said he can’t clean in the dark. Great job on STS D4! I love when I hear start talking about dragon boating. It gives me hope that warmer weather will be coming. I’m sure you have an advantage already with years of training under your belt and will improve quickly. Great job on Imax 4 plus bonus abs 2!

This morning I did Live Express Your Step! It was good. It was one long combo and then two short combos followed by a blast then the ab stacker routine from Step Boss. I really love those abs.

Have a great day!
Julie Talk about dragon boating means spring is on its way. Great work on Live Express Your Step and the ab stacker bonus.

This morning I did STS disc 5 Back and Triceps. Then I got some vacuuming done and then did some running around.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on D5! I have my countdown till the first day of Spring going, 58 days!

This morning I did Live Burn It Bootcamp! It was good but actually had a little longer rest time between rounds than I am used to.

Have a great day!
Julie Somehow I missed your post from Tuesday. So glad that your treadmill is working agin. Great job on your run In Portugal and hike in Hawaii. 8 minute intervals are very long! I would be proud of 6 mph too.

Cheryl I can't even come close to doing all of the pushups on my toes. I usually try to do at least a few in each round on my toes before dropping to my knees. I'm not planning to take any more fosters until something happens with the 2 tough ones I have now. My concern is that I might have 5 permanent cats which is more than I want. If I can get Tai to the point of being adoptable I will be really happy. He does seem to be missing having a playmate around though. I'm guessing Paulie will be back to play with him in a couple of days. Great job on disc 4 and all off the push ups, Imax 4 and bonus abs 2. That is encouraging news that you are having dragon boat meetings. Spring is just around the corner!

Julie They get really dramatic about cold weather here. We've had 3 nights in a row that it dropped below freezing and you would think that it was well below zero. We're going to be back in the 50s tomorrow which isn't too bad. Great job on Live EYS, it sounds like fun.

Cheryl Greta job on Disc 5.

Julie Great job on Live BIB. I don't like it when the rests are too long.

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday. It was disc 8 back and biceps and I went for a 24 mile bike ride with my friend in the afternoon. We had to wait until then fort it to get into the 40s. It was a nice sunny day though and it felt great. This morning was KPC. I heard from the people who adopted Mia that she is already being really affectionate with them and jumping on their laps. She is still avoiding their kids though :rolleyes::D. They are 2 and 4 and a little more energetic than Mia is used to. I'm sure she will get used to them though. Have a great day.

Good morning ladies. This morning was STS disc 9 legs. Those slide back lunges where you set the weights down and pick them up again kill me! Yesterday I had to go pick up a couple of cats at Petsmart and take them to the vet for rabies and distemper vaccines so I visited Spanky and Paulie while I was there. I felt bad though because they both acted like they thought I was bringing them home. They did both eat some treats and enjoy some pets and I took Paulie favorite fluffy blanket to put in with them. Have a great day!

Pam No worries on missing my post! Great job on D8 plus your 24 mile bike ride in the afternoon! Sounds like pretty good weather in that it was cold enough to work up to warming up in. Great job on KPC! I can definitely see how Mia would want to avoid little kids that are energetic but as you said I am sure they will grow on her. Great job on D9! Oh poor Spanky and Paulie. Hopefully they are getting some interest though.

This morning I did a run on the Bosnia/Croatia border! It looked nicer than I imagined and was interesting seeing some of the damage the war had done and what they have build back. After that was a hike in Hawaii. I am so excited for the weekend. I’ve kept this quiet till now but we are adopting another dog and tomorrow we pick him up. I am planning on taking all of next week off work to be with him and help him get integrated with our other 3. I may be on once next week but if you don’t hear from me until the following Monday, I am deep in doggy snuggles!

Have a great weekend!
Julie Mia is starting to warm up to the kids already. He sent me a picture this morning of their little one petting her :). Spanky and Paulie have had no interest so far, but they get to come home today so I know they will be happy. My other cats will probably not be so happy to see Spanky though :(Great job on your run on the Bosnia/Croatia border. Your treadmill just sounds so awesome, your posts make me want one. Great job on your hike in Hawaii too. CONGRATULATIONS on the new dog!! What kind of dog is he? Have you named him yet? I can not wait to see some pictures. I hope things go well introducing him to the other dogs. Enjoy those snuggles!

Yesterday I took as my rest day and we had an adoption event. We had no adoptions so it was a really slow day. There was a couple who came in to meet a tortie that was in Petsmart this week and I think they will probably be back today to get her. I hope so anyway. This morning I did Imax 4 and bonus abs 2. I might even like that ab section better than the ab stacker workout, but that might be because it's easier :D. Hopefully we have better luck at todays adoption event. Have a great day!

Julie Oh wow only 58 more days till spring. Less than 2 months, I hope it goes by fast. Great job on Live Burn It Bootcamp.

Pam I hope you can get your last two fosters adopted out. I agree that 5 cats would be a lot to have. Good work on disc 8 Back and biceps, your 24 mile bike ride and KPC. That is great that Mia is being really affectionate with the new adopters. Great job on disc 9 Legs. Those slide back lunges get me too. I don't put the weights down and just keep them in my hands since it kills my back to get down that low.

Julie Good job on your run on the Bosnia/Croatia border and your hike in Hawaii. How exciting to be getting another dog. Will it be another boxer?

Pam Too bad you didn't get any adoptions. That does make for a slow day. Hopefully your next adoption event will be better. Great job on Imax 4 and the bonus abs 2. I think I like that ab workout better and you are right I think it is easier than the ab stacker.

Sorry about being MIA again. I haven't been able to sit at the computer as much this week. So Thursday I did something but of course I can't remember what it was. Then I went to the SPCA as we got in 4 kittens, 4 cats and 2 guinea pigs. Friday I did disc 6 Legs and then went to work. It was a little slow and we only had 1 adoption. Saturday I was tired so I didn't do a workout. We did have a lot more adoptions though and the day went by quickly. Sunday I went to the farmers market and then met up with some fellow dragon boaters for a walk in the afternoon. We were glad that the rain held off while we were out there.

Have a great day.

Cheryl That is a good idea to not put the weights down on the slide back lunges. I may do the same next time. No worries about being MIA, it happens to all of us sometimes. Great job on whatever you did o Thursday :) and on disc 6. That's nice that you were able to get a walk in and not get rained on.

Yesterdays adoption event was a little better we had 3 adoptions. Neither of mine, but that's ok. Hopefully the right person will come along for them. They sure were happy to be home after being at Petsmart all week! This morning was disc 10, the last of the peso 1 chest workouts!!!! There are even a few less pushups in that one. She actually does some rounds of chest work that aren't pushups. Then I took Tai to a different vet to see if she can figure anything out for him. He is still there because she wanted to do an Xray of his head to see if there are any polyps in his nasal cavities and he had to be sedated for that. I' hoping she can figure something out. I hope things are going well with your new dog Julie! Have a great day.

Pam Glad to hear that the adoptions were better even though it wasn't yours. I bet they were happy to be home again after Petsmart. Great work on disc 10. I am happy to hear that there are less push ups in that one. I hope the new vet can figure out what is going on with Tai.

I did disc 7 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. Then it was laundry and unclogging a sink. In the afternoon I had to go to the dentist for a cleaning.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on disc 7, laundry and your plumbing job! :) I love the feeling of jus cleaned teeth!

This morning was Hiit 40/20 and stability ball abs. 40/20 went better than it did last time but I was still wiped out when I was finished. The vet didn't find anything obvious with Tai. The X-Ray didn't show anything. She has some feelers out to some specialists for information, so hopefully someone will have something helpful. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on HiiT 40/20 and stability ball abs. Hopefully they can figure out something about Tai soon.

This morning I did Step Sync. I really like that workout. I also walked our friends dog this afternoon and it was nice because it stopped raining and the sun had come out.

Pam That is so great about Mia! Oh no is Spanky the trouble maker of the group? Great job on Imax 4 plus the bonus abs 2! 3 adoptions is great! I am sure the right person for your kitties is out there and will find them. Great job on D10 and being done with pushup max! Hoping for someone to find something for Tai to feel better. Great job on 40/20 and sb ab circuit!

Cheryl Great job on your mystery workout Thursday! That sounds like a busy day with that many intakes. Great job on D6! That’s good that there were more adoptions on Saturday. Great job on your walk on Sunday and D7! Hopefully you got good news after the dental cleaning. Great job on Step Sync and your dog walk!

Saturday I did Live Ramped Up Total Body! Then DH and I left for a 2 hour drive to pick up Benny. It was decent weather until we got to the pickup point and then it started to snow so we couldn’t talk to the foster mom long (she came all the way from Minneapolis). We had a little bit of a rough start with some growling from Benny the first night but now they seem to all get along and can even lay together (well close but not too close yet). Here is a link that has Benny’s story and some pictures. He is super sweet and loves to cuddle with me! Oh yeah and I started a new paper work out from Girls Gone Strong called Get Lean. It is 4 strength workouts a week separated into 3 four week phases. I did the first two workouts Monday and Tuesday. Today I haven’t gotten a workout in yet because I have to wait for DH to be home to be with the dogs since we are still making sure things are going to go well with all of them and I don’t know how Benny will react to the treadmill running.

Have a great day! I probably won’t get to post again until Monday!
Cheryl Great job o Step Sync and you dog walk.

Julie I'm not really sure what it is about Spanky. He just looks at Squeaky and she freaks out and runs like she is being attacked. He loves our cat Fritz, but Fritz isn't as fond of him :D. He tolerates him though. Great job on live RUTB. Benny is so cute!!! What a sad story, it makes me so mad when people dump animals like that. You guys are so awesome for adopting seniors. Benny is one lucky dog to join your family. Great job on your Girls Gone Strong workouts. I hope things continue to go smoothly with Benny and your other dogs!

This morning was disc 11 back and triceps. I can't believe I'm almost done with the first month of STS, it has gone so fast. Yesterday I did some more yard clean up work because it was pretty nice out. We have a cold start today, but if it warms up I may get some more done this afternoon. Have a great day.

Julie Great job on Live Ramped Up Total Body. Benny is so cute. I don't understand people who just leave an animal but I know he will have a great home with you. Good work on Girls Gone Strong too.

Pam Good job on disc 11 back and triceps and your yard clean up.

This morning was disc 8 Back and Triceps. Then I walked our friends dog and in the afternoon I met one of my dragon boat friends for tea.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Disc 8 and your dog walk. Meeting for tea sounds so sophisticated :)

This morning was Athletic Step and weights and plates abs. I had forgotten how hard that ab workout is! I came back to post this morning and see that I never finished and posted this yesterday. So AS was actually yesterday and today was disc 12 legs. Now I hav to figure out what I'm going to do for my active recovery week next week. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Athletic Step and disc 12 legs. I was wondering if I was going to do a recovery week or just go into the next meso cycle.

So yesterday I didn't work out. I drank way too much water on Wednesday so I was up all night having to go to the bathroom :rolleyes: so I was really tired on Thursday. But I did go into work as we got a large transfer of 8 kittens and 5 cats. It took my all day to get them looked at and the paperwork all done. I was exhausted and I struggled to get up this morning. I didn't have the energy again to workout so I took another day off. I did go into work again and it was busy with people wanting to adopt. I think tomorrow will be more of the same and it will be another busy day.

Have a great day.


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