Julie Luckily I didn't get sick and my DH is getting over his cold.Great job on your run in Morocco and hike in Hawaii,, PHA 3 + ab stacker and lying stretch, your two Live Christmas workouts, and Live double cardio Hiit compound! That's nice that you were able to work from home after you late night.
Cheryl Great job on Imax 4 and I've leg day. Wow, you had quite the day being there alone and doing 4 adoptions!
Julie Great job on your run in Tasmania and hike in Hawaii. I hope you were able to leave work early.
Cheryl Great job on PPUB+lying stretch.
Julie Great job on Imax 4abs+chair stretch+step from step sync. That sounds like a ton! I haven't tried the abs using the step yet. Great job on Step Sync. I had some trouble a few times in that one too, but it wasn't too bad for the first time doing it so I'm hoping it'll be better next time.
Tuesday I did Rockout Knockout. Then we went and picked up a cage that some people donated. They adopted my fosters Manny and Willie, so we got to see them. They look great and are doing so well. In the afternoon the people who adopted Mia came over so the family could meet her. I think she though I was trying to out her in a carrier when I picked her up to bring her out so she basically hid and ran away the whole time they were here.

. I was worried that they might not be so excited about her after that, but they are fine and said they are just hoping she will get used to them and love them too. I have no doubt that she will because she is really sweet and loves sitting in a lap. That night we went to my SIL and BILs house for Christmas with them. Their oldest wasn't there because they were at the birthing center. Their little girl was born at 3:14 am on Christmas

. Christmas Day was pretty quiet. I didn't do a workout because I wanted to make breakfast. Ashley and Carl are here and Eric and Blythe are coming today. So yesterday we watched A Christmas Story and Zombieland 2 and had a nice dinner. Today we are going to see Knives Out and then celebrating Christmas with all fo the kids. This morning I did Crossfire + core to try to start working off all of the over indulgence. I hope you both had a great Christmas!