Strength in Numbers

Julie Bummer that you had to go into work today. Hopefully you could leave early. Good work on your run at the Taj Mahal and hike in Hawaii.

Pam Great job on your tough cardio workout. Oh wow your leaves just started to fall!!!! Ours were all down by Halloween.

Friday I did PS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and then I went into work. It was pretty busy all day long. Saturday I did Tabatacise and had another busy day with adoptions. Today was yoga.

Have a great day.

Cheryl We still have a LOT of leaves on the trees, but we had a couple of windy days over the weekend which helped them come down. They should all be down in another week or two. Great job on PS CST. I hope we start having busy adoption days soon. It's usually slow for us until after Thanksgiving. A lot of people travel for Thanksgiving so they want to wait to adopt. It should be busy through Christmas and January though. Great job on yoga too.

I didn't do any workouts over the weekend. We had adoption events both days, but we only had 2 adoptions on Saturday and none on Sunday. I was going to workout on Sunday, but it was DHs biurhtay is U Ade him breakfast instead. This morning I did Hiit Circuit upper body with abs mixed in. We're going to drive to DC for Thanksgiving again since Ashley was going to be there alone. It will jus be the 3 of us which should be fun. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on X10 & X62 plus LIC abs! Does that make X72? Any of the X10 workouts are tough to me and then when combined, wow! Oh wow, your leaves have just now started falling. Oh that is a bummer that you only had 2 adoptions over both events. Great job on HCUB with abs mixed in!

Cheryl Great job on PC CST, Tabatacise, and yoga! Yes, thankfully I didn’t have to stay too long on my day off. It’s always good when the day is busy to make it go by fast but even better if it is busy with adoptions.

Saturday I did a strength workout and then hiked a waterfall in Austria. I didn’t even know Austria had waterfalls. After that it was housework. Sunday was my lazy day but DH wanted to walk on the treadmill and he likes for me to be in the room with him so I walked in place while he walked a beach in Costa Rica then I was lazy the rest of the day. This morning I did Kickboxing Plus Core! I really liked it and the core wasn’t awful.

Have a great day!
Pam Bummer that you only had 2 adoptions over the weekend, but hopefully they will pick up in the next week or two. Nice that you made DH breakfast for his birthday. Good work on HiiT Circuit Upper Body.

Julie Great job on your strength workout and hike in Austria. That was nice of you to keep DH company while he did his treadmill workout. Good job on Kickboxing Plus Core.

This morning was S&H Legs and Shoulders. That is one I haven't done in a while. Then I went and got groceries and then we had some running around to do.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on S&H Legs and Shoulders! I haven't done the S&H series in forever either. I bet it would feel glacial slow compared to how fast most of the recent series is.

This morning I did a short run on Bondi Beach in Australia and then did Live Cardio Challenge Express which had the hippity hop move on the stability ball!

Have a great day!
Julie I guess that does make it X72! :D. Great job on your strength workout and waterfall hike in Austria. I don't think I knew that Austria had any waterfalls either. You are very nice to hang out with your DH while he does the treadmill! Great job on Kickboxing plus core!

Cheryl Great job on S&H legs and shoulders. I haven't done any of that series in a long time.

Julie Gret job on your run on Bondi beach and Live CCE with the hippy hop move :)

Yesterday I did the second round of leaf blowing. It looks like there will be at least 2 more rounds. This morning was Intensity to get ready for Thanksgiving eating :rolleyes:. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your run on Bondi Beach and Live Cardio challenge Express with the hippity hop move on the stability ball.

Pam Great job on your leaf blowing and Intensity.

This morning was Rhythmic Step then I went to the SPCA since we got a transfer in of 3 cats and 1 bunny.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on leaf blowing and Intensity! Have a safe drive and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Cheryl Great job on RS! Every time I see you get a bunny in, I think about how I want one.

This morning I did Live Advanced Step Choreography! I had it down that I had not down it before but when she got to the combined combos at the end it seemed familiar especially when she messed up in one spot. So maybe I did do it before. It was fun and not super tricky but did have me scratching my head at first for a few moves. So happy it is a 4 day weekend here!

Have a great day/weekend!
Julie Bunnies are really cute. It would be nice to have one but you do need an area where they can be penned in when you can't monitor them. Good job on Live Advanced Step Choreography.

This morning was S&H Chest and Back. Then it was housework and some running around. Then I went and got my hair cut and came home and walked our friends dog. I will need to walk her again later tonight.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving long weekend.

Cheryl Great job on S&H C&B and housework and running around! That is so nice that you get to walk your neighbor's dog. Great for you and the dog!

Thursday I did Live Total Body Barbell and then went to my mom's for Thanksgiving. I made a black bean brownie and no one knew it had black beans in it. It was a big hit. Friday I did a run in Australia and then a hike in Hawaii and then cleaned the house. Saturday I did a strength workout and then bathed the dogs and washed all the blankets, dog beds, and couch covers. Sunday was a lazy day and this morning I did Live Metabolic Bootcamp which was a good fast paced but not super sonic speed and low impact, no cardio workout.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on RS and your SPCA shift. I love playing with bunnies, but I don't think I ever want one as a pet.

Julie Great job on Live ASC. I hope you had a good 4 day weekend!

Cheryl Great job on S&H Chest an bak, housework and running around. I wish I had a dog to walk sometimes.

Julie Great job on Live TBB. The black bean brownie sounds really interesting. Glad it was a big hit. Great job on your run in Australia and hike in Hawaii, house cleaning, your strength workout and the big di clean up! Great job on Live MB!

The drive to DC wasn't too bad at all, just like last year. We made the full Thanksgiving dinner for just the three of us, so Ashley has plenty of leftovers. I didn't make and dessert though and we didn't miss it. Friday was a beautiful day and we spent it sightseeing. According to my phone health app we walked 8 miles that day. We drove home on Saturday. Sunday I did Cardio kicks and the abs from ME. Then I had to go give some kittens vaccines. A woman found a pregnant cat and it had 4 kittens so we will be taking them from her. After that was more leaf clean up. I'm ready for them all to be down! This morning I started Cathe's December rotation with ploy legs disc 26. I hadn't done one of those in forever. Have a great day.

Julie Good work on Live Total Body Barbell, your run in Australia and hike in Hawaii, your strength workout and Live Metabolic Bootcamp. Glad that your black bean brownie was a hit. I have thought about making one of those but haven't got to it yet

Pam Nice that Ashley has leftovers to hold her through. Great job on your 8 mile walk, Cardio Kicks and plyo legs disc 26. Looks like we are both doing Cathe's December rotation. How was it giving the kittens vaccines. I have done it a lot now so it has gotten a lot easier than in the beginning.

So I didn't have a chance to workout on Thursday. I needed to get two of our cats into the vet to have their teeth checked by 9am. Then I had to get all the paperwork ready for our intake of kittens so I didn't get home until 5pm and I was pretty pooped. Friday I did S&H Chest and Triceps and then was back at the SPCA. Saturday I did Cardio Party and then went to the SPCA again. We had pet pictures with Santa so we had a lot of dogs coming through. That night I had a potluck for our dragon boat team. I was pretty tired so I didn't stay long. Sunday I didn't workout but I did go down to our winter market to pick up a few things. Monday I started Cathe's December rotation too so it was plyo legs. I have't done that one in a long time either. Then I got groceries, did laundry and got some housework done. Then my brother and his girlfriend came over and we went out for dinner. We were going to go to a nearby lake to see the Christmas lights but it was raining so we decided to do it another time.

Have a great day.

Cheryl The vaccines went well. So far all of the cats and kittens I have done have been really easy. I'm still surprised at how tough their skin is though! It sounds like you had quite the busy weekend! Great job on S&H C&T and cardio party. I bet the pet pictures with Santa were fun Great job on plyo legs, my legs are feeling it today!

This morning was supposed to be LIHI Back, shoulders and biceps, but I just did that one so I subbed in Gym style and did the Fit Split bonus abs. Have a great day!

Pam Nice that the vaccines are going well. They have gotten easier for me as well. Great work on GS and the FS bonus abs.

This morning was LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps. Then I finished with the housework and then went to the mall to pick up a few things. It wasn't too busy which was nice.

Have a great day.

Pam So glad you had a great time in DC for Thanksgiving and got some walking in while sightseeing! Great job on CK and ME abs! Oh how fun to have 4 new kittens! How many will this be for you now? Great job on Plyo Legs D26! Great job on subbing in GS BSB and FS Bonus Abs!

Cheryl The black bean brownie recipe was so easy to make and I didn’t have to buy anything because it was all common pantry ingredients. Wow what a busy day last Thursday. Great job on S&H C&T and CP! I love pet pictures with Santa! Great job on Plyo Legs D26 and LIHI BSB and housework!

Here is the recipe for the brownies if you are interested.

Sorry for no post yesterday. Work got crazy fast. I did do a run and then a hike in Australia. This morning I did Live Low Impact Step Boot Camp! It was good but I am super worn out from a busy work week already. I am actually taking tomorrow and Friday off work completely (no logging in from home). I have to get a tooth pulled in preparation for a dental implant tomorrow morning and I thought why not make a long weekend out of it.

Have a great day/weekend!
Julie Thanks for the recipe, I have saved it and will try to make it soon. Good work on your run and hike in Australia and Live Low Impact Step Boot Camp. Sorry that work has been so crazy for you but nice that you are making a long weekend. I hope your dental work goes well.

This morning was Great Glutes. Then we got our transfer today instead of Thursday so I went into work. We got 5 kittens and 1 cat so it took most of the day to get the paperwork done and examine them.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LIHI BSB and your housework. It's nice that the mall wasn't too crowded.

Julie I am not taking the kittens, another foster is. I have to get some of mine adopted before I can take anymore. I currently have 2 that we haven't even been able to post for adoption because they have chronic upper respiratory infections and have to be on medicine all of the time. We've been trying to get them cured, but it isn't looking good. They may end up being posted as special needs and hopefully someone will still be interested in them. It's too bad because they are as sweet as they can be. Greta job o your run and hike and Live LISBC! Dentist appointments don't sound like a good reason for a long weekend, but hopefully it will all go smoothly and you will get to enjoy your days off.

Cheryl Gret job oj GG. You have really bee putting in a lot of time at the SPCA!

Yesterday I did Get Glutes and didn't get a chance to post because my nephew came over right after to get his car insurance straightened out, After that I had lunch and shopping with some of my friends. This morning was supposed to be LIHI Chest and triceps, but again I subbed GS instead and added the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. Have a great day!

Pam Good work on Great Glutes and GS plus the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts.

This morning was LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. It was a dread factor for me with all of those push ups but I got through it. Then I drove our friend and dog to the vet for a check up. She is dealing with vertigo right now and can't drive. Then I got a few things done around the house.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LIHI CST. All of those push ups are a real drag! So nice of you to drive your friend to her vet appointment.

This morning for me was Afterburn. I did the double trouble premix to get it done quicker. Thanks to Julie for pointing out that premix. Of course it's the rests that are cut short, but I like not repeating the rounds immediately. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Afterburn double trouble. I will need to try that one sometime.

It was Afterburn for me too though I just did the regular version of it.


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