Cheryl I'm glad that you got to enjoy a nice evening of dragon boating. That's a bummer about the sore throat, but nice that it seems to have gone away so quickly.
Julie I had the GS workouts on VHS and burned them from there to DVD so I suspect I may need to just break down and buy the downloads at some point. I thought the Live downloads were kind've expensive too, especially since I'm assuming there are no premixes or bonuses like on most of the DVDs. I was looking at them, but I have no idea how to pick some that I might want to buy. Great job on Live hit the road! I hope you enjoy the long weekend.
Cheryl I'm glad that you are feeling better, great job on Body weight and bands! It makes me sosad that it's dark in the mornings and evenings again
Yesterday was supposed to be strong body stacked sets upper, but since that one is so short I also did Cardio Party. Then I had to drop my car off to have the windshield replaced and do a bunch of running around. We are getting a new roof on our house so it's really loud in here. I thought the kittens would freak out, but most of them of just fascinated by it. This morning was Plyo Hiit 2 and bonus ab 2. I will ever understand how they do the double foot hops over the bench so fast! I do half as many as they do. Spanky's meet and greet went so much better than I expected. He took treats from them and let them pet him and was playing. I didn't get the impression that they all adopt him, but I was happy that he did so well. Have a great day.
Julie I had the GS workouts on VHS and burned them from there to DVD so I suspect I may need to just break down and buy the downloads at some point. I thought the Live downloads were kind've expensive too, especially since I'm assuming there are no premixes or bonuses like on most of the DVDs. I was looking at them, but I have no idea how to pick some that I might want to buy. Great job on Live hit the road! I hope you enjoy the long weekend.
Cheryl I'm glad that you are feeling better, great job on Body weight and bands! It makes me sosad that it's dark in the mornings and evenings again
Yesterday was supposed to be strong body stacked sets upper, but since that one is so short I also did Cardio Party. Then I had to drop my car off to have the windshield replaced and do a bunch of running around. We are getting a new roof on our house so it's really loud in here. I thought the kittens would freak out, but most of them of just fascinated by it. This morning was Plyo Hiit 2 and bonus ab 2. I will ever understand how they do the double foot hops over the bench so fast! I do half as many as they do. Spanky's meet and greet went so much better than I expected. He took treats from them and let them pet him and was playing. I didn't get the impression that they all adopt him, but I was happy that he did so well. Have a great day.