Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on AT and all of your cooking and baking!

Julie It might have been the cake that helped me through yesterday, it was really good cake:p.Great job on Live legs for days. It sounds like a good one.

This morning for me muscle max. It went by quickly, but my abs were sore from yesterdays workout. Have a great day.

Julie Good job on Live Legs for Days. Sometimes I find the floor work the hardest.

Pam Great work on Muscle Max.

This morning was TBGS. I really enjoy that workout. Then it was grocery shopping and doing some more meal prepping and making some snacks.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on MM especially with sore abs!

Cheryl Great job on TBGS! That is a really good one. I especially like the premixes where you can double up lower or upper body.

This morning I did an interval run in Delhi India and then a hike in Australia! I am working from home today and after my workout before getting down to working I did some cleaning. So nice to have that commute time back to be productive. And I get to be surrounded by my furbabies!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on TBGS. I really like that one too!. You are so good about your meal prepping. I almost never do any planning past the current day :rolleyes:.

Julie Great job own your run in Delhi and your hike in Australia! The best part about working from home is having the fur babies around! I'm impressed that you used your saved commute time so producitvely too.

This morning I did Cycle Sweat. It really kicked my butt, I had forgotten how hard the spinning workouts are. My face was still beet red an hour after I got out of the shower! Yesterday I started cleaning out my closet. I hadn't done it in way too long. I only got about halfway through and already have 5 bags of clothes to donate, so. think it was time :oops:. I have to take Spanky back to the vet this afternoon because his foot is getting worse. He isn't putting any weight on it at all now. I hope they can figure out what is going on. Have a great day.

Julie Great work on your interval run in Delhi and hike in Australia. It is so nice not to have that commute time and you were productive with it. And to have your fur babies with you.

Pam Good job on Cycle Sweat. Doesn't it feel good to clear out your closet. I need to do the same thing too. I hope everything will be fine with Spanky.

This morning was suppose to be a cycle workout but since I don't have a spin bike I did PRS #1 instead. Then I needed to go to my mom's and drive her to a hospital in the city for an echo cardiogram. It was fun coming home since it was rush hour and traffic was really heavy. It was a lot of driving probably around 100 miles all together. I am glad to be back home.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Cycle Sweat that is a tough one of all her spin workouts! That is great to have 5 bags of clothes to donate. I need to get mine cleaned out too. I think it has been a few years. Oh no, poor Spanky. I hope they figured out what is going on with it.

Cheryl Great job on PRS1 subbing for CS! Is this just a routine checkup for your mom. I hope everything is ok. I hate driving especially in heavy traffic. I don't know how people in big cities do it. I could never live in a place like Atlanta or LA with all that traffic.

This morning I did Live Bring it Bootcamp! It was tough. Not the workout itself but just because I hadn't gotten good sleep the night before. I woke up a little before my alarm went off and cried when I saw how little time left I had to sleep.

I have tomorrow off work. Have a great weekend!
Julie It was a routine check for my mom. Hopefully she won't need to get it done again for another year. Great job on Live Bring it Bootcamp. I hate that feeling when you wake up before your alarm and realize that it will go off pretty soon. Enjoy your long weekend.

This morning I did Total Body Trisets Lower Body. My back was feeling the workout so I subbed supermans for the deadlifts. Then I went to the SPCA as we were getting 6 kittens and 2 cats. One of the cats we got had such sad eyes. Super nice cat but you could tell that he was sad. He was found as a stray so I don't know what his story is. Hopefully someone will adopt him soon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job PRS1! That sounds like a terrible drive. I'm glad to hear it was just a check up for your mom.

Julie Great job on Live BIB! Sorry to hear that you had a lousy sleep.That's the worse waking up and hoping you get to sleep longer and discovering that you don't :(.

Cheryl Great job Lower Body Trisets and being smart and subbing out the deadlifts. Oh, the sad eyes are tough, aren't they? I hope he gets adopted soon.

Yesterday was Pyramid Lower Body and then I had an outing with some friends to shop and have lunch. Today I had to take Spanky to the vet this morning for X-Rays. I had to just drop him off so I'm waiting to hear from them. Then it was Pyramid Upper Body. I did most of the pikes, but did sub just some static holds for some of them. Have a great day!

Pam Good work on Pyramid lower and upper body. Those pikes are really hard. Good idea to just do some static holds instead. I hope everything is fine with Spanky.

This morning was supposed to be Total Body Trisets Upper body. But I was really dehydrated this morning and had no energy to workout. I did drink water yesterday but apparently not enough. I decided to not workout and try to drink more water today.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on TBT LB! That was good to sub in supermans for deadlifts. Oh poor kitty! I so wish animals could talk to us some times and tell us what they are thinking and feeling. I don’t blame you for not working out when you were dehydrated. Hopefully you got hydrated up.

Pam Great job on PLB and PUB! That is smart to sub static holds for some of the pikes. Usually I am just fighting to stay on the ball at that point. Hope you got good news on Spanky.

Saturday I did a quick strength workout. After that it was chores around the house and baking a cake for my dad’s birthday. He turned 75 on Sunday but we had our get together on Saturday. Sunday was pretty much a lazy day with some meal prepping and laundry. My quads were so sore from my workout on Saturday. This morning I did Live Time to HiiT It Low Impact. It was a good one for a Monday. Not too tough but just right.

Have a great day!
Cheryl You were smart to skip the workout when you were so dehydrated. I hope that you were able to get rehydrated and feeling better.

Julie Great job on your strength workout and chores. I hope your dad had a nice birthday! Great job o Live TTHI.

The vet didn't find anything with Spanky's leg and he didn't even limp the whole time he was there. I showed her the video I took of him hopping around at home and she couldn't believe it. They put him on some pain meds to see how it goes. He is still holding it up and limping at home :rolleyes:, so strange. Saturday I did a bike ride with my friends. It had 15, 30, and 60 mile options and we dd the 30. Sunday was my rest day and this morning I did LI Hiit 1+2 + bonus abs 2. Have a great day!

Pam That's interesting about Spanky. We took our first dog to the vet one time when he was limping and he didn't do it at the vet. The vet told us some times they fake it to get attention. I'm not saying that is happening with Spanky and I don't fully buy it but I guess it is possible. Great job on your bike ride for 30 miles and then for LI HiiT 1&2 plus abs 2!

This morning I did an interval run in Portugal and a hike in Australia!

Have a great day!
Julie Good work on your quick strength workout. Nice that you baked a cake for your dad for his birthday. Good job on Live Time to HiiT It Low Impact.

Pam So Strange about Spanky. I was thinking the same thing that Julie said, that maybe he is looking for some attention. Great job on your 30 mile bike ride and LI Hiit 1+2+bonus abs 2.

Julie Great job on your interval run in Portugal.

Saturday I did AOLIH + core 1. There was no dragon boating this morning. My coaches were down in Vegas with some more of our paddlers at a regatta there. I don't think they won a medal but it looks like they had a lot of fun. Then I went to the SPCA for my shift. Sunday morning I did yoga then I was on my own at the SPCA all day, well except for a few volunteers. My assistant manager who usually does that shift wanted to take a vacation day so I went in for her. Wow but it was sure busy, I adopted out 5 of our kittens and one of our cats. Monday I did Tabatacise. It was a holiday here for Thanksgiving but I went into the SPCA for a couple of hours to feed our animals and clean out the cages. Then we went out with the family for a Thanksgiving buffet. On our way home I needed to stop at the SPCA as one of our kittens is on antibiotics for some tummy issues. I needed to give her the evening dose. This morning was Muscle Max. I only did the upper body premix as I woke up during the night and couldn't get back to sleep for over an hour so I slept in longer than I usually do. After I had to get groceries and did some errands. I was suppose to work all day again today but my manger realized that I was scheduled for too many days in a row so someone else took today's shift. I do need to work all day tomorrow though. My manager and assistant manager are in meetings today and tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH + core 1! That's cool about the Vegas regatta. So for travelling races, does the team use an unfamiliar boat or do they somehow bring their boat with them? Great job on yoga! That is amazing to have 6 adoptions on Sunday. Great job on Tabatacise! That is so awesome that you went in on your holiday to take care of the animals. Great job on MM upper body premix on little sleep! That's nice they recognized how much you have been working and got the day off for you.

This morning I did Live Stacked Sets Upper Body! The first round of chest and triceps was really tough. She started out with 48 dips :oops: I have been having troubles keeping up with Cathe's pace on pushups lately. I need to work on giving myself permission to slow down and do less reps so I can keep good form.

Have a great day!
Julie A few people have suggested that Spanky might be faking it for attention. He is such a non attention seeking cat though so I don't know. He would have to be pretty smart too because it is always to same foot. That coupled with the way it gradually built make me think there is something more going on, but it's hard to say. Great job on your interval run in Portugal and hike in Australia!

Cheryl It is really strange about Spanky. The medicine does seem to help though, he uses the foot more often and when it is getting close to time for his next dose he seems to be favoring it more. Great job on AOLIH+core. I'm glad the coaches had fun at the regatta even if they didn't medal. Wow you really have been busy at the SPCA. I hope we have a good adoption weekend this coming weekend. Things have been pretty slow for us for awhile, but that is pretty typical in the summer. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I like the idea of going out for Thanksgiving dinner. Great job on MM and getting done what you could with o little sleep. It's nice that your managers noticed that you were working too many days too!

Julie Great job on SSUB. I really like that format, but 48 dips sounds like way too many! I have trouble keeping up with Cathe's pace on pushups, and not only lately :rolleyes:. You are so right about giving yourself permission to slow down on them.

This morning was ICE Metabolic Total Body. I had to take Mai to the vet right after that. I sure wish she and Tai would get healthy. They have both been on antibiotics ever since I got them. When I finished the last round she suggested taking them off for two weeks to see what happens. They are both really congested again, so today she did a swab so that she can do a culture. They would both be really adoptable if they were healthy :(. Hopefully the culture will tell her what is going on. Have a great day!

Julie Every regatta you go to uses their own boats. All the boats are pretty standard so it is easy to use another one. Great job on Live Stacked Sets Upper Body. Wow 48 dips is a lot. Don't worry I can't keep up with Cathe's pace on push ups either.

Pam The adoptions are a bit slower here now too, the kittens were usually all adopted out by Friday or Saturday at the latest. Now it isn't until Sunday :). Good work on ICE Metabolic Total Body. Hopefully the vet will be able to figure out what is wrong with them with the culture.

This morning I did Lite Cardio Party and the Extended Stretch 1. Then I went to the SPCA for my shift. It was pretty quite since we are closed on Wednesdays but I still found lots of stuff to do.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on ICE TMB! Oh poor Mai and Tai. I hope they figure out what is going on so they can get healthy and then adopted. I think the faking thing is more likely to happen in a dog than a cat anyway. Seems like dogs are more easily conditioned to repeating behavior that they are rewarded for than cats but I could be wrong.

Cheryl Great job on Lite CP plus ES 1! I am sure it is busy there even when it is closed. There is always something needing to be done since it is not like the animals take a day off.

This morning I did Live We’re Talkin’ Legs! It was really good! One I would do again for sure. And if my legs are not talking to me tomorrow, I will be very surprised. It did have 4 moves that combined upper body but I took the arm moves out since my upper body was pretty sore from yesterday’s upper body live.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Lite Cardio party and ES. I bet it is nice working at the SPCA when you are closed because you can get more done.

Julie Great job on Live WTL. I hope you pass the toilet test tomorrow! Spanky is definitely smarter than most cats I've had and seems to have a very long memory, but I would be surprised is he was faking the limp. It not out of the question though!

This morning was Butts and Guts. I was supposed to do the bonus stability ball abs too, but that seemed like overkill since that workout is already so long and has a pretty long ab section. Plus we went to a concert last night so I got to bed late and didn't feel like it :). Have a great day!

Julie Great work on Live We're Talkin' Legs. So did you pass the toilet test?

Pam Good job on Butts and Guts. I am sure your abs were worked hard without the bonus stability ball abs too.

This morning was suppose to be Pyramid Lower Body but my back was hurting a bit so I decided to do the free Live Leg workout from the road trip. The pyramid lower body workout hurts my back even when it is feeling good so I didn't want to chance it. Then I went to the SPCA since we got 6 new kittens in. Before I even got a chance to process all of the paperwork we had adopted out 3 of them. So only 3 are left and they could be gone by tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on B&G! Oh wow that would have been a long workout to add on the sb abs. I don't blame you for skipping it especially after a late night too.

Cheryl Great job on Live Leg workout! I can't remember but have you done the lives before? I really like the format even if sometimes I get annoyed by the particpants whooping. Oh wow that is fast to get half the kittens adopted out.

I was already starting to feel my workout last night in my glutes. Surprisingly though this morning my legs are only mildly sore so I am able to pass the toilet test. We'll see where the day leads though because some times the DOMS are really delayed for me. I did do an interval run in India and a hike in Hawaii.

Have a great weekend!

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