Julie A few people have suggested that Spanky might be faking it for attention. He is such a non attention seeking cat though so I don't know. He would have to be pretty smart too because it is always to same foot. That coupled with the way it gradually built make me think there is something more going on, but it's hard to say. Great job on your interval run in Portugal and hike in Australia!
Cheryl It is really strange about Spanky. The medicine does seem to help though, he uses the foot more often and when it is getting close to time for his next dose he seems to be favoring it more. Great job on AOLIH+core. I'm glad the coaches had fun at the regatta even if they didn't medal. Wow you really have been busy at the SPCA. I hope we have a good adoption weekend this coming weekend. Things have been pretty slow for us for awhile, but that is pretty typical in the summer. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I like the idea of going out for Thanksgiving dinner. Great job on MM and getting done what you could with o little sleep. It's nice that your managers noticed that you were working too many days too!
Julie Great job on SSUB. I really like that format, but 48 dips sounds like way too many! I have trouble keeping up with Cathe's pace on pushups, and not only lately

. You are so right about giving yourself permission to slow down on them.
This morning was ICE Metabolic Total Body. I had to take Mai to the vet right after that. I sure wish she and Tai would get healthy. They have both been on antibiotics ever since I got them. When I finished the last round she suggested taking them off for two weeks to see what happens. They are both really congested again, so today she did a swab so that she can do a culture. They would both be really adoptable if they were healthy

. Hopefully the culture will tell her what is going on. Have a great day!