Janie Wow, 5.5 miles is a long walk, great job! I bet Bizbee is loving being a beach dog.
Cheryl Yes, I think it could be good for my mom to be with my sister, I just worry that my sister is biting off more than she can chew. I think it is worth a try though. It will be hard that she is so far away from here though. Great job on FS Shred cardio and bonus abs. That is a windfall in the penny slots, congratulations! I love watching the geese, but they can be a real nuisance sometimes. I was laughing because when I got to the vet this morning to drop off the kittens there were 2 in the parking lot. I was wondering if they were waiting to see the Doctor
Julie Great job PUQ and GG. I hope that Layla does well being uncrated today. That is nice that you have the camera to see what they are up to. I'm hoping that my mom will do better being with my sister. She stayed with her when we were there in October for my sisters service and talked about how much she would like to live there.
This morning I did S&S total body giant sets plus the bonus abs. Four of the kittens are in getting their spay/neuter today. Pippa is supposed to be picked up tomorrow, but she has been fighting a cold so she might be here a little longer until she is feeling better.
Oops, I wrote this yesterday and never posted it. Great job on yoga this morning Julie. So glad that Layla did pretty well out of the crate. Not a nice surprise from her, but it could have been worse. I'm so happy that she is adjusting so well.
This morning I did Rhythmic step. I had a terrible sleep so I wanted to do something funned it did the trick. I was worrying about the new little kittens because they aren't eating or playing anymore and have bad diarrhea. I'm pretty sure it is worms and I gave them dewormer, so I'm hoping to see some improvement soon. They did eat a little bit this morning, so I'm hopeful that the medicine is helping. Have a great day.