Cheryl Great job on Step Moves. I hate those days that you just can't get warm, I'm not sure I would have been as good as you were and gone to the land training session. Today we aren't having weather to be jealous of. It is cool and rainy, a great day to stay inside. Great job on KPC. Those pikes in that one are killer, but not as terrible as Pyramid upper body. I always feel very humble after either of those ab workouts. Cold and damp is the worst combination, I hope you were finally able to get warm after you got home!
Julie Great job on PP, PUQ, and GG. Oh poor Ozzie, that is terrible for him and for you guys having to deal with the mess. Salmon and peanut butter cookies, that sounds like a good combination to me.
Yesterday morning was a 21 mile bike ride and then I had a hair appointment in the afternoon. This morning was Imax 3 and the abs from LIC. Monday I ended up getting a fifth kitten. She texted me in the morning and asked if I could take him and I figured one more wouldn't really make a difference. While I was gone one of the others did something to her foot. She wasn't putting any weight on it at all. The rescue told me to confine her to a small space and just watch it for a couple of days but it is driving me crazy. I am worried that it could be broken, but they don't like you to go to the vet because of the cost. I get that, but if it was one of my cats they would have been to the vet by now. Plus she just cries at the top of her lungs locked in my little bathroom.
When I bring her out she tries to run around though, so I have to keep putting her back in. I think if it's not looking a lot better by tomorrow I'm going to take her anyway. Have a great day.
Julie Great job on PP, PUQ, and GG. Oh poor Ozzie, that is terrible for him and for you guys having to deal with the mess. Salmon and peanut butter cookies, that sounds like a good combination to me.
Yesterday morning was a 21 mile bike ride and then I had a hair appointment in the afternoon. This morning was Imax 3 and the abs from LIC. Monday I ended up getting a fifth kitten. She texted me in the morning and asked if I could take him and I figured one more wouldn't really make a difference. While I was gone one of the others did something to her foot. She wasn't putting any weight on it at all. The rescue told me to confine her to a small space and just watch it for a couple of days but it is driving me crazy. I am worried that it could be broken, but they don't like you to go to the vet because of the cost. I get that, but if it was one of my cats they would have been to the vet by now. Plus she just cries at the top of her lungs locked in my little bathroom.