Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on Step Moves. I hate those days that you just can't get warm, I'm not sure I would have been as good as you were and gone to the land training session. Today we aren't having weather to be jealous of. It is cool and rainy, a great day to stay inside. Great job on KPC. Those pikes in that one are killer, but not as terrible as Pyramid upper body. I always feel very humble after either of those ab workouts. Cold and damp is the worst combination, I hope you were finally able to get warm after you got home!

Julie Great job on PP, PUQ, and GG. Oh poor Ozzie, that is terrible for him and for you guys having to deal with the mess. Salmon and peanut butter cookies, that sounds like a good combination to me.

Yesterday morning was a 21 mile bike ride and then I had a hair appointment in the afternoon. This morning was Imax 3 and the abs from LIC. Monday I ended up getting a fifth kitten. She texted me in the morning and asked if I could take him and I figured one more wouldn't really make a difference. While I was gone one of the others did something to her foot. She wasn't putting any weight on it at all. The rescue told me to confine her to a small space and just watch it for a couple of days but it is driving me crazy. I am worried that it could be broken, but they don't like you to go to the vet because of the cost. I get that, but if it was one of my cats they would have been to the vet by now. Plus she just cries at the top of her lungs locked in my little bathroom. :( When I bring her out she tries to run around though, so I have to keep putting her back in. I think if it's not looking a lot better by tomorrow I'm going to take her anyway. Have a great day.

This morning I did Rockout Knockout. Each section seemed to fly by. Ozzie was doing good with eating his salmon and now peanut butter treats last night and this morning. I want to keep feeding him more because he lost a lot of weigh but I know he can only eat so much at a time. I am taking tomorrow off work and so looking forward to it. I have a few errands to run and am getting my haircut which is way past due.

Pam Great job on your 21 mike bike ride and Imax 3 plus LIC abs! Wow 5 kittens! I work with someone who has 7 cats and 3 dogs. You are getting close. Oh poor kitty hurting her foot. I hope it is nothing serious. I would hate having to listen to her crying because she is pinned up.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on RK. That one usually seems to go fast for me, I think because each section is not too long. So glad that Ozzie is doing well with his eating. It's just terrible listening to the kitten cry, but every time I take her out she tries to run around. I think I'm going to try to splint her leg. I looked up some videos on YouTube on how to do it, but I might need my DHs help and he's in NY until tonight.

This morning I did FlexTrain. I hadn't done it in a really long time and it went by really fast. I was planning to do mulch today, but my DH didn't get the truck out for me. I don't want to try myself, because it is in the basement, and there are very specific places you have to drive to get it out. It's pretty rainy anyway, so I'm not sure I would have done it even if I had the truck. Looks like I'll be working inside instead. Have a great day!

Julie I hope work has slowed down for you. Good job on Pedal Power scrambled and PUQ and GG. Sorry that Ozzie is still having horrible diarrhea. Hopefully he gets back to his old self soon.

Pam It took me a long time to warm up after I got home. I was in bed all bundled up but it took a while before I warmed up enough to fall asleep. Good job on your 21 mile bike ride, Imax 3 and the abs from LIC. Oh wow a fifth kitten, you will have your hands full. Oh your poor kitten who hurt her foot. I would find it hard to listen to her crying too. I hope it isn't broken and she just landed funny on it and it will get better on its own.

Julie Great work on Rockout Knockout. That one seems to go by fast for me too. I am glad that Ozzie is doing better and is eating his salmon and peanut butter treats.

Pam Good work on FlexTrain. Staying inside on a rainy day seems much nicer that trying to do mulch in the rain. Ummm how big is this truck if you can keep it in the basement? o_O

Yesterday was suppose to be Butts and Guts but I got up late so I did Fit Tower Legs, Glutes and Abs then I went grocery shopping. Last night I had a dragon boat meeting with the new team that I want to join. I really like their attitude with training and they are happy to have me joining them. Hopefully we can get the boat in the water this Saturday, the weather is supposed to be nice. Today I tried to do Fit Split Mixed Impact Cardio and Core Max Segment 2 but I didn't have the energy. I made a mistake of having bread for the last couple of days (I was having a major craving) and one of the drawbacks is that it makes me very lethargic. I should have known better but my cravings got the better of me. I had a very hard time even getting out of bed so needless to say I didn't do much today. I am looking forward to bed tonight though :rolleyes:.

Have a great day.

Cheryl The truck is a regular sized pickup. We have a daylight basement which is very common here, so the front is underground but the back is not, and we have a garage door on one end where DH has his workshop and we keep the truck in there. It's 1978 Ford F150 that he's had forever and will never part with! Great job on Fit Tower legs, glutes, and abs. The new dragon boat team sounds like fun. Will you be moving to that team, or are you going to be on both of them? I bet you are anxious to get out on the water after so long, I hope that the weather cooperates. Wow, that is a bummer about the bread. I just can't imagine having to give it up and I can totally understand having to give in to that craving occasionally. I hope you are feeling back to normal soon.

This morning I did Xtrain Cardio leg blast. I think that is one of my favorite leg workouts, it really flies by for me. DH got home and laughed at me wanting to put a splint on the kittens leg. o_O I did try yesterday by myself without success. The one time I was able to get something wrapped on there she held the leg out behind her and kept shaking it to try to get it off. She's still limping but he let her out with the other kittens. It doesn't seem any better this morning, but it doesn't seem any worse either, so hopefully it will heal soon. Have a great day.

Pam OK I understand now. I was wondering how you got a truck into your basement. That truck is an antique, I can see why your DH doesn't want to part with it. I will be moving to the new team in April once the days start getting longer. Hopefully we will be getting the boat in the water tomorrow, we will see. Great job on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. Animals are so funny when something is on their leg and they try to shake it off. Hopefully it will heal soon.

This morning I still wasn't quite to my normal self but I managed to do the first two segments of Rhythmic Step. I did seem to get better as the day worn on which was good since we dog sat today. I did go out for a long walk with the dog in the rain. I went down to the water where we have a pier and there was a couple getting married there. Too bad it was a rainy day but they all had a lot of umbrellas.

Have a great weekend.

Friday I did PUQ and GG. After that I had several errands to run and worked from home a little. Saturday, I did RWH Plyo HiiT 1 + bonus abs 1. I actually like the bonus abs on this one. I actually love standing ab work so loved that it included that. After that, did housework and more errands. Sunday was my lazy/rest day. This morning I started the next phase of PUQ. Still in Level 1 which is the beginner Level and still no where near an unassisted pullup but I decided spending 12 weeks on the first 4 week cycle was enough time. Ozzie has been eating some throughout the weekend. We find he wants to eat if we pretend like it is our dinner. So I am thinking this psychological.

Pam Great job on FT! Wow you keep your truck in your basement?!?! Oh now I understand you have a garage door in your basement too. I think I have seen those types of basements but they are not very common here. I hope your kitty with the sprained foot is doing better.

Cheryl Great job on FT LGA! How fun to be on a new team for dragon boating. So sorry your energy level wasn’t there. Bread and those yummy but heavy carbs do that to me too. Great job on the first two segments of RS! Hopefully you will be back to full energy tomorrow. I think they say it is actually good luck to have it rain on your wedding day. Although maybe that is for indoor weddings.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Were you able to get the boat in the water this weekend? I hope so. I thought we were done with the cold weather, but we are supposed to have lows in the 30s all week again. I am ready for spring, especially now that we have had a taste of the warm weather. Sorry to hear you were still not feeling great, but great job on doing what you could with RS. I hope that you are back to normal now. How fun to run into a wedding, but it's a bummer for them that it was raining. I don't think I'd be able to take the added stress of worrying about the weather in addition to all of the other things there are to worry about for a wedding.

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG, Plyo Hiit 1 and bonus abs 1, and starting the next phase of PUQ. I'm not sure I would ever make it out of level 1! I'm glad to hear that Ozzie has been eating better, but that is pretty funny that he does better if he thinks it's what you are eating.

I realized when I was looking at my workout manager calendar last week that I haven't had a rest day in 3 weeks because of bike riding, so I decided to take Saturday off. We had a lazy morning and then I spent the rest of the day working in the yard. We had really high wind on Friday so the pool was a mess, and there were sticks and branches all over the yard. Sunday morning I did Terminator the Gauntlet, which is one I hadn't done in a long time. Then I went to this huge nursery with my friend. It was overwhelming. Apparently they are only open 8 weekends a year and it is quite a popular place. I got a few plants, but their plants are very expensive so I had to be very careful! This morning my friend and I did a 20 mile bike ride, then I took some friends to the airport, and then had lunch with some other friends. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on PUQ and GG and RWH Plyo HiiT 1 + bonus abs 1. That ab workout is my favorite one too especially the standing portion. I don't know if I could ever go beyond level 1 with pull ups. They are so hard but good for you in starting the the next phase. Too funny about Ozzie but whatever works.

Pam Yes we did get the boat back in the water on Saturday. It felt so good to get back out there. I am so ready for Spring too, hopefully the weather will warm up so. Three weeks is a long time without a break though working in the yard doesn't really seem like a break. Good job on The Terminator The Gauntlet, I haven't done that one in a lot of years. I hate going to places where you feel overwhelmed. Garden places do that to me too because it is crowded and there is so much to choose from. Good work on your 20 mile bike ride too.

So Saturday morning we got the dragon boat in the water and went out for a short paddle. In the afternoon they had a try it dragon boat session that I helped out with. I included a picture that our coach took of two eagles who were on the log booms when we passed by. Sunday I didn't get a chance to do a workout as we went out to my parents to do some yard work for them. My dad needed a blood transfusion on Saturday because his red blood cell count was really low so he couldn't get his monthly short for his cancer. His health has really deteriorated since he can't seem to tolerate food anymore. This morning was Step Pump and Jump then I went out and got some new runners since mine didn't have any spring left in them.

Have a great day.



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This morning I did Cycle Max scrambled. Today is Ozzie’s chemo day. Hoping for good news again. Pullup Queen has 3 levels (beg, int, advanced). Each level has 3, 4-week phases. I am in Level 1 (and probably will be for quite a while) but moved on to Phase 2 now. I figure I will also do at least 5 weeks for each phase because the first week is just figuring out the sequence of exercises. I went longer on the first phase because you are supposed to be able to do 5 sets of 30 second static hangs. I was only ever able to get to 25 seconds on the first 2 sets. Oh well.

Pam You definitely earned that rest day. Wow 3 weeks is a pretty long time without a rest day. Great job on Terminator Gauntlet and your 20 mile bike ride.

Cheryl Yea! So happy you could get the boat in the water. Spring is getting here. We are back to cold temps like Pam but I am starting to feel an end is in sight. That is a beautiful picture of the eagles. So sorry about your dad’s health deteriorating. I am sure it is difficult to watch him go through this. Great job on SJP!

Have a great day!
Cheryl So glad you were able tog et the boat in the water, I bet it felt good. The eagles are so beautiful, what a nice sight to see. Pam so sorry to hear about your dads health deteriorating. That has to be so hard for everyone. Great job SJP, I hope you enjoy the new shoes.

Julie Great job on CM. I hope that Ozzies chemo goes well today.Wow, 30 second static hangs sound very hard. I think you did well getting 25 second on 2 sets.

This morning I did RUUB + the bonus abs. I am really liking that ab workout now. I'm going to go visit my mom today. They called yesterday and said that she fell, but luckily she didn't hurt herself. Her leg has been bothering her, but she is too stubborn to use her cane or walker so I' not surprised that she fell. :rolleyes: Maybe the fall will teach her a lesson, but I doubt it. Have a great day.

Julie Great job on Cycle Mx Scrambled. I hope everything goes well with Ozzie today and you get good news. I couldn't do 5 sets of 30 second static hangs. I think you did well with being able to hold them for 25 seconds.

Pam Good work on RUUB + bonus abs. Parents can be stubborn can't they. I hope she is doing well and will decide to use her cane or walker.

This morning was Cardio Kicks. My new shoes felt so good, I didn't realize how bad my other ones were.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ Level 1/Phase 2/Day 2 plus Gorgeous Glutes. Ozzie got good news yesterday that his tumors are holding steady and not growing. This week’s chemo was a less strenuous one that he usually tolerates well but in 2 weeks he will get the heavy stuff that usually messes with him bad.

Pam Great job on RUUB plus bonus abs! Oh so glad your mom wasn’t hurt from her fall. I feel like we all get a little more stubborn as we age. I hope she starts using her cane or walker so she doesn’t fall again.

Cheryl Great job on Cardio Kicks! New shoes are the best. Those static hangs are tough. They really challenge your lats, forearms, and core.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on cardio kicks, that is a fun one. New shoes are fabulous, aren't they?!

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG. I'm so happy to hear that Ozzie got good news and it sounds like he should have a good 2 weeks before his next chemo session.

This morning I did Hiit 30/30, then went downtown to meet with the knitting group. We started a new project this morning making market bags. These are crocheted, so we also got a crochet lesson. They are pretty easy to do though, so it will be fun to have a new project. Have a g great day!

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG. I am glad that Ozzie got some good news and that he can enjoy these next two weeks before his heavy chemo session.

Pam Good work on Hiit 30/30. Market bags would be a fun project to do. I knit a little bit but I haven't crocheted.

This morning was Maximum Intensity Strength. This was one of my very first Cathe workouts. I haven't done it in years but it is still a solid strength workout. After that I went and got groceries and then went for a long walk. This evening our friend came over and helped us change our kitchen faucet since our old one had sprung leak.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Shred Cardio. This is only the 2nd time I have done this one. I like it but the cueing is lacking on a few of the blasts so I always miss the first rep through. I needed to do a short workout because I had to run to Wal-Mart. I like to get that done before work because after work it is crazy busy there. Only bad thing is that I had to bring in my shampoo and toothpaste so it wouldn’t freeze. It just looks like I live at work now.

Pam Great job on 30/30! Oh market bags sounds awesome. I try to use reusable grocery bags but I am not good about doing that at Wal-Mart or other types of stores.

Cheryl Great job on MIS! I hope the faucet link didn’t cause too much of a mess. You have such wonderful neighbors that you are always helping each other out.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on MIS. That is one of the things I love about Cathes workouts, even though some of the outfits are dated, the workouts themselves seem to be timeless. I think we are going to be ready for a new kitchen faucet soon too. My DH has fixed ours a couple of times, but the parts are really expensive and it it starting to drip again after only a few months.

Julie Great job Shred Cardio. I have a hard time with some of the blasts in that one too. Hopefully it only looks like you live at work and doesn't feel like it!

This morning I did Rockout Knockout and the abs from Lean Leg and abs. I was hoping to do some mulch today but DH left for work without getting the truck out for me again so I guess it will be waiting another day. Have a great day.

Julie Good job on Shred Cardio. Walmart is crazy at the best of times. Wow it must be cold where you are if you had to bring it into the office with you so it wouldn't freeze. We have awesome neighbours, we are always looking out for each other. I really love our little community.

Pam We had our faucet taped up so it wouldn't spray all over the place. It is so nice to have a new one. Great work on Rockout Knockout and the abs from Lean Legs and Abs. I am sure you didn't mind not having to mulch though I guess it would be nice just to get it done.

This morning was Imax, another one that I hadn't done in a long time. Funny how you can't really remember the workout but the moves do come back to you like you had just done the workout the week before. After that I started the spring cleaning with cleaning the blinds and carpets in the living room and dining room. Still a ways to go before everything is done but at least it is a start.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ and GG. So happy it is Friday even if we have to turn the clocks forward and lose an hours sleep. I am ready to try and relax this weekend. Last weekend was so busy I don’t feel like I got much downtime.

Pam Great job on RK plus LLA abs! Bummer you couldn’t work on the mulch. Hopefully he remember to get out for you next time so you can get it done.

Cheryl Great job on Imax! Yes it is still pretty cold here. It reaches the low 40s if we are lucky which is technically above freezing but usually when I get to work it is still in the 20s. You reminded me that I need to put together my list of what I want to Spring clean this year.

Have a great weekend!
CherylI think mulching is kind've like CCC, sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual thing! Great job on Imax, I don't know why I don't think about doing that one very often, it is funny how the workout just seems to come back to you. Most of the time anyway. :rolleyes: I guess I should be thinking about spring cleaning too.

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG. I hate losing that hour in the spring, but I do enjoy the lighter evenings. I hope you get more downtime this weekend than you did last.

This morning I did Drill Max. It seemed like it flew byDH said he's going to get the truck out for me this weekend, so I guess no mulching until then! Have a great day.


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