Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on Pedal Power. I hope Ozzie does well after this chemo session. Hopefully the lower dosage will help.

This morning was Cross Train Express Kickbox. I haven't done that one in years.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ and GG. My tennis elbow is starting to flare up. I tell you if it is not one thing it is another. I have some PT exercises I can do at home. Just need to buckle down and do them.

Cheryl Great job on CTX Kickbox! I have only done Leaner Legs in the last few years. The upper body split used to be a favorite of mine.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on PUQ and GG. Sorry that your tennis elbow is giving you problems. It seems that when one thing goes wrong other things seem to follow. Hopefully you can heal it without it getting too bad.

This morning was suppose to be High Reps but I didn't feel like doing that one so I did Total Body Giant Sets. Wow I feel like I have lost a lot of strength in the last several rotations that I have done. I may look at doing my own since I can't always fit a workout in on Saturdays with dragon boating starting. Then I went grocery shopping and hated every moment of it. They are changing the store around and it is horrible. It used to be that the aisles were separated in the middle with another aisle. That way you could go down the centre and then go left or right down certain aisles depending on what you needed. Now they have made all the aisles really long with no break in the middle. It is now so overwhelming to try to find something and on top of that they decided to move things all over the store so it took me an extra 1/2 hour to try to find things and even then I left without some things that I needed because I just had to get out of there. I am not looking forward to going again next week.

Have a great day.

This morning I did .... wait for it .... Yoga! I know crazy for me, right? It is an old DVD called Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss. I have had it for years and I broke it out again and really enjoyed it. I feel really stretched out and relaxed. I am going to try to make this a weekly habit that hopefully sticks this time. It is probably just what I needed today because I am in an all day class. Yuck!

Cheryl Great job on TBGS! Good thing about strength is that you will get it back quick. I feel like cardio takes longer to get back. Oh I hate when they move things around. I know where everything in my grocery store is and I can get in and out in 25 minutes for a full week's worth of groceries. I hope you can get to the new set up quickly. I know it has to be frustrating.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Yoga. It does feel good to stretch the muscles out doesn't it. I hope your day goes by fast despite being stuck in a class all day.

I have been feeling really tired this week and it has been hard trying to get energy to work out. I am wondering if my gluten sensitivity is getting worse. I always feel tired if I have bread but gluten is in other things too. I am going to try to cut out everything that I can think of that has gluten in it to see if it helps. This morning was suppose to be Imax 3 but I decided to do Low Impact Sweat instead. After that I managed to get the housework and laundry done.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ and GG. So happy it is Friday but we are supposed to get 8-12 inches of snow starting tonight through tomorrow afternoon. What is going on with Mother Nature? I think she needs to be on meds or something.

Cheryl Great job on LIS! That is a good idea to swap that one in for Imax 3 when you are feeling tired. I hope you can figure out what it is. I have heard gluten is a lot of things we wouldn't think it is in.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on PUQ and GG. Oh yuck snow, it is supposed to be spring. I hope you get as much as that are predicting.

This morning I did Great Glutes then it was a pretty lazy day.
Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA, I forgot to mention that I was going to Vegas for the week.

Cheryl That is great that you got to do a dragon boating double header. Water skiing is the same way, it's all about how you start. If you have a good gate the whole pass is easy. If you don't, you are trying to make up for it the whole time. Great job on Rhythmic step, CTX KB, and TBGS. I feel like I am losing upper body strength too since I have been bike riding. I try to do upper body on the other days, but I love Cathe's cardio workouts so much that I can't help doing some of those too. I hate it when I'm used to a store and they change everything around. It sounds like your store didn't change for the better either. :mad: Great job on LIS and GG.

Julie So glad that you had a productive weekend and that your back is doing so much better. Great job on PUQ and GG on Monday, and Pedal Power on Tuesday. I'm not sure if I have that one, I think I need to check. How is Ozzie doing after his chemo this week? I hope that the lower dosage helped with the intestinal issues. Great job on PUQ and GG. That is a bummer that your tennis elbow is starting to act up. Like you said, if it's not one thing it's another! Good for you for doing Yoga. Maybe one of these days I'll get motivated to do it! Great job LIS. 8-12 inches of snow?! What the heck is going on! They are talking about snow here tonight again too, although they are saying it won't stick and it is going to be raining by morning, but still! March came in like a lion, it's supposed to go out like a lamb!

Since there is so much walking when you are in Vegas I didn't do many official workouts. On Monday I spent the day at the outlet mall. They have 2 really nice ones there, but I had never been before since I've only been there for work. Tuesday I went and visited a friend that lives just outside Vegas in Henderson. I also got to see a lot of my old work friends that I haven't seen since last year, so that was nice. I did do 45 minutes on the elliptical on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, but I was averaging close to 10 miles a day walking so I'm not sure why I did that. We came home on the redeye Thursday night, so I wasn't up to doing anything yesterday and this morning I did Crossfire. Today will be laundry and getting caught up from being away and visiting my mom. Have a great day.

Pam Welcome back. Nice that you got a chance to get to Vegas other than a work trip. You do a lot of walking in Vegas don't you. I know i did when I was there. They have a huge dragon boat festival in Henderson every October. One year I hope to get to it. Nice that you could reconnect with some co-workers and friends while you were there. Good job on Crossfire.

Well today was suppose to be dragon boating but it was too cold out so both the morning and afternoon learn to paddle sessions were cancelled. I didn't get a chance to get in another workout so I guess this was an off day for me since we did some running around for the rest of the day.

Cheryl That's a bummer that both of your dragon boat sessions were cancelled. It has been cold here too, but I think it's supposed to get warm this week again. Hopefully it will stay warm this time!

This morning I really didn't feel like working out, but I dragged myself up and did cardio slam and bonus abs. It wasn't too bad once I got going. Have a great day!

Pam I hope it keeps getting warmer too. We have a regatta coming up in less than a month so we need all the practise that we can get. Good work in doing cardio slam and bonus abs when you didn't feel like it.

This morning was Yoga Relax and it felt really good to stretch out. After that we went over to my parents and did some more yard work for them. Man oh man those leaves never stop falling :eek:.

Have a great day.

So I was a slug this weekend. I could not get motivated Saturday morning to do anything. DH and I had to run errands and we wanted to get an early start because of the snow. We ended up getting everything done and then when I got home I had a ton of chores around the house to do. By the time I was done, it was late and my feet were killing me from standing on them all day so I didn’t workout. Sunday I was really a slug and besides running into town to get gas, I did nothing. We did end up getting over a foot of snow by the end of Saturday. Ick!! This morning I did do PUQ and GG. Ozzie is not doing so well. His lymph nodes under his jaw are really swollen and painful to the touch. DH and I discussing what to do. We don’t think he is to the point of needing to say goodbye but I think we will be in the next few weeks.

Pam I hope you had a great time in Vegas. No worries on forgetting to update us before you left, it happens and I am sure you had a ton of things to do to get ready. You are such a go getter with doing the elliptical plus all that walking. Great job on CrossFire and CS plus bonus abs with not really feeling it.

Cheryl Great job on Great Glutes! Sorry dragon boating was cancelled but you got a surprise rest day in there. Great job on YR and getting stretched out. Hmm, maybe you did that backwards and should have done the yard work and then gotten stretched out. Just kidding!

Have a great day!
Julie Sometimes being a slug is OK. Maybe your body was telling you that it needed a break. Ick is right on the foot of snow, it is supposed to be spring. Good work on PUQ and GG. So sorry to hear that Ozzie isn't doing so well. Enjoy the time you have with him, it is always so hard to make that decision but you don't want them to suffer either.

This morning I decided to do Afterburn. I felt that the past two rotations that I have done haven't challenged me that much and it showed with Afterburn. I did struggle with some of the moves.

Have a great day.

I got horrible sleep last night. Ozzie was in and out of the bed and room all night. I finally got up about 2:30 and found out why. He had horrible diarrhea in the living room. I had put piddle pads down all of the floor so most of it was on there. Poor guy. After I cleaned that up, I did Cycle Sweat. I think all of this is a side effect from the chemo he got last week. But I don’t think DH and I can put him through this anymore. We will just try to make him comfortable and happy for however long he has left.

Cheryl Great job on AB! That is definitely a challenging workout. One of Cathe’s most challenging I think. This morning, it seemed a little more like Spring because we had fog so thick you couldn’t see more than 10 feet in front of my car.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on YR and yard work. I don't know what is up with the leaves. Weren't they all supposed to be down by now and new ones coming in?!

Julie Sometimes we all need to be slugs. Just think about how many people that that is the norm for!! And it sounds like you were pretty active on Saturday. Over a foot off snow is crazy. I don't know if we ever got any snow over the weekend. If we did I didn't see it, and I'm just fine with that. Oh poor Ozzie. It is such a hard decision to make, but you certainly don't want him to suffer. :(

Cheryl Great job on AB. That one will challenge you for sure!

Julie Poor Ozzie with his diarrhea. You were smart to put down the puppy pads. I don't blame you for not wanting to put him through it anymore. Good for you getting in CS after dealing with that.

Yesterday morning I had my annual physical and had to fast before it since they were doing bloodwork. I didn't get out of there until after 11 so I was starving by then. I went right from there to a drive through. After that I did SJP and started working on my moms taxes. Yuck. This morning was Cardio Kicks which is always so much fun. Have a great day!

Julie Sorry that Ozzie had diarrhea but that was a good thing that you had put the puppy pads down. That was great that you did Cycle Sweat after that. The chemo seems to be really hard on Ozzie. I know it is hard but letting them go is the best decision when they are suffering. Fog is so eerie especially when you can't see very far, but I kinda like it.

Pam I hate being so hungry that I have to go through a drive through and then I scarf the food down so fast that I don't even taste it. At least it is done for another year. Good job on SJP and Cardio Kicks. Doing taxes is not fun. I have done my parents and our taxes so we are good until next year.

This morning I did PRS #2 and then I went and got groceries. I am going to the hairdresser tomorrow so I wanted to get it done today. After that we took the car in to have the brakes looked at to make sure they didn't need replacing. The brakes were fine but they did notice a crack in the ball joint of the right front wheel so we needed to get it replaced. It was nice that we live within walking distance of the shop so we didn't have to stay there for several hours. I just walked back later to pick it up.

Have a great day.

I got a little better sleep last night. Ozzie wasn’t as restless and seemed to have a better night which helped. I was able to do PUQ and GG. I am working from home today because we are supposed to be getting a new A/C installed. We are also getting a whole house humidifier attached the furnace which will be awesome for the dry winters.

Pam I hate having to fast for bloodwork. If they can’t get me in first thing, I will be a raging B because I get very hangry when I don’t eat. Great job on getting in SJP! I need to get together with my mom and go over our taxes. We usually double check each other to make sure we are right. Great job on Cardio Kicks!

Cheryl Great job on PRS2! That is nice that you live close enough to the shop to walk there and back. Good thing they noticed that crack so they could replace it. I like the fog too, if I don’t have to drive in it. It was that eerie fog that would lighten a little and then get thicker and then lighten. Like a rolling fog.

Have a great day!
Julie Glad that you got a better nights sleep. Good job on PUQ and GG. That would be great to have a humidifier attached to your furnace. The winters and get really dry so it would be nice to get some moisture so your skin doesn't get so dry.

This morning I did RUUB. My arms were really feeling it by the end. Then I went and got highlights in my hair and got it cut. After that it was some errands.

Have a great day.

I did yoga again this morning. I really wanted to sleep in I was so tired but I am off tomorrow so I figured I would sleep in tomorrow.

Cheryl Great job on RUUB! Yep the winters are so dry dh will get nose bleeds. I am hoping the humidifier will help. I shouldn't complain but I don't think we will get to try it until November maybe/hopefully.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on PRS 2. How nice that you could walk home and back from the place your car was being worked on. I guess it is a good thing that you took it in even though the brakes turned out to be ok.

Julie I'm glad you got better sleep and that Ozzie had a better night. Great job o UQ and GG. Oh a whole house humidifier will be wonderful I bet. I hate how dry my skin gets in the winter. I tend to get hangry when I don't eat too. Sometimes DH looks at me and asks me if I need to eat something :D

Cheryl Great job on RUUB.

Julie Great job on yoga again. You are on a streak!

Yesterday morning my friend and I went on a 30 miles bike ride. It probably wasn't the best idea to go on that long of a ride after not riding for 2 weeks, but I made it. I was definitely ready to get off that bike but the time we were done though. This morning was MIS. I was really feeling weak during the shoulder work and the biceps. I need to get busy on those since water ski season is starting soon. Have a great day.


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