Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA, I forgot to mention that I was going to Vegas for the week.
Cheryl That is great that you got to do a dragon boating double header. Water skiing is the same way, it's all about how you start. If you have a good gate the whole pass is easy. If you don't, you are trying to make up for it the whole time. Great job on Rhythmic step, CTX KB, and TBGS. I feel like I am losing upper body strength too since I have been bike riding. I try to do upper body on the other days, but I love Cathe's cardio workouts so much that I can't help doing some of those too. I hate it when I'm used to a store and they change everything around. It sounds like your store didn't change for the better either.

Great job on LIS and GG.
Julie So glad that you had a productive weekend and that your back is doing so much better. Great job on PUQ and GG on Monday, and Pedal Power on Tuesday. I'm not sure if I have that one, I think I need to check. How is Ozzie doing after his chemo this week? I hope that the lower dosage helped with the intestinal issues. Great job on PUQ and GG. That is a bummer that your tennis elbow is starting to act up. Like you said, if it's not one thing it's another! Good for you for doing Yoga. Maybe one of these days I'll get motivated to do it! Great job LIS. 8-12 inches of snow?! What the heck is going on! They are talking about snow here tonight again too, although they are saying it won't stick and it is going to be raining by morning, but still! March came in like a lion, it's supposed to go out like a lamb!
Since there is so much walking when you are in Vegas I didn't do many official workouts. On Monday I spent the day at the outlet mall. They have 2 really nice ones there, but I had never been before since I've only been there for work. Tuesday I went and visited a friend that lives just outside Vegas in Henderson. I also got to see a lot of my old work friends that I haven't seen since last year, so that was nice. I did do 45 minutes on the elliptical on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, but I was averaging close to 10 miles a day walking so I'm not sure why I did that. We came home on the redeye Thursday night, so I wasn't up to doing anything yesterday and this morning I did Crossfire. Today will be laundry and getting caught up from being away and visiting my mom. Have a great day.