Strength in Numbers

Janie Great job on your wilderness walk with Rolly and your neighbor and your stretch. Great job on Basic Step and abs too. Did you and Rolly get your beach walk in? I hope so!

Cheryl Wow, you have been a busy woman! I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy in retirement! That is pretty funny that you couldn't get to your workout cothes, oops! Great job on STS plyo legs. I hope you had a nice visit with your friend. Getting glue up from the floor doesn't sound like much fun at all. It sounds like you got it all done though if you were smoothing it the next day. Great job on STS disc 30 too. I'm glad to hear you are getting some cooler weather.

Julie Great job on MIC and your cleaning. I guess we were on the same wavelength, I cleaned my refrigerator on Saturday too. Great job on LIS TBT Total Body workout too and wearing yourself out! Hmmm....maybe it's the scissor scissor tuck move you were trying to think of as a favorite.......?! From 68 to 96, that is some crazy weather!

Friday night we went to the lake and skiied and then went out for Mexican food. I was a bit freaked out because I was sitting in the water just about to ski and a fish bit me on the butt! EEeeek! I was a little jumpy after that. Especially since last week when we first got there there was a snake swimming under the dock. Every time I went near the dock after that I flailed my arms around so it wouldn't come near. Saturday I took as a rest day. I cleaned out the fridge and did laundry and then DH and I went to the lake and waxed the boat before we skiied. That was enough to wear me out. Sunday was Maximum Intensity Strength and then I started cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. I still have more to do, but it was a good start. This morning was Intensity Series Boot Camp. We had a big thunderstorm while I was doing my workout, but luckily the power hung in there. Happy Monday!

This morning for me it was RWH Plyo Hiit 1. That one always gets me. I had considered doing the Plyo hiit 1+2 premix, but when I got to the end of 1 I was done! Have a great day.

Last night DH and I did the single interval premix from Afterburn. I think he wants to go back to doing AB. He also wants to work back up to doing the full hour of Afterburn since it has been awhile since he did it. He just does the cardio portions. I tell you though, I was huffing and puffing and glad it was over when we got done with the single premix. I did add on RWH LI2 to make my total workout a little longer but I was still glad we only went through AB once.

Pam Oh my gosh that is scary about the fish and the snake. I have to say I have never been a fan of lakes, streams, rivers and am iffy about oceans if I can’t see the bottom clearly. I remember swimming in a dirty lake when I was younger during a camping trip and feeling the fish against my legs but not being able to see them. I hated every moment of it. Yeah, I don’t think the I was thinking of the scissor scissor tuck as a favorite. Great job on MIS! I am planning on doing my kitchen cabinets this Saturday. You are so much better than me for doing it on a Sunday. Great job on Bootcamp and RWH Plyo 1! Those plyo ones are tough. If I mix anything with it, it would be the LI hiit since I think those are a little easier.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your AB premix and RWH LI2. That sounds like a pretty good combo to me. I don't mind lakes and oceans, but rarely have had any encounters with life forms like that either. There are some little fish that swim around the dock that will sometimes nibble on your toes when you have them in the water, so I keep my feet out of the water when that is happening. The surprise encounter was not fun at all. I did a lot of splashing around after that to keep all creatures away!

This morning was supposed to be Kickmax, but I don't like that one so I did Cardio Kicks instead and the abs from Muscle Endurance. Cardio Kicks always makes me smile. Low max is on the calendar for tomorrow, so I'm already thinking about what I will do instead :rolleyes:. Happy Hump Day!

Julie Good work on Maximum Intensity Cardio. That is one that I haven't done in ages either. Good work on LIS TBT Total body workout and all of your errands, and housework and then enjoying your lazy Sunday. Getting the glue off the floor was not fun at all and something I hope I never have to do again.

Pam no such thing as taking it easy for me right now LOL. Doing these renos is keeping me quite busy and I will be happy when it is all done. The glue was not fun at all but at least is is done now. I would have freaked out too if a fish hit me or if I saw a snake in the water especially the snake they really freak me out. Good work on all of your housework Maximum Intesity Strength, Boot Camp RWH Plyo 1 and all of your water skiing.

Julie good work on the single interval premix of AB. Good for DH in wanting to work up too doing the whole workout. I wish I could get my DH even just a little bit active. Good job on the RWH LI2 add on.

Pam good job on Cardio Kicks and the abs from ME.

i have been so busy that I thought I had better post while I am having my morning coffee. Sunday morning I did Yoga Relax and then we went out to Ribfest that was happening in the park by us. I couldn't eat any of it due to my allergies but everyone else said that it was really good. Monday I did STS disc 31 Chest and Back and Tuesday was RWH Plyo1. I will do STS disc 32 Plyo Legs in just a bit today. I have been working on the renos to the bedroom and bathroom. We are almost there and I will be very happy when it is done. Our neighbour is helping me so we can't get started u til he gets home from work and we are going until 9-10 at night. Today I am going to get the bathroom painted and I bought a vanity yesterday. I am hoping that it will be all done by the weekend, fingers crossed. DH put his back out so his isn't able to help out at all.

Have a good day everyone.

Cheryl You have been incredibly busy with those renos. You are going to need a vacation when you are done! Great job on YR. I'm not sure how much I would enjoy a ribfest if I couldn't eat any of the food o_O Great job on STS disc 31 and RWH Plyo 1 too. That is a bummer that you have to do all of your renovation work in the evenings, but how nice that your neighbor is helping! It sounds like you are making great progress though. Did you take before pictures so you can do a before/after comparison? So sorry to hear your DH put his back out, I hope it is feeling better soon.

This morning was supposed to be Low Max, but as I said yesterday, I don't really like that one so didn't do it. I did Tracy Stahle Maximum Intensity Step Mix instead. It's a really fun one that I haven't done in a long time. Happy Thursday, the weekend is almost here!

Oh my goodness! Work consumed me the last two days and I could not get on to post. Still really busy today but I decided to get my post in first thing. Tuesday I did LIHI Legs, Wednesday was AOLIH and then a walk with DH, and Thursday was AB Single Intervals with DH. So happy it is the weekend, but I will probably need to bring some work home with me. My day is filled with meetings which makes it go by fast but can be very unproductive.

Pam Great job on Cardio Kicks + ME abs! As you know, I love CK for the guys. I haven’t done it in so long. Great job on TS MISM! AB + RWH LI2 was a good combo. I liked only doing each AB interval once and then RWH LI2 added on some fun factor to it.

Cheryl Great job on Yoga Relax! Hopefully you still had a good time at Ribfest even if you couldn’t eat anything. Great job on D31 and RWH Plyo 1! That is so nice of your neighbor to help out. We had a nice neighbor like that too, that helped us redo our basement after it flooded. So sorry about your DH’s back. I hope he heals quickly.

Have a great day/weekend!
Julie Sorry to hear that work is still so crazy for you. I hope you are able to get a nice relaxing weekend in and don't spend topo much time working. Great job on LIHI legs, AOLIH, your walk, and AB. I always think about you when I do CK because I know how tickled you get abut the guys going up front at the end. It is pretty cute! I may have to try your AB single interval plus LI hiit combo. I think I would like that better than repeating the AB intervals twice.

This morning I did RWH CUB, the blast only premix from CLB and core 2. It sounds like a lot, but it was only a little over an hour total. I liked the combo a lot. Well, other than those stupid swimming supermans at the end of core 2, I hate those!o_O I always feel so awkward. Happy Friday, I hope you all have a great weekend!

Been keeping up with my workouts and now I feel I can start with Week 4-6 on Mon. YaHoo! Been crazy busy with the 3 galleries this year with my stuff in them. Selling OK I think, haven't heard from anyone. Guess I better contact them to see what's going on.

Pam, Great job on RWH CUB blast only prem. from CLB and core 2.

Julie, Great job on LIHI legs, on Tues. Then Wedn. AOLIH and a walk with hubby. Thur. AB single Intervals with hubby. Looks like he's back on track.

Cheryl, Great job on Sun. Yoga Relax. And your enjoyment of the Ribfest. What? You couldn't eat any? Awe full! Great job on Mon. STS disc 31 chest and back and Tues. RWH Plyo 1. Nice to get help from neighbors.

Take care everyone,

Pam the renos are taking longer than expected. No I forgot to take before pictures I was just so eager to get started. Because I am allergic to pork and soy I couldn't have any. I would rather bring my own food than to get sick eating what I am supposed to stay away from. Good job on Tracy Stahle Maximum Intensity Step.

Julie good work on LIHI Legs, AOLIH, your walk with DH and AB Single Intervals. I hope you don't have to work the whole weekend and can enjoy some of it. I am so glad that we have a neighbour to help out. My DH is. It a handy man and the renos would only have been painting if I didn't have someone to help me.

Pam good job on TWH CUB the blast from CLB and core 2. I don't like those swimming supermans either, they are a bit awkward.

Janie good for you in keeping up with your workouts. So nice that your crafts are in 3 galleries. I am sure that they are selling well. No I could' teat anything because of my allergies but I enjoyed the company.

Well I have been like Julie but instead of being crazy busy at work it has been the renos that has been taking up all of my time. I just finished filling screw holes and sanding the floor in the bathroom. What a messy job that was, dust got onto everything and I have just finished vacuuming that all up. Yesterday I did a BOSU workout and Friday was STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, I can't remember what disc it was though. Yesterday we went out and bought a new toilet and faucet. I will be very happy when this is all done. Now I am waiting for someone to come and redo our patio for us. It was another one of our neighbours but he decided to all of a sudden go to Ontario for a job and his friend is suppose to come and do it for us. We have been waiting to get this done for almost a month and a doubt that his friend will come over and do it so I think I am going to be stuck doing it myself. I am not impressed at all and either is his mother (the person who was going to do it is 23) and I guess he doesn't have the same kind of work ethic. Oh well I Have already been talking with his mom and I will get my money back.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Janie Great job keeping up with your workouts. I'm glad you are feeling good and ready for Monday! That is very cool that your work is being sold in 3 different galleries!

Cheyrl Darn, it would be fun to see before and after photos of your work! I don't blame you for not wanting to eat anything that makes you sick, that is no fun at at all. I think renos ALWAYS take longer than they are supposed to, don't they? You have been working so hard at it! Great job on your BOSU and STS workouts. That is really a bummer about the guy who was supposed to do your patio, we seem to see a lot of that kind of thing in the construction business around here. I don't understand it, but like you said, not everyone has the same work ethic. I hope you are able to get someone to do it!

This was a busy weekend for us. Friday night we went to the lake and skiied and it was so much fun. It was the first time in awhile that it wasn't windy, so the conditions were really good and we both skiied really well - best this year so far for me. On Saturday night we had a concert to go to and we were tailgating first, so I did some cooking Saturday morning for the tailgate and then just the usual weekend chores. The concert was so much fun and a great show. Then on Sunday morning I did RWH CLB. I like the combo I did on Friday so I did the same type thing and added on the blasts only from CUB + core 1. Then I had a cooking class at a local restaurant with a couple of our friends. It was really fun, but I ate so much that I couldn't eat dinner last night and was still full when I went to bed! We made homemade pasta with bolognese sauce, white beans, 3 kinds of crostini, roast pork, fried zucchini, stuffed and fried zucchini blossoms and tiramisu. There were 14 of us in the class and it was a really fun group. This morning I did AOLIH extreme cardio premix. I hope everyone has a great day!

Pam I wish I had taken some before photos. Oh well too late now. I am a bit peeved about the patio but there is nothing that I can do about it so my dad and brother will help me out with it. I am hoping to get it all prepped so then we just need to but the bricks down. My brother is leaving for Quebec tomorrow and won't be back until next week so I will have lots of time to get it prepped and ready to go. You did have a busy weekend. The cooking class sounds like lots of fun, you sure did make lots of food. Good work on RWH CLB and AOLIH.

Today I did STS disc 34 Chest and Back. It was a lot cooler out than yesterday so I did a bit of yard work too. Our neighbour who is helping us out with the renos went to his cabin this weekend so not much got done. Hopefully we can do some more work tomorrow, we are heading into the home stretch now.

Have a great day.

Argh! I am thankful for my job but right now it is really frustrating me. It is getting in the way of life and I don’t like that. Ok, rant over. Saturday I did Cycle Max and then cleaned out all my kitchen cabinets. I saved under the sink for last and when I cleaned under there, the drain pipes, which were metal, were rusting through and I knocked the rest of the metal off. So DH and I spent the next 4 hours going to the hardware store and fixing the drain. I didn’t get to my kitchen drawers so I am hoping those will be this week. Sunday I decided to start over with Get Glutes again. I really enjoyed the first year of workouts so I went back to those. Then it was a little bit of laziness sprinkled in with some work. Monday, I got swallowed by work and didn’t get a chance to post but DH and I did do AB single intervals last night.

Pam Great job on RWH CUB + CLB blasts + core 2! That sounds like a lot of fun. I feel awkward with the swimming supermans too. Like a fish out of water. Maybe that is the point? That’s great that you had an awesome ski and then had a great Saturday getting some things done and going to a concert. Who did you see? Great job on RWH CLB + CUB blasts + core 1! Wow that sounds like a lot of food to make. The tiramisu sounds the best to me. Great job on AOLIH extreme!

Janie Great job on keeping up with your workouts and getting your items ready for sale. I hope you are doing well with them. I know you enjoy working on your craft items. So awesome you are ready to progress with your workouts.

Cheryl Great job on your BOSU workout and STS SBT plus keeping up with all your renos! How irritating when you pay someone to do a job and they can’t even bother to show up or even call and let you know what is going on. He seems old enough he should know that you have to work in life and things are not just handed to you. Great job on STS D34!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh well, no before pictures but I know you will see a big difference. It sounds like you have quite a bit of work ahead of you still since you are now doing the patio too. :( I think I would be pretty peeved also. Great job on STS disc 34, you are almost done!

Julie Sorry work is so busy, I understand your frustration! Great job on Cycle Max and getting all of your kitchen cabinets done! I am still working on mine. I only got a few more done on Saturday. Oh man, that is a real bummer about the kitchen pipes! I did get the cupboard under my sink done on Saturday so I'm glad I'm not fretting that that will happen to me too. Great job on GG and AB single intervals. We saw Tedeschi Trucks on Saturday. I had seen them once before and my DH saw Derek Trucks band before he married Susan Tedeschi, but he hadn't seen them together before. She really adds a lot to the band and I thought they were a lot better than last year when I saw them. It was sooo much food and I could only eat one bite of the tiramisu because I wanted to try it. It was way too heavy on the coffee for my taste though.

This morning was Low Impact Circuit. I really enjoy it and it isn't too tough and it has one of my favorite ab workouts at the end. I hope everyone has a great day.

This morning was Lower Body add on with hand weight from Basic Step DVD and getting ready for Rolly and I to walk on the beach for awhile.

This morning was Low Impact Circuit. I really enjoy it and it isn't too tough and it has one of my favorite ab workouts at the end. I hope everyone has a great day.

Pam, Great job on LLC. I like that workout too. After this rotation will be doing it.

Julie, I hope your job soon gets out of the way of living. xoxo Great job on Sat. for doing Cycle Max and house work. Oh no, I'm glad you got the plumbing done as well. Sounds like a really big job and needed to to it NOW! And for Sun. Get Glutes again. And you and hubby doing AB single intervals.

Cheryl, Great job on STS disc 34, chest and back. And yard work. Sounds like the renovations are doing well, and having breaks from it is g0od too.

Pam, Sounds like a happy and fun time out on the lake skiing. Good for you! What concert did you see on Sat. And I can only imagine how wonderful tailgating is. FUN! Great job on Sun with RWH CLB. How fun doing a cooking class with some friends. It sounds delicious. And for this morning doing AOLIH extremem cardio prem.

Cheryl, Sounds like the renos are still doing well. Also for doing BOSU workout. I love BOSU. And for Frid. STS Shoulders, biceps and triceps. You guys are doing renos in the house and now outside in the patio? All I can say is you must have a lot of energy. Sorry for the confusion of your friend getting a shop and abandoning you guys on the patio work. Ugh...Glad you will get your money back.

Take care everyone,

Janie Great job on Lower Body add on with hand weights. I hope that you and Rolly enjoyed your walk on the beach! The concert that we saw Saturday was Tedeschi Trucks. He is an amazing guitarist and they are just really fun live.

This morning was Tabatacise. I was worried because my legs were feeling tight during round 1, but I got through all 5 rounds with no extra rests and felt pretty good. I wasn't even moaning and groaning during the last round of the narrow plies like I usually am :D I'm really tired now though. DH had a 6 am flight so the alarm went off at 4. That is just too early!!! Have a great day!

Julie sorry that work in getting the way. I hope things slow down soon for you and you can start doing some fun things. Good job on Cycle Max and all of your cleaning. That sucks about your drain I hope it is fixed now. Nice job on Get Glutes and AB single intervals.

Pam good work on Low Impact Circut.

Janie good job on Basic Step and the Lower Body add on and your walk with Rolly.

Pam way to go on Tabatacise. Yep 4am is a bit early. Hopefully you can sleep a bit longer tomorrow.

Yesterday I did RWH Low Impact #1 and core 1. This morning I did STS disc 35 Plyo Legs. It was really tough since I didn't get to bed until 11:30 and was awake by 6am. Today is DH birthday so we went out and I got him a GPS that he wanted. Tonight we are going to a pub for dinner with some friends.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl Great job on RWH LI1 and Core 1 and also on Plyo legs. Love those plyo leg workouts but yep, they would be especially tough with too little sleep. Happy Birthday to your DH, I hope that you have a fun dinner!

This morning I had Athletic Step on the calendar, but I didn't feel like doing that one so I did Body Max 1 step and intervals circuits instead. Have a great day.

Today was a bike ride with my hubby, and the ab add on from the basic step DVD plus one segment from total body stretching.

Pam, Great job on Body Max 1 step and intervals circuits.

Cheryl, Great job on RWH Low Impact 1 and core 1. And for this morning STS disc 35 Plyo Legs. It is a tough one for sure anyway! Proud of you. Tell hubby Happy Birthday! Enjoy the Pub tonight with friends.

Take care,

Pam Good job on Body Max 1 step and intervals circuit.

Janie Nice job on your bike ride with Joey and the ab add on from Basic Step and Segment 1 of Total Body Stretching.

This morning I did the express cardio, abs and stretch from Slide and Glide. I must be getting stronger because the burpees didn't seem so bad and I could do them all. Last night we went to the pub with friends it was a fun night. Today we picked up the baseboards for the bedroom and bathroom. Just a couple more things to do and it will all be done.

Have a great day everyone.


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