Last night I did Tabatacise! I actually made it through with only pausing for a very short 10 seconds between 3 and 4. Taking tonight off from working out and getting ready for DH and I to go to St. Louis for a few ballgames this weekend. I am also taking Monday off so will have a nice long weekend. Probably won’t post again until Tuesday.
Pam Great job on Great Glutes! Pizza Presses burn especially when Cathe does a million of them.
Janie Great job on BS + upper body! You are doing awesome keeping up with your rotation.
Cheryl Great job on STS 26! Ripping out carpet is yucky. It makes you think about how gross it was there and walking on it, sitting on it, laying on it. Happy birthday to your parents! I got my ICE order in this morning. So excited.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Pam Great job on Great Glutes! Pizza Presses burn especially when Cathe does a million of them.
Janie Great job on BS + upper body! You are doing awesome keeping up with your rotation.
Cheryl Great job on STS 26! Ripping out carpet is yucky. It makes you think about how gross it was there and walking on it, sitting on it, laying on it. Happy birthday to your parents! I got my ICE order in this morning. So excited.
Have a wonderful weekend!