Strength in Numbers

Janie Enjoy your day off. Sounds like you have allergies. Don't be embarrassed, cleaning the bedding every two weeks is probably more than what some people do. I have to wash mine every week or every two weeks at the most.

Julie Wow your DH sure did a lot of yard work. He was probably thankful that he didn't have to workout after everything that he did. Good job on TBT total body express. PRS #1 has a lot of dancy moves and if I remember correctly you don't like that type of workout. PRS #2 is better in that it has more power type moves. You may like that one better. The color that we got is a light grey and white for the trim and the doors. It will really brighten up the room.

Today I did Flextrain. I was really feeling strong today. After that I did some housework and then we tried to take down the old fan in the ceiling so we could paint it. DH isn't a handyman and was having some issues trying to get it down. So we had to wait for one of our neighbours to come home from work to help us o_O. We were going to start after dinner but when we opened up the ceiling paint it didn't look so good. So tomorrow I will have to go and get some more. Oh and I did some more gardening today too. Whew I did less work when I was working LOL.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl Great job on PRS 2. I haven't done that one in awhile and I feel like I'm all feet when I do those. I had plans to do some things around our house over the winter, but here it is 100 degrees and I didn't get any of it done. Maybe next winter.......I hope you did sleep well after you busy day!

Janie I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed your day off! That is funny that you call Joe your Vampire :) Is that just what his body naturally wants to do? =

Julie I'm glad you had some nice weather. Nice that DH got all of that yard work done, it does sound like he got enough of a workout in. Great job on TBT TBE. I had to laugh when I read that because I saw TBT and through Throw Back Thursday!

This morning I did Step Blast. I was getting a little worried because a thunderstorm started about 2/3 of the way through and the power flickered a little. I was wondering how much of it I would be able to do from memory if the power went out, but luckily it hung in there for me. My DH gets home this afternoon!!! Yay! Neither of us have any other travel scheduled right now, so hopefully it will stay that way for awhile. My Step daughter just got back from a month in Belize where she did an internship so we went out for sushi last night. She had a great time, what a fantastic experience for her. I hope everyone has a great day!

Pam We all have those great plans that don't seem to work out. We had painted the bedroom last year but I didn't like to color and I wanted to repaint before we put in our new flooring. We painted the ceiling today but after it had dried we noticed that we hadn't done a very good job of it :rolleyes: so we will need to go over parts of it again. It is really hot here too maybe not 100 but it is in the 90s. Good job on Step Blast. I am glad that the power stayed on for you so you didn't have to do it from memory. Enjoy the time with DH before you guys start travelling again. What a great experience for your Step Daughter.

Today I did Hiit DWP. I hadn't done that one for a long time and I wanted something short this morning. Then I did some running around and then we painted the ceiling (which we will need to touch up). I then did some housework and cleaned the carpet. After all of that I wanted a bit of a break so we went to a local farmers market and picked up a few things. On the way home we picked up another roller for the ceiling because we didn't like the one we used. That is my excuse for the bad paint job LOL.

I hope everyone had a great day.

Did One Segment from Total Body Stretching tonight. Love This! Here is a photo of me today at the Tenderbox (a place where locals congregate). I din't know it, but there is a quitar there for anyone who wants to play it. YaHoo! So I did. LOL! Lots of fun.

Pam, Yep, that is just the way Joe is since his retirement. I know... Great job on Step Blast. Enjoy your DH when he gets home. MMMM love suchi CA style. LOL

Cheryl, Never once did I think I had allergies, but I guess I do. Great job on Flextrain and feeling strong today. Also for today's HiiT DWP. And for house work like painting the ceiling, cleaning the carpet and picked up things from the local market

Take care,

So busy yesterday didn’t get a chance to post but thought about you! Wednesday night I did RWH Plyo 1 while DH did intervals on the TM and then we went for a walk before more rain came. Thursday, DH had done a lot around the house and his back was sore so he took the night off and I did a Lauren Brooks Kettlebell workout. I got a few months ago but had never done it. It was fun and quick but I need to work on learning how to clean a kb.

Cheryl Great job on FT! I almost did that one last night but then decided to try the kb workout. Great job on your housework. My DH is not a handyman either. He can do some things but not everything. Will you be able to get a refund on the paint if it wasn’t good? Grey with white trim sounds like it would look good. Great job on DWP and all that housework again! You guys are doing so much! I will vouch for you that rollers can make or break a paint job.

Pam Great job on SB! I don’t think I could do any of it from memory. I would bow to you if you could! Yea! So exciting that you will have some time with your DH! That is an amazing experience to go overseas for an internship.

Janie Great job on TBS! Love the picture of you! You look so healthy and happy! The ocean in the background is a nice touch too!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl I thought I was the only one who couldn't paint very well. I swear, I thought it was supposed to be really easy!
Great job on Hiit DWP. I have to admit that I kind've hate that one. The second round just kills me every time. Something about all of those half turn jumps that we get to do so many of! I bet you are right that the roller was the issue with the ceiling. I'm sure it will be perfect with the new one!;)

Janie Great job on TBS. I saw that picture of you on FB. So nice! Is that background real or is it a painting?? That is a crazy schedule that Joe keeps but whatever works for him!

Julie Great job on RWH Plyo 1 and to your DH for his intervals and your walk. I was thinking of you guys with all of the terrible weather in that area, glad you weren't affected. Great job on the kettlebell workout. I keep thinking I need some kettlebells, but I don't know if I really do :rolleyes: It seems like you can never have too much workout equipment or DVDs though, right? :DI was already doing the challenge when the power starting flickering yesterday morning, so I *think* I could have finished from memory, but I was glad I didn't have to. My Step-daughter is pretty amazing about finding and getting jobs that she is interested. She got back from Belize on Thursday and started a second internship at a local tiger rescue place. She seems to be really enjoying that one too.

This morning I did Kick, Punch, and crunch. Our upstairs a/c stopped working the other day and that is where I workout, so I have been having some extra sweaty workouts. This morning it was only 81 up there, the last two days it has been 85. I will be happy when that is fixed! Happy Friday!!!

The photo of me playing the guitar is a picture behind me. But our beaches look like that. LOL Did Basic Step and an ab routine. Been playing guitar now for a year. Time just flies by doesn't it?

Pam, Great job on Kick, Punch and Crunch. Love those sweaty workouts. All you need now is steam coming from some where. LOL

Julie, Great job on RWH Plyo 1 and hubby doing intervals on the TM and a walk. Also for doing Lauren Brooks Kettlebell workout. How do you clean a KB? With soap and water. I know...LOL!

Take care everyone,

Janie good job on segment one of total body stretching. Nice picture of you on the guitar. I never thought that I would have allergies either but I find mine are't as bad as the used to be.

Julie good work on RWH Plyo 1 and your kettle bell workout. I hope DH back is better. The first paint that I got was just a little can to try out where we also got a $6 refund when we bought a gallon. It didn't need to be the same colour of paint. We are trying to get a lot done before my sister-in-law comes to visit in August.

Pam I am not the greatest painter either but it does feel good to get it all done. DWP is one of my favourites. The second round doesn't seem to bother me. good job on KPC in that heat. I can imagine that you were sweating buckets by the time you were finished. I hope your air conditioning gets fixed soon.

Janie good job on Basic Step and abs and Total Body Stretching. Time does fly by sometimes too quickly.

I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to sit down at the computer. Friday I did Cardio Supersets and then finished up with the housework. After that we finished painting the ceiling and then painted tow of the walls. That evening our neighbour came over and helped us install our ceiling fan. Man but that was a job, it took us until 10 pm to get it done. It was hot too so I didn't sleep well at all that night. Saturday I was so tired I didn't do a Workout but I got the other two walls painted. It was almost 100 degrees outside too so that really didn't help but it felt good to get it done. Today was just a lazy day, I did a yoga workout this morning.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

The weekend flew by and it is Monday again but at least it is a 4 day work week. Saturday, I did Pedal Power Extreme and then DH and I errands to run. When we got home, he did some cleaning and I organized the pantry then we went for a walk. Sunday I did weights but DH got tired of doing the NORL weights so we are going to start a WWE DVD from Triple H. Just waiting for it to get here. He is going to try to walk in the meantime.

Pam Great job on KPC! Oh wow I can only imagine how intense your workouts are now with the ac out. Hopefully you will get it fixed soon. So true you can never have enough workout stuff! I actually bought a heavier and lighter KB this weekend because I only had one 20lb and that was too much for some moves but not enough for others. Oh wow! Tiger rescue. What is her major?

Janie I thought the background in the picture was real. Great job on BS + abs! Time does fly when you are having fun and playing guitar sure sounds like it is fun for you. Great job on TBS + abs!

Cheryl Great job on CSS and housework! That is some pretty hot weather you have going on. Hopefully the new ceiling fan is cooling you down. I bet you will feel great when all the home improvement projects are done. Then you can relax a little. Great job on yoga!

Have a great day!
Janie I thought the beach in the background was real when I saw our photo on FB, but when I looked at it here I wasn't sure. It's a great picture in any case! Great jo on basic step+ abs! Great job on TBS and abs too!

Cheryl The ac guy is coming today, so hopefully this morning was my last hot workout! Great job on CSS and your housework. Great job on all that painting in the heat too. I bet that just wiped you out! How is the room looking with the new paint and ceiling fan? Great job on your yoga workout too!

Julie I know, I was laying in bed last night thinking it's not REALLY Sunday night already, is it?! I decided to take Thursday off his week too thought to get some things done. Great job on PPE, organizing the pantry, your walk, and weights! What are WWE and Triple H? Ashley is an animal sciences major. She really wants to be a vet, but we aren't sure if she will get into vet school because it is really hard to get in. have me thinking about those KBs again!

I took Saturday as a rest day and spent the day getting caught up on laundry, shopping, and cooking because we had some friends over for dinner. Yesterday I did the Gauntlet from the Terminator disc and core max 2. My abs are talking to me today! After DH got home from golf we went and skiied for the first time in several weeks. This morning was TTM and hopefully my last hot workout because the ac repairman is coming this afternoon. The first place my DH called said they couldn't come until July 23rd!! Happy Monday!

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Julie Nice that you get Friday off as a holiday. Good job on Pedal Power Extreme. Enjoy your new workout when it gets to you. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over can get a bit boring. Hopefully this will give DH more incentive to workout again.

Pam I hope you get your AC fixed today. I am wishing that we had AC right about now. It is very hot here and it doesn't look like there will be a break any time soon. The room is looking really good. It is one of those things that once you get going you can't stop because everything else looks really old once you start on something. Good job on the Gauntlet , core max 2 and TTM. Oh man the first guy couldn't come until July 23rd!!!! Must be a good business in fixing AC units.

Today for me was STS Disc 25 the start of meso 3. After that it was more painting this time is was the moulding around the doors and the window ledges. I think I am going to take a couple of days off before I start ripping out the carpet.

Last night I did RWH Plyo 2 and then DH and I went for a long walk. Those power turning squats about kill me but for some reason I find the over and over with a burpee and 2 tucks to be easy peasy (well easier). I always want to do more than the 4 she does before taking a break.

Pam Good for you for taking a day to get caught up on stuff at home. Seems like it was more of an active recovery day all that work. Great job on the Gauntlet and CM 2! See that is why I don’t work my core. I don’t want my abs talking back to me! Great job on TTM! Wow that is quite a long time to make someone wait to get the AC fixed. Glad you could find someone to come out earlier. WWE used to be called WWF (you know the fake wrestling) and Triple H is one of the wrestling stars. I watched the previews and it actually looks pretty good without too much bro talk.

Cheryl Great job on STS 25! Painting molding requires a steady hand. Not sure I would have that after meso 3! That sounds like a good idea to take a few days off from all the work you have been doing. What are you putting down in place of the carpet?

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on RWH Plyo 2 and your long walk. Isn't that weird, I don't mind those over and overs with the burpees and tucks in that one either. Maybe because we only do 4 at a time. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I want to do more though... :D I like it when my abs talk back to me, it makes me feel like I'm making progress (even though they never look any different!) Oh that is funny about WWE, you'll have to let us know how you like it!

This morning was Step Moves. I really don't t like that one very much and almost subbed it out, but I couldn't decide on anything else so I just went ahead and did it. I did the part at the end with all of the combos three times instead of 1 to make it a little longer though. It was still less than an hour total. Our ac is officially working again, but of course it isn't as hot this week. Luckily it just needed freon. I also pre-ordered ICE yesterday since I saw that the price is going up after Friday. I knew I would break down and order it, I always do! Have a great day!

Julie good job on RWH Pylo 2 and your long walk. Both the power turning squats and the over and over with a burpee and 2tucks a killer. Maybe one day I will find it easy peasy. We are going to put down laminate flooring. I will be very happy to get rid of the carpet.

Pam way to go on Step Moves even though you don't like that one. I am glad to you got your AC working again. Sounds like it was an easy fix. Would you like some of our heat? I would be more than happy to send some over your way. I will probably break down and order ICE tomorrow before the price goes up.

This morning I did RWH Low Impact 1 and core 1. After that I didn't do too much. We did go and get groceries since tomorrow is a holiday for us. It is still really hot here, it was really hard sleeping last night but there is a bit of a breeze now so I hope that our place cools down a bit.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did High Step Training without the cardio. Just wanted to do some weights no cardio. It was tough. I can full squat 115 lbs. for 8 reps but could not do the hover squats with a single 10 lb. db to save my life. My knees were shaking after the 2nd set of 15 hovers and for sets 3 and 4 I just did 10 hovers.

Pam Great job on SM! Glad your AC fix was simple and you got it done. Even though it is not hot this week I am sure July and August will heat up. I haven’t placed my preorder yet. I think I will be doing that tomorrow. Maybe I don’t feel like I can do more but that we should be doing more. I am always trying to start another one after 4 and then I’m in mid jump when I realize she is resting.

Cheryl Great job on RWH LI 1 + core 1! Oh I love laminate flooring and hate carpeting. So excited for you. One day, we want to rip up the carpet in our living and dining rooms and put in laminate. So sorry for your sleep troubles. Hopefully you can get some cooling relief soon.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I don't mind the heat, so I would be ok taking it! Of course when I say it isn't as hit here this week, it's still in the high 80s and low to mid 90s by the afternoon. Great job on RWH LI 1 and core 1! Happy Canada Day!

Julie Great job on HST weights. Oh yes, those hover squats are killer, even with no weight! Good job hanging in there and doing what you could.

This morning was Great Glutes for me. I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I dragged myself up there. Luckily that one isn't too bad, but by the end of the pizza presses I was glad they were over! Have a great day!

Continued with my rotation and yesterday was Basic Step plus upper body hand weight add on.

Pam, Great job on Great Gluets and getting out of bed when you didn't want to.

Julie, Great job on High Step Training without the cardio. A challenging one for sure. OMG, 115 pounds on squats. Very impressive. the hover squats are something else. They are very hard to do, I don't know why that is.

Cheryl, Great job on RWH Low Impact 1 and core 1. It was cold in our neck of the woods. Joe was in Shelton and he said it was in the mid 80's.

Take care everyone,

Julie good work on High Step Training without the cardio. Theses hover squats are a killer, it is totally different than doing just squats. I hate carpeting too. Next I want to do our dining room and living room with laminate too.

Pam i hate the heat. It is in the mid to high 90s here which is way too hot for me. Thanks for the Canada Day wishes. Good work on Great Glutes, yep theses pizza presses really get in there don't they.

Janie good job on Basic Step and the upper body weight add on. You do have cooler weathe. It will be in the mid to high 90s all week and it doesn't look like we will get a break from it any time soon.

This morning I did STS disc 25 Plyo Legs. I was a puddle of sweat after that one. Then I decided to start ripping out the carpet in the bedroom. It isn't hard to do it is just a bit icky. Today is my dad's 80th birthday and it was my mom's yesterday. We are going out to their place this afternoon to help celebrate with the family. Oh and I also ordered ICE this morning before the price went up. Looking forward to the workouts.

Have a great day everyone.


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