Last night I did half of Imax 3. Just intervals 1-5. I messed up some of the stepping since it has been so long since I have done it. I was happy I chose to only do half though because I was spent after the 5th interval. Maybe should have started out with Imax instead of jumping to the hardest one.
Pam So glad you had a fabulous time on vacation. I saw some of your pictures on FB. Made me want to go out there until I saw the giant spiders. I think I will stay here where the spiders are not so big and scary looking. I mean they are scary enough but not like the ones you had on FB. That is a lot of hiking you did. What an active recovery from STS but I bet all that leg work helped your hiking. Great job on SJP! Did you take Monday off work?
Janie So excited to see how this drawing turns out. I love it when you show us the in progress pictures. Kind of builds the anticipation. Great job on your beach walk and making it home right before the rain came. Perfect timing!
Have a great day!
Pam So glad you had a fabulous time on vacation. I saw some of your pictures on FB. Made me want to go out there until I saw the giant spiders. I think I will stay here where the spiders are not so big and scary looking. I mean they are scary enough but not like the ones you had on FB. That is a lot of hiking you did. What an active recovery from STS but I bet all that leg work helped your hiking. Great job on SJP! Did you take Monday off work?
Janie So excited to see how this drawing turns out. I love it when you show us the in progress pictures. Kind of builds the anticipation. Great job on your beach walk and making it home right before the rain came. Perfect timing!
Have a great day!