Strength in Numbers

Wed: Pyramid Lower Body, Thurs: Low Impact Step, Fri: Pyramid Upper Body. Wasn't able to find the time to do PiYo because we dug clams. Next week will try again. I had good intentions. LOL

Pam, Great job don Hard strikes, while hubby went for a run. You guys are doing so well. Hope you got in a hot tub.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes month 12 a strength workout. I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with Ozzie. Think positive thoughts.

Pam, Aw, I do know when you have to rely on hubby, they are busy as well, so things don't get done sometimes. It will happen. Hope you get to do your projects soon, they sound so cool. Great job on Body Max and for the upper body in the evening.

Take care everyone,

So Wednesday, found out that Ozzie’s mass is just a fat mass. As gross as it sounds, it is harmless so that was a relief. Last night I did a Get Glutes month 12 strength workout. This weekend is going to be pretty busy with running errands, chores, and taking the dogs to PetSmart for a trick or treat and costume party event.

Pam Great job on doing upper body especially when you were already settling in for the night. Also for doing HS the next morning. That su/pu combo is killer no matter if you have done upper body the day before or not. A hot tub does indeed sound divine. Thanks for trying with the workout. You will have to let me know how the others that you ordered are. I could use more spinning workouts.

Janie Great job on PLB, LIS, and PUB! We are very relieved that Ozzie’s mass was nothing. Thanks for sending your positive thoughts out.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on PLB, LIS and PUB., Too bad you didn't get to do PiYo, but there will be plenty of time for that. It sounds like more fun digging clams to me. :D Nope, no hot tub for me. I should have snuck over to the neighbor's ;) I'm hoping to talk the ubby into cutting some corks for me this weekend. He won't let me ue his saw because he thinks I'll hurt myself....:eek:

Julie So glad that Ozzie's mass is not a problem. I have never heard of a fat mass before, yuck. Great job on GG. The Petsmart event sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

This morning for me was Intensity. I had forgotten how much I like this one! It really kicks my butt, especially all of those plyo jacks in the last step blast, but it is so much fun! Happy Friday!

Busy day today and my workout was clamming. Spent 2 hrs out there in the rain and wind using a clam gun which truly worked the lower part the body. whew! Then took the shells off by boiling them for a few seconds and putting them in the fridge until tomorrow to clean them. Was to tired for anything else tonight.

Pam, Hope your hubby cuts cork for you. Have to agree with hubby on the saw. If you haven't used it before, it's better to wait until he can show you how. Just looking after you my dear friend. LOL! Great job on this mornings Intensity. Yeah, this one is a keeper for sure. It's a lot of fun.

Julie, What a relief you must be feeling to know Ozzie has nothing wrong. Great job on last nights Get Glutes month 12 strength workout. Does sound like a buy weekend. But taking the dogs to PeSmart for a trick or treat and costuem party event, sounds like a gas. LOL! Have fun! Can't wait to hear about it.

Take care,

Well we didn’t get to go to the Petsmart event this weekend. Maggie needed to go to the vet at the last minute. She had been coughing Thursday some but I figured it was just dry air. Friday night she was up sporadically with a cough and Saturday morning when I went to feed her she did not even want to get out of bed. I brought the food to her. Anyway, the vet took x-rays and did blood work and said it looks like she may have a lung infection. She is on an antibiotic for 3 weeks. After the vet, I went and had work done on DH’s jeep. Sunday I did a month 12 strength workout from Get Glutes.

Pam Great job on Intensity! I agree that last step blast is crazy. I think the only thing that gets me through it is knowing that it is the last one.

Janie Sounds like you got a lot of clams and quite a workout getting them too.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on your clamming workout, wow! The clams look awesome too, have you eaten them? I love clams! No cork cutting yet, I might have to look for other options! Oh he won't even show me how to use his saw, it's hands off!

Julie Oh no, so sorry to hear about Maggie. You have been spending too much time at the vet lately. I sure hope that the antibiotics do the trick for her. Great job on you GG workout on Sunday.

Once again, how did Monday get here so fast?! Saturday morning was 40/20 for me and then just did some running around. We went to see Bill Cosby on Saturday night, he is so funny. Yesterday was my rest day and last night we went to a pop-up dinner. Four local chefs got together and did a dinner at a secret location that was emailed to us the day before.It was the weirdest dinner I've ever been to - every course involved organ meat of some kind. It was a lot of fun, but definitely the strangest food ever. This morning for me was Imax3. I haven't done that one in awhile so it was fun. Have a great day.

Last night I decided to do HiiT 30/30. I am really loving that one. Slthough I am still scared of doing the fast feet shuffle around the step. That is the one I broke my foot on two years ago and even now every time I do it I feel butterflies in my stomach and am really nervous.

Pam Great job on 40/20! I almost did that one instead of 30/30 but wasn't sure I was up for it yet. I bet Bill Cosby was great to see live. DH and I have all seasons of the Cosby Show on DVD and have done marathons watching it. Classic! Your dinner sounded interesting. Not sure it would be for me though. I like to think of myself as an adventurous eater but not with organ meat. Great job on Imax 3!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on 30/30, that really is a fun one. The thing with 40/20 for me is knowing that there are those 60 seconds breaks in there makes it bearable! I understand you being nervous about the fast foot shuffle after breaking your foot!!

This morning for me was supposed to be Pedal Power, but I did Cycle Max instead since I subbed that out for spinervals last week. I think I like Cycle Max better than pedal power. It seems to have more variety. My other two spinervals workouts are not here yet, so looks like I will get to try one of those next week. Have a great day!

Sorry for being MIA. I've gotten away from regular exercises and doing yoga. Getting back into Cathe tomorrow. At least I'm moving. Been really crappy weather here and thinking in a couple of weeks we will move back to Shelton for the rest of Fall and Winter.

Pam, Great job on Cycle Max

Julie, Great job on HiiT 30/30. I do LOVE that one! LOL! Don't blame you for being nervous doing the shuffle around the step. Just be careful and slow and easy.

Pam, We've had only about 3 meals of clams so far. Just want to savor them. They are soooooo good. Maybe you can get your saw and really read the instructions. Then your corks will be cut. LOL Just be careful, but you can do it. Great job on Sat. 40/20. Wow to see Bill Cosby, Wow! Glad you are using your rest days. How fun going to a pop-up-dinner. You guys do the funnest things! Great job on Imax3 this morning.

Julie, Awww, I was hoping for a fun read at PetSmart. Oh no! Our poor Maggie. Antibiotics should do it and she will be as good as new. Please give her a kiss, a hug and a pet for me. Great job on Sun for doing a month 12 strength workout from Get Glutes.

Take care,

Last night I did a strength workout from Get Glutes month 12. I have a feeling today is going to be a good day. I only have one meeting so it is looking good but then I remembered I forgot to put on deodorant today. Good thing I usually freeze at work.

Pam great job on CM! I like CM better than PP too. Not sure why because I love the countdown clock in PP and Ride which CM does not have.

Janie No worries on being MIA! Just glad you are getting back here to see us. Yep it is starting to get fallish. We have actually had high temps for this time of year but it is really windy and the temp is supposed to drop soon. I guess winter will come eventually.

Have a great day!
Janie No problem being MIA, it happens to all of us sometimes, but I'm glad to see you back! Yep, as long as you are moving that is all that matters! Sorry about your crappy weather. We have been having beautiful summer like weather, but I think that is about to change. It looks like it's going to be cold and rainy for Halloween :( I'm glad you are enjoying those clams since you worked so hard for them. I saw the picture of your pizza - wow! Do you usually do gluten free?

Julie Great ob on GG, how is Maggie doing? I hope the antibiotics are helping. That is so exciting that you only have one meeting today!! Woo hoo! Funny about forgetting your deodorant. I had that happen recently and it was all I could think about all day. At least that is one good thing about freezing at work :D

Last night I did core 1 from Xtrain since I realized there is no core work at all in this weeks workouts:confused: This morning was Afterburn so I did Julie's favorite double trouble pre-mix. I do like that version too, but I miss the breaks! I am able to do all of the zombie drags and the squat thrust push ups when I do it this way though. When I do it the traditional way I just can't make all of the second sets of those on my toes. Have a great day!

Yoga again today. Love being stretched out like that. In the middle of the week so, was think and hoping will continue on with the rotation I set up for myself. Maybe even start over. We'll see.

Julie, Great job on Strength workout from Get Glutes month 12. I bet with your positive energy, you did have a wonderful day.

Pam, I have to eat all gluten free food because of my GERD. I miss bread sometimes, and found an amazing bread recipe from one of my friends at UFO. It is sooooooo goooood. The texture is exactly like wheat bread, even has holes like bread does. I feel satisfied now that I can have sandwiches, toast... Great job on Xtrain last night and Afterburn this morning the trouble pre-mix. Yikes! You personalizing the workout to fit you is perfect.

Take care,

No workout last night for me. I had some pain in my left hip and hip flexor after Tuesday’s workout so I thought I better rest it a day. Seems to have helped. Normally I would just workout through the pain. I feel like I am learning to listen to my body which is a big step for me.

Pam Great job on Xtrain Core1 and AB DT! Yep that premix is shorter as it cuts out some of the breaks but I love being able to get through some of the more challenging moves because the sets are spread out. Maggie seems to be doing much better. Her cough is getting to be less so seems the antibiotics are helping.

Janie Great job on yoga! I almost did a Stretch Max last night but then was worried about overstretching my hip flexor and making it worse. Oh I would love to have your bread recipe if you can share it. I have been cutting gluten out of my diet for a while (well mostly still have some regular pizza on occasion) and feel much better.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on yoga! I didn't realize that gluten free helped with GERD, that is good to know. That is fantastic that you found a good gluten free bread recipe. I would love it too. We have a friend who is celiac, so whenever he comes over I am looking for good gluten free options for him. I bought some gluten free bread at Whole Foods last time and it was not good at all!

Julie Good for you for listening to your body. That is definitely something I need to get better about. I'm glad to hear that it seems to have helped too. I do feel like I get a better workout with the DT premix of AB because of being able to get through all of the sets, so thanks for turning me on to that! I'm so glad to hear that Maggie is doing better. It can be so scary when they aren't feeling well.

This morning was Rockout Knockout. I really used to dislike kick boxing, but I must say that it has been growing on me. I am really feeling the DOMs in my glutes from yesterday's AB. That one always kills my glutes, but RK helped to loosen them up a little. I'm not failing the toilet test, but I'd give myself about a C- at best! Have a great day!

Happy Friday ladies! Last night for me was Core #2 from XTrain and this morning was Tabatacise. I don't know if I was just feeling especially good this morning or if all of this crazy intense cardio in this rotation is making a difference, but it wasn't too bad. I am even still hobbling a little from AB on Wednesday too. Happy Halloween! It's my mom's birthday so I'm having everyone over for a birthday dinner tomorrow night. Tonight will be all about the trick or treaters. Have a great day!

Been really busy baking and making gluten free breads. Still not done and did not do my exercises yesterday. Ugh. Will do a yoga tonight, after a walk on the beach. Weather looks really good right now.

Pam, Great job on Core #2 from XTrain and for Tabatacise the next morning. Tell your mom Happy Birthday for me.

Pam, Here is a copy of the Gluten Free recipe I have. It's just like bread, texture and everything.
There are people who still don't have this recipe for Gluten free bread, just sharing it again for them. Enjoy.

Great job on Rockout Knockout. It is a workout that grows on you, I so agree. Congrats on DOM's.

Julie, Wise by not doing exercises when your having any kind of pain. Glad you are listening to your body. Bread recipe is sooooooo goooooood. Enjoy.

Take care everyone,

These are just a few of the photos I have available but you will get the idea. It's so sad.

First time in many weeks was I able to walk along Wash-A-Way Beach. The devastation/power the ocean can inflict is amazing. God be with these people suffering from losing thier homes. My heart is going out to each and everyone of them.

Michelle, Great job on XTrain bis and tris. I know the memories of our fur babies haunt us. Good memories for sure.

Take care,

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Rolly took an hour walk on the beach. Sunny and gorgeous outside today. Later tonight did cardio in The Wedding Video. It's such a fun workout!

Take care,

Sorry for being MIA so long. I ended up taking Friday off from work just because (finally). It was nice having a day doing nothing but being lazy and snuggling with my puppies. We handed out candy to trick-or-treaters with the dogs dressed up. Maggie was Eeyore and Ozzie was a monkey (I tried to attach pictures but couldn't figure it out - file size too large?). Ozzie was really bad and barked at all the kids. Saturday I did X52 and then DH and I ran errands. When we got back home I made some hamburgers on the grill to freeze for the winter and cooked some lentils up for adding to salads. Sunday I started Get Glutes month 13 and then did some work (from home). Just a little not a lot. Even with a day off the weekend seemed to fly by and we are back to Monday again.

Pam Great job on RK! I think kickboxing helps me work out DOMS when I have them. Glad you like the DT premix of AB. This weekend during the low impact portion of X10, Cathe has you do the left side immediately after the right side for the staggered zombie pushups. I always have to pause for a few seconds. Those are just two tough to do back to back. Great job on Tabatacise and Core #2! Hope you had a fantastic weekend and a great birthday dinner with your mom.

Janie Great job on making the bread. Does it freeze well? Those pictures are sad. How disappointing to those people losing their homes. Great job on your walk with Rolly plus the cardio portion of the Wedding Video! Hope you enjoyed your rest day!

Have a great day!

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