Strength in Numbers

Janie Thank you for the copy of the gluten free bread recipe. I think I will have to do a test run soon to try it out! Good job on your beach walk, but those pictures are so sad. I remember seeing something like that at the Outer Banks once when we were there and it was eerie. In that case the houses were out in the water. Still standing, but condemned of course and you could see the curtains in the windows and the furniture in there :( Really makes you appreciate the power of the ocean.
So nice that you had sunny and gorgeous weather. We had a cold weekend but it is supposed to be back in the 70s for a few days this week. Great job on your beach walk and the wedding video cardio! I hope you enjoyed your rest day.

Julie Good for you taking Friday off and relaxing. It sounds like you really needed that. That is so cute that you dressed the dogs up for Halloween, I wish you had been able to attach the pictures. I guess we were on the same wavelength because I did X54 this morning! Great job on X52 and GG. I had the same issue with the back to back zombie pushups. I did the last two sets of pushups on my knees.

I ended up taking Saturday as my rest day and just spent the day shopping and getting dinner ready. Sunday I did XTrain Cardio leg blast and the abs from 4DS Kickbox. Then spent the day doing chores around the house. This morning was supposed to be CCC, but I felt like I did that so much during my STS rotation that I subbed in X54 instead. I think it is about the same length and intensity as CCC so figured it was a good substitution. Have a great day.

Body Fusion tonight. 50 min and sweaty.

Julie, Looks like you had a typical fun Halloween. Great job on rest day Fri; Sun.; for doing a little on Get Glutes, better than nothing. I'm hoping the bread will freeze well. I'll let you know.

Take care,

Body Fusion tonight. 50 min and sweaty.

Pam, Great job on Sat. rest day and For Sun. XTrain Cardio Leg blast and the abs from 4DS Kickbox. And errand and chores, Then today's X54, sounds like it was a good sub for CCC.

Take care,

Janie Great job on Body Fusion. That is one of the few Cathe workouts that I don't have. Is it a good one?

This morning was supposed to be pedal power, but I wanted to try one of my new Spinervals instead. I was a little worried, because the other spinervals workout I have says the intensity if 9.1 out of 10 and this one said it was 9.8! It was pretty tough, but I also didn't like it as much. I tried to be careful reading the descriptions of these workouts because they really are designed to help cyclists train for races. This one was described as interval training, but most of the workout was one big long set where you go for 6 minutes at a steady pace and then rest for 2 minutes. You do that 3 times, so that is about half the workout. It was hard, since the steady pace is supposed to be above your comfort level, but I like more variety than that. There were a few other drills too and the total workout was 64 minutes, but I don't think it's one I will be reaching for often. I must say that my legs are really feeling it now though! Have a great day, and don't forget to vote if you haven't already!

Happy hump day, how did that happen so fast?! This morning for me was Maximum Intensity strength. Another one I hadn't done in a long time. I don't know how Cathe does the whole thing with a 35 pound barbell. I had to drop mine to 25 for the shoulders, biceps and triceps. My muscles were all shaky afterwards so I guess I got a good workout. Have a great day!

Yesterday was clam digging and today as well. I feel these are justifiable workouts. LOL!

Pam, Great job on Max Inten. Strenghth.

Pam, Body Fusion is a beginners workout and I love it when I want a day that is not so intense sometimes. Great job on Spinervals, didn't have to worry after all. Yea!

Take care,

Janie They are absolutely justifiable workouts AND you get the delicious clams too. Good for you!

This morning was Kickmax for me. I didn't have it, so I went ahead and bought the download yesterday. I don't know if it will grow on me or not, but my first impression was that it is only ok. This week sure is a leg killer though. Cardio leg blast, spinning, Kick max, and tomorrow is leaner legs. Ouch!
Packing for the move tomorrow to Shelton, and visiting friends and saying goodby to others. Bitter sweet. I almost feel like I'm abandoning them, it's so sad.

Packing for the move tomorrow to Shelton, and visiting friends and saying goodby to others. Bitter sweet. I almost feel like I'm abandoning them, it's so sad.

Have to show you what is happening in my neck of the woods. We are safe and almost a mile away from this:

Please bring on good vibes, prayers...much needed for our neighbors and dear friends to help soften their pain of such loss and tragedy.

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Janie Awwww, you aren't abandoning them :( HUGS, sorry you are feeling sad. The houses being destroyed like that is so sad, I can't even imagine the feeling if it were my home. Those poor people!

This morning for me was Leaner legs. I like that one a lot, it's quick and gets the job done. This week sure flew by for me, I can't believe that it's Friday already. I'm not sure how that happened. Have a great weekend ladies.

Can’t believe it is Friday already (or that I am saying that). This week has been crazy with work which is why I am just now posting. Tuesday and Thursday I did Get Glutes strength workouts. This weekend I am hoping to get some major cleaning done. It has been a long time and my house definitely needs it. I also need to take work home again. It is times like these I just have to tell myself to be thankful I have a job and stop complaining about how stressful it is.

Janie Great job on Body Fusion! Great job on your clam digging too which I think counts as a workout! I guess it is getting to be winter if you are moving from the beach house. You will see your beach friends soon though. Those pictures are amazing and not in a good way. I feel so bad for those people. I am glad to know you are safe from the destruction.

Pam Great job on doing one of your new Spinervals! I would like more variety than that too. Great job on MIS! That one always makes me feel like I am working out with a totally different Cathe because of her short hair. Great job on KickMax! I would say that is one of my least favorite kickbox workouts. The combos are a little blah but the blasts section is alright. Wow this week was a leg frenzy for you. Great job on Leaner (Meaner) Legs!

Have a great day!
Been walking the beach with Rolly and practicing my guitar. Made a video of myself singing Lovesong by Adele. I really thought I sounded pretty good until I heard myself. Maybe it's time to learn picking on the guitar. LOL Then there's the problem of wrinkles. LOL. Well being old truly isn't for the faint of heart. Been wanting to draw a person with wrinkles. Maybe I should do a self portrait and capture them and add some more. Seriously! Could do it holding a guitar. LOL It's OK, that's life. At least I have someone to grow old with. That's the best part. My Joey.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes strength workouts. I'm so sorry you are stressed out. Yoga helps with that sometimes, if you can find the time. Hugs xoxo.

Pam, Great job on Leaner legs.
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The weekend flew by again. I did CSS on Saturday and then major cleaning including shampooing my carpet (YEA!!). Sunday was a strength workout from Get Glutes and then I was lazy the rest of the day. I did a little work from home but not much. I just couldn’t make myself do it.

Janie Great job on walking the beach! I bet you sound much better than you give yourself credit for. We are our own worst critics. I also think your pictures are beautiful and I am sure Joey thinks so too. I hope that I age as beautifully as you have. I do like the idea of you doing a self-portrait though. Sounds very intereting.

Have a great day!
Julie Sorry you had another crazy week last week, but it is kind've nice when the week flies by like that, isn't it? Great job on your GG workouts on Tuesday and Thursday. I've been trying to pick away at my major cleaning instead of doing it all at once. So far I am liking it - doing a little each weekend. I had to work over the weekend too :( I didn't do as much as I should have, but I did make a breakthrough in something I had been struggling with, so I was happy about that. I agree on KM. I also felt like it was really disjointed, the different sections just don't really seem to go together.

Janie Great job on your beach walks and guitar practice. That is so funny that you thought you sounded better, I always think that way about my singing! :D Oh boy, I know what you mean about the wrinkles. It's funny that I don't see them when I look in the mirror, but when I see a picture of myself it's like WHOA! Where did those come from? :confused: But you are right that you have the best thing - a great partner to grow old with.

Julie Great ob on CSS and getting your cleaning done. I'm sure that felt great! Great ob on GG too. I can so relate to not being able to make yourself work on the weekend. I kept rationalizing with myself on that too.

I took Saturday as a rest day. We went to see Carl run in his first college cross country meet. He is officially red-shirted so it didn't really count but he was pretty excited about it. He also set a new personal record, 15:57 for a 5k. Sunday I did Body Max 2. It turns out I actually had the original Body Max on the calendar, but I didn't realize that until I was finished :rolleyes: I figured close enough. My chest is definitely feeling it today. This morning was 4DS Kickbox and I always like that one. I am starting Cathe's October rotation since I finished my last one and still no new dvds :( I also started a 3 day cleanse/diet. Man, it is hard, I have just been hungry all of the time. It has a lot of protein shakes which I really don't like, so this morning I had 2 eggs instead. It's a little less calories than the protein shake and I'm still getting protein while eating actual food! The rest of the diet is pretty close to what I normally eat anyway, but that liquid breakfast was killing me. We'll see how it goes. I was disappointed this morning to see that my weight was exactly the same as yesterday :mad: Anyway, happy Monday!

Last night I did a Step Blast premix that was step combos 1 & 2 plus the Step Blast Challenge. It is hard doing the step blast challenge when I didn’t remember the 3rd combo. I finally got it down by the 3rd round of the challenge.

Pam Great job on BM2 and 4DS Kickbox! Protein shakes are not that good. I have only found one I liked. I am more limited though since I try to eat mostly vegan, I can only have plant based protein shakes. The one by Plant Fusion is ok. It is actually kind of creamy but I would not say I enjoy them so much I crave them. I just drink them because I have hard time getting enough protein. I definitely could not do a diet where I drink all of my meals for a few days. I hate drinking my calories. I am a chewer!

Have a great day!
JulieGreat job on the Step Blast premix. It would be hard doing the challenge without having done all of the combos first! Hopefully it wasn't too frustrating. I do love Step Blast, especially the challenge. The interesting thing about these protein shakes is that I found them a
few years ago when I did this cleanse and thought they were really good. I'm not sure if they changed the flavor or if I was just remembering poorly. That time I did the first day using protein powder that I literally could not drink without gagging so then I went out and found these. I'm thinking they must have just been really good in comparison :rolleyes:. I hate drinking my calories too, I never feel satisfied. The only meal you are supposed to drink on this cleanse is breakfast, but that is the meal I miss most. When I did that I was so hungry by lunchtime that the salad did not satisfy me at all. The eggs have worked a little better.

This morning was 40/20 and Weights and Plates abs. 40/20 killed me this morning, I struggled through that last round. I always get very out of breath during the plates part of W&P too so I was doing a lot of huffing and puffing this morning. Tonight my GF and I are going to see Melissa Etheridge. Our DHs were supposed to come, but mine had to go out of town and hers didn't want to go if mine wasn't! So we sold their tickets and it will be a girls night. Hope you are having a great day.

Today was soap felting with friends/crafters. So much fun, will do it again tomorrow.

Pam, Great job on 40/20 and Weights and Plates abs. It is a toughie. Can't believe you saw Etheridge. Wow!

Julie, Great job on Step Blast premix 1 & 2 and the Step Blast Challenge.

Julie, Great job on CSS on Sat and cleanmax. That's a lot of cleaning. Also for doing Sun. Get Glutes.

Pam, Good job for taking a rest day, they are so very important. I can hear the proud moments of Carl's 1st college cross country meet. It's so cool. And eve a personal record. Wow! Great job on Sun. Body Max 2 and for DOM's. Yea! Also for this mornings 4DS Kickbox. The 1st day of Winter Joey and I will start a 7 day detox. We haven't done that before and we believe it is beneficial. No juicing, so it's right up our Alley. It was a show on Dr Oz that sounds really good. You are not suppose to get hungry at all. The first 3 days you eat soft foods and that is suppose to identify the toxins in your body, then the last 4 days fruit and vegies from the colored group and that is suppose to claw the toxins out. Sounds interesting anyways. Give your detox plan some time, it most likely will do good for you in the end. At least it's not for everyday. LOL

Take care everyone,

Last night I did a strength workout from Get Glutes.

Pam Great job on 40/20 and W&P! That is the toughest combination I think. It was hard not having done the 3rd round build up but Istill had a blast. I am glad the eggs helped you feel less hungry. You are awesome for sticking with the cleanse with how bad you don’t like the breakfast part. At least it is only 3 days though. Hope you had a good time at the concert.

Janie Enjoy your soap party!

Have a great day!
Janie The soap felting sounds interesting. I don't really know what it is, but glad you had a good time. I saw on FB that you are staying at the beach too. Will you be staying a lot longer? The 7 day detox sounds interesting, especially if you don't get hungry. I had a hard time with 3 days because for most of it I felt like I was really hungry all the time. I will be very interested to see how it goes for you. I don't think I could ever get my DH to do that! I am also very impatient. A half day into my cleanse I was looking in the mirror wondering why I hadn't seen any results yet :rolleyes: I did end up losing a whooping 1 pound, not exactly what I was expecting for 3 days of suffering! :confused:

Julie Great job on your GG workout. Yea, 3 days isn't too bad for the cleanse. I really have been feeling like I needed to do something because I've been feeling all bloated. Hopefully this will kick start me to do a little better before the holidays. I'm glad the 3 days is over though :D

The concert was fun, but I had a hard time getting up this morning since I didn't get home until 11:30. That is way past my bedtime! I did get up and do 4DS HIS and it felt good. I haven't done that one in awhile and never really did get the third combo right, but it got my blood moving and got me going. I hope you have a great day.

Decided I didn't need my face showing, but you can hear me playing my guitar and my attempt to sing a different song, if you dare, LOL. It's called "Mad World" LOL! Been playing guitar now for 6 months. Hopefully 6 months from now I can compare and see improvements in playing and singing.

Today I walked a couple of dogs from an animal hoarder. Surprised me how sweet and caring she is. Also walked Rolly later on.

Pam, We will stay I think (LOL) for awhile longer, not sure when we will leave. But I can always come right back and visit my friends whenever I want to. I forget I'm only 2 hrs. away! One pound of being on a 3 day detox is good. I think. LOL. What do I know? You are more healthy though, yes? Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the concert.

Julie, Great job on doing strength workout from Get Glutes.

Take care,


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