Strength in Numbers

Janie I hope you are feeling better.

Julie I think hanging pictures makes a big difference to a room. Good work on your GG work and Burn Sets Chest and Shoulders. Also on Circuit Blast with the cardio add on.

Pam Welcome back! Good job on your skiing and 4DS Bootcamp and LIS. So what concert did you go to Saturday night? I don't blame you for not wanting to get out of bed. Good job on getting 30/30 done.

So Saturday I did Crossfire and Sunday it was yoga. We went to my brother's for a BBQ last night. He got some of the cousins together as we hadn't see each other for several months. This morning for some reason I had no energy, it wasn't a late night but boy was I exhausted. It wasn't too bad as it is a holiday here today. I didn't get a workout in this morning but I think I am going to get one done now as I am feeling more energetic. Tomorrow it is back to the grind.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl We saw Bruce Hornsby on Saturday night. We have seen him several times, but he is always fun. This was outside on the lawn at the museum and we were right up at the stage too. Great job on Crossfire Saturday and yoga Sunday! I was just thinking I need to do Crossfire again soon. The BBQ sounds really nice, I hope you had a good time. Sorry to hear you had no energy the next morning, but it's nice that it was a holiday. Oh no, back to work today huh? I guess all good things must come to an end though....:rolleyes:

This morning for me was Supercuts. I tried to hang with Cathe and company on the su/pu combo but just couldn't do it. I was starting my last set of pushups about when they were finishing. Oh well, it felt good. Have a great day everyone!

This morning I did Gorgeous Glute work and Burn Sets Back. I am getting very annoyed with my cough that is hanging on. I had someone yesterday ask me if I was sick because I was coughing so much. I’m really feeling fine except this dang cough. Ok rant over!

Pam Great job on KPC before heading home! That must have been fabulous to not have anyone in front of you on the plane. Great job on 4DS BC + LIS abs! Plus laundry and housemax! Great job on 30/30! I can’t imagine how tired you must be from the time change and the jet lag. I hope you get caught up and back on schedule soon. Hopefully you are done traveling for a while. Great job on Supercuts! I think you did awesome with keeping up with Cathe!

Cheryl Great job on CrossFire! And yoga on Sunday! Every time you write about BBQ it makes me want to go just for the smells. I love the smell of BBQ. Hope you had a great work out and enjoyed your holiday.

Have a great day!
MY JOEY IS HOME! It's been way to long and I hope we never have to spend that kind of time apart again. I never realized how much I missed him until I saw him get out of that truck. Man O Man!
Still sick and I'm afraid Joey might get sick as well. Feeling better but one step back today for some reason. Just sneezing up a storm with runny nose. No exercise yet, but will get there when my body fights off this cold.

Julie, Busy day Saturday, I must say. I'm so proud of you guys helping your parents. That is so cool every time I see you do that. So many people just simply don't do it. Great job on gorgeoud Glute and Burn Sets chest and shoulders. You deserve relaxations after that. Good you for giving your body a break. Also a terrific job for this mornings circuit Blast doing Pam's version. Wow.

Pam, Great job on KPC (love that one) and the walk around town. Glad you got home safely and was able to catch up on some your sleep. You poor thing. Fantastic job on skiing Saturday and enjoying the concert. Who was it at the concert? Great job on 4DS bootcamp (ooo I miss that one) plus abs and the added 8 pikes. Yikes! You go girl! And for all the cleanmax yesterday. Yeah! You are so good for getting out of bed and did 30/30, I know it was hard. You should be proud of yourself.

Cheryl, Great job on Satuday's Crossfire and Sunday's yoga. So glad you made time with family and enjoyed a BBQ. Summer is so fun that way.

Pam, Great job on Supercuts. You are so close to hanging with Cathe. You did really really well. You did it! That's what matters.

Julie, Great job on this mornings Gorgeous Glute work and Burn Set back. I understand about being annoyed when having a cough. It truly humbles you. Hope the cough will be gone soon. Hang in there.

Take care guys,
Julie Great job on GG and BS Back! Sorry about that annoying cough. That is always one of the worst things about getting a cold for me since it always lasts much longer than the original cold. I am still just dragging from jet lag despite a pretty good sleep last night. I got to bed late though, so I know that didn't help. As of right now, I'm not supposed to be doing any traveling until the first of October, so I am happy about that. It could change of course, but that is the current plan.

Janie Oh, so glad to hear that Joey is finally home! He was gone so long! I do hope that you get feeling better soon though and that he doesn't get sick too. Good for you for letting your body rest and recover! We saw Bruce Hornsby on Saturday night. We have seen him several times, but he always puts on a great show.

This morning for me was TBTUB. Wow, I hadn't done that one in a long time and forgot how hard it is! Those kick back planks especially just kill me! Still soooo sleepy today, I did not want to get up! I had to pick my DH up at the airport at 10:30 last night so I didn't get home and into bed until 11:30 or so. I did sleep all the way through until the alarm clock went off, it just went off too soon! I really would like to just go home and go back to sleep now, but unfortunately I have too much to do. :confused: Have a great day ladies.

This morning I did Burns Sets Bis/Tris and All Out Low Impact HiiT. It was really weird when we did the Mountain Climbers on the discs, which I usually curse through the whole time, I wasn’t feeling too cursy and then when it was over, I was like “that’s it?” I’m not saying they are easy now or that I love them; just saying today seemed to be a little better.

Janie I’m so happy that your Joey is home. That is a long time to be away from each other. You know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder and you never know how much something means to you until it is gone. Hopefully Joey won’t get sick. Good job for resting up and fighting your cold. You will get better soon and start kicking it again. I don’t understand how someone couldn’t help their parents. My parents have been there every time I needed them. This is the least I can do for them.

Pam Great job on TBTUB! That is a toughie with all those pushups and planks, especially being so tired. You are awesome for getting your workout in and I bet you feel awesome about too! I hope you are able to get to bed early tonight and have another great night’s sleep (but longer this time). That is good that you get a little reprieve with traveling. I can’t imagine being someone who is traveling more than they are home. I guess you have to be a certain type of person to have that career.

Have a great day!
Can't believe I'm still so sick. Did a little gardening today. I don't do well being sick or injured. Guess I'm a Lilly.

Pam, Great job on this morning's TBTUB. That one is tough, congrats for doing it. Those planks kill me too. Hopefully you can catch up on your sleep soon.

Julie, Great job on on this mornings Burns Sets Bis/Tris and AOLI Hiit. You must be doing something right to get through a these difficult exercises. Good for you! Love it when I have good days like you did.

Take care,

Julie Great job on BS bis and tris and AOLIH!! Wow, the mountain climbers were easy peasy for you!!! That is awesome! I think you should have hit that rewind button and done them again ;):p Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep, but I feel so much better today than I have felt all week so I'm happy about that! I had a Girls night out that I really didn't want to go to because I was so tired, but it was a really nice time so I was glad I went. I couldn't be one of those people who travels more than they are home either. I think you get in a routine and get used to it though. I used to travel a lot more than I do now, but I've really gotten to like staying at home!

Janie Oh I hear you, I am not a good sick person at all either. It is so frustrating isn't it? I sure hope you shake this thing soon!

This morning for me was Rhythmic step, always one to put a smile on your face! I hope everyone is having a great day.

This morning I did Ride. I am really thinking about taking tomorrow off of work. I am pretty stingy with my vacation but I have had this cough that is hanging on and I would love to get some cleaning done at home so I can feel less stressed and still help my mom this weekend. Decisions, decisions.

Janie I’m so sorry about still being sick. Being sick is the worst. No need to call yourself names. Everyone handles things different. Plus you are being smart in listening to your needs to rest up so you are raring to go when the time comes.

Pam Great job on the always happy Rhythmic Step! This is the only workout that makes me feel like I could dance. I am not coordinated but somehow this one flows nicely enough that I feel like I am. Now, now, I never said the mountain climbers were easy peasy just that it was better. I’ll keep the repeat option in mind for a future session. I’m glad you are starting to get back to normal.

Have a great day!
Still fighting the cold. How much longer could it be? Right?

Pam, Oh how I love Rhythmic step! Great job.

Julie, Great job on Ride. I hope you do take off a work day and do what you need to do at home. It's only one day and it might make a huge difference.

Take care,

When I can smell and taste again then I'll start working out. Didn't have any drugs yesterday and hardly any sneezing or coughing. I'm getting better. Yeah!

Take care,

Sorry I have been MIA again :eek:. Janie and Julie I hope you are both feeling better. Pam you are doing well with your workouts. My first week back at work almost did me in :confused:. Monday it got so hot out that I couldn't sleep and I almost fell asleep on the commute home. The rest of the week wasn't any better, I was just glad that I am busy at work so I didn't fall asleep at my desk. Friday was the worst day for it being hot and I felt really sick that night because of the heat. It has cooled down quite a bit now so I hope that I can sleep tonight. So I didn't workout all week until yesterday when I did Cardio Supersets with the Step add on and today I did Cross Train Express - kickbox. I am hoping that I can get back into the groove as long as it stays cooler.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Julie Great job on Ride on Thursday. Did you end up taking Friday off? I'm guessing you did since you didn't post. I hope so, it's good to have a day off every so often!

Janie That darn cold just doesn't want to go away, does it?! :mad: Sure hope you are back to normal soon. I'm glad to hear that it at least sounds like you are starting to get there......

Cheryl No need to apologize for being MIA, it happens to us all! Wow, sorry to hear you were having some nasty heat, but glad to hear that it has cooled down some. Great job on CSS + step bonus and CTX kickbox. I don't think I have that one.....

I didn't workout on Friday morning because we were leaving early to drive to Charlotte. My DH had a car that he wanted to look at there and we also had appointments at the airport for Global entry interviews. We are now trusted travelers, which means that we get to go through the quick security line at the airport and don't have to take off our shoes or belts or take our laptops out. Plus when we return from an international trip we skip the passport line and get to just scan our passports in a kiosk. I was wishing I had done this before my last 2 trips, but it took about 8 weeks after applying before you got approved, then you have to go for the interview as the final step. DH got the car, so we drove back separately, and I drove right to my friends lake house for a Girls Weekend. We had such a nice time just hanging out on the dock and cooking and eating! There was no working out all weekend though! This morning I was back at it with Imax 3 and Xtrain core #1. It felt good, but I was glad when it was over :D I hope everyone had a great weekend.

So I decided to take Friday off which is why I didn’t post. I did do my Gorgeous Glute plus extra back workout and then I spent the rest of the morning cleaning, running errands, and making zucchini bread. Saturday I helped my mom some more. Sunday I started the last 4 weeks of Gorgeous Glute work and added on STS Meso 3 Chest and Back. The two workouts took me a lot longer than I wanted (almost 2 hours) so I think I am going to have to cut STS back to 3 sets instead of 4. This morning I did Imax. An oldie but a goodie that seems to go by fast.

Janie So sorry about the cold. I think mine is finally gone. I was still coughing up a storm on Friday, Saturday I had a huge sinus headache but then Sunday morning it was all gone. Hopefully yours goes away soon.

Cheryl Sorry your first week back was rough. It is a good thing when you are busy at work. It makes the days fly by. Great job on Cardio Supersets with the step add on and CTX Kickbox! Hopefully you got some good sleep last night. It is getting to the end of summer which hopefully means it will get cooler instead of hotter for you.

Pam That is cool about the trusted traveler. Do you have to recertify every so often? How fun a new car. DH is looking for a new car now. I am not looking forward to the whole salesman process. Your Girl’s Weekend sounded nice. Way to hit it hard with Imax 3 this morning!

Have a great day!
Still not so good. I seemed to have gone one step back and feeling awful again and using drugs/nyqull. Sheesh! If it doesn't go away in a week I'll go to the doctors.
UPDATE: Tonight no coughing or sneezing, have lots of energy and feel confident the cold will end very soon. I have so much stuff to do! I can't wait to get started on it.

Cheryl, I'm in an area that stays around 60+-70+ degrees and so grateful not to have to go through the hot days like you have to. Great job for doing Cardio Supersets with the step add on and for Cross Train Express - Kickbox. Hope your weather stays cooler for you. Gosh darn it!

Pam, Wow having a global interview for passes sounds very fruitful. Congrats on your hubby's car. Aw, a girl weekend sounds fabulous! Great job on Imax 3 and Xtasin core #1.

Julie, Great job on Gorgeous Glute plus extra back workout and clean max, running errands. Love homemade zucchini bread! Good job on helping your mom. Also on the last 4 weeks of Gorgeoud Glute and adding STS Meso 3 chest and back. Wow, 2 hours! Also on this mornings Imax. I love this one too.

Take care,

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Julie I'm glad that you took Friday off. It sounds like you got a lot done! Great jobon GG and extra back work and also on GG and STS chest and back on Sunday. 2 hours is too long, I agree! Great job on Imax yesterday too. I like all of the Imax workouts!
You have to recertify the trusted traveler thing every 5 years so not so bad. DH is really excited about his new car. It's the newest car he has ever had. We never buy them new because they lose so much in value as soon as you drive them off the lot, but this one is a 2013 with only 9,000 miles so it feels brand new. I hate the salesman process too. He actually called and talked to the salesman and agreed on the price before we ever got there, but it still took a lot longer than it seemed like it should have :rolleyes:

Janie I'm not sure you should wait another whole week before you go see a doctor - this has been hanging on a long time already and it seems like if you regressed it might be time to go. Just my 2 cents of course......:rolleyes: Oh, now I just read your update! Wow, so glad to hear that, hope that you are right it will be gone very soon. I'm glad to hear that your energy is returning! Thanks, DH is very excited about his new car. And our neighbor is excited too because he is buying the old one!

This morning was BM2 for me. I only did the step and the step circuit parts because I didn't have 97 minutes to work out. I will do weights tomorrow. Tonight we are going to a competition dinner thing. It's like an Iron Chef thing with local chefs. This is the second semi-final round so tonight's winner goes on to the finals next week. We get to vote on which dishes we think are the best. I'm just hoping that the secret ingredients are good ones. They have had a few that I would not be excited about (like krispy kreme donuts and coffee for one :confused:). It should be a lot of fun though. Have a great day everyone.

Today I still can't taste but I do feel so much better. Went shopping, Rolly and I even walked on the beach for 30 min. YaHoo! I'm going to practice yoga this coming Sun. Just a very light one, not to hard. Or maybe a Cathe stretch. I need it so badly!

Pam, Great job on this mornings BM2 doing the step and the step circuit parts. That's fantastic if you ask me! OOOOO have a wonderful time going to a competition dinner. How fun! Let us know how it turns out.

Take care,

Janie Oh, I'm so happy that you were feeling well enough for a walk on the beach! Did you find any good deals on your shopping trip? The dinner last night was so much fun. The secret ingredients were pork and elderberries and the food was fantastic. The best 2 courses were this pork belly disk with elderberry BBQ sauce and some kind of peanut sauce was crunchy prosciutto on top and a pork bolognese with country ham gnocchi and a poached egg on top. Wow. The same chef made both of those dishes and he was the one who won.

This morning I had a hard time getting up after getting to bed late and I was supposed to do Drill Max. I swapped and did PUB instead, which was on my calendar for Friday and will plan to do Drill Max tomorrow. I still want to be able to get through all of those planks in PUB some day......:confused: Have a great day ladies.

Today was a walk on the beach with Rolly. Then went to the mail and afterwords went to a beach I usually don't go to. From a distance I saw something odd. A large rock maybe? Or a large stump? As I got closer to it I realized it was a huge mammal of some kind. It was cut up in away that the insides were taken away and what was left was a corps with the outside underneath and the inside was showing all spread out. Eww. It was a lot of blubber. So large but can't identify what it was. Poor thing.

Pam, No good deals, just got food and sharper knives from Walmart. Yummy, last night secret ingredients sounds so gooooood. Bet you had such a good time. Lucky you. Great job on PUB. You will someday soon be able to do all those planks in PUB. Yep. LOL

Take care,

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Janie Great job on your walk on the beach with Rolly. I'm so glad that you are feeling well enough to go on your walks. Ewwwww....your 'find' on the beach sounds awful. Yuck. Poor thing, whatever it was! Well food and sharper knives are both good things in my book :D I'm not as sure as you are that I'll ever be able to do all of the pikes in PUB, but I'll keep trying anyway!

Julie and Cheryl, I hope you are both doing well. This morning I did the Drill Max that I subbed out yesterday. I forgot how much upper body work there is that one though, probably wasn't the best idea to do it the day after PUB. :rolleyes: My muscles were yelling at me. My BIL and SIL and their daughter are going to be here tonight overnight. They are on their way to take their daughter to college so I probably won't get a workout in tomorrow. Friday is almost here!


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