Hi ladies, I have a bit of a break while the class is working on exercises so thought I would try to get caught up with you.
Cheryl The class here is almost finished, we are in the last day and just have a couple of hours left. I will be happy to get home! Great job on pilates/yoga an stretch max. I bet it felt great to get your workout room all cleaned too!
Julie I bet it was good for both you and your mom to take a break from the unpacking. Nice to get some deep cleaning done too. I love that feeling. We have some projects that we really need to tackle, but have been procrastinating so far...

Great job on Your GG and BS Chest and shoulders on Sunday and Supercuts on Monday!
Janie Oh, how nice that your daughter and grandson are coming to visit. I know you will have a lovely time with them. Great job on your walk on the beach with Rolly. So sorry to hear that your shoulder is giving you trouble. Mine is the same way, some days it hurts and some days it doesn't. Errrr...I hate that! Oh boy, heavy gardening is quite the workout, great job on that too! I'm not a fan of asparagus, but I could go for the berries!
Sorry about coming to Tokyo without you, I will try not to let it happen again

So far most of the sightseeing has been in the form of different restaurants!
Cheryl Great job on HS and your TRX workout! Don't you just love it when you feel great after your workout?! Oh wow, you are quite the busy bee with all of that painting, I bet it looks great!
Julie Great job on GG and BS back. I hope you keep that nasty cold or virus or whatever it is away! Summer colds are no fun at all (neither are winter, spring or fall colds for that matter!)
Janie How cute that Rolly walked you, they can have a way of doing that, can't they?!
Cheryl Great job on LIC. I always enjoy that one. I hate taping before painting. Hmmm....I also hate painting!
Julie Great job on BS bis and tris and Hiit DWP. I have never noticed Lorraine pumping her fist, but that is because I am always walking around trying to get my heart rate down and wishing that the break was longer! I think I would want to shake her if I saw that too because I am never ready when Cathe asks that!
Janie Great job on your walk with Rolly! I just love that you make a giant bubble contraption and I can't wait to see the pictures. What fun! Oh no, so sorry to hear about your cold. I hope that you recover quickly!
Cheryl Great job on TBT UB!
I hadn't really planned on working out while I was here, but the jet lag has been killing me so I have been up very early every day. The bonus is that I have been getting workouts in every morning. On Monday I did KPC, Tuesday was CCC, Wednesday was Hiit DWP and this morning was MMA Fusion. I was thinking I was about adjusted to the time change, but I slept terrible last night. We have been going out for lunch and dinner every day so I feel like I have done nothing but eat while I've been here so the workouts are a good thing. I'm sure the time change will be a big struggle again when I get home, but at least I will be home for awhile. Japan has been interesting but I'll be ready to get home to a more relaxed pace. There are just so many people here everywhere you go. The subway is just crammed for the first 2 stops every morning. People walk in and just start pushing their bodies into the crowds to make room, it's nuts. If I don't post again before I leave, have a great weekend.