Shipping Update

Eeek!! Very exciting :).

I ordered mine way late, so I don't expect to get mine for another 2-3 weeks, but I have plenty of new workouts (Cathe workouts of course ;)) to occupy my time in the meantime *hee*.

YEE-HAW! LOL...This is exciting! Can't wait for these workouts...I just know they're gonna be unbelievably fantastic! Thanks for the update, Cathe! :)
This is GREAT news! I can't wait to get my new workouts. I am sure I will be very happy with the results. :)

This is just AWESOME! I never really stopped to think about all the packing peanuts! That pic was so impressive...and I am certain that was just the "tip of the iceberg".

I am feeling especially psyched because we just returned from Colorado at an elevation of approximately 7,000 ft. AND of course, my cardio level improved with the elevation change...just hoping it HOLDS ON for a few more days to help me kick up the new workouts!

Thanks for the update! This has been quite a new experience.

What wonderful news!! I can NOT wait to get a good dose of DOMS!! I placed my order VERY early!! WOO HOO!! Can't wait to try those bomb diver push ups!! I LOVE it!!!!!! Thanks for being such an inspiration!!


" Patience, Persistence equal Payoff "
This is awesome news!! I am looking so forward to these. They look wonderful:7 Thanks for making them.
>Yea!!!!! Great news! Thank you again for all of your hard
>work and all of your employees!
>You have a great weekend too!

Just thing Jo, Joe will be out of town - you'll be able to preview to your heart's content!!!

BRING ON THE MEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again for making my birthday so special, Jo!!!!
Co-sign everything you just said, girl!!!

WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on the mish moshes, Nettie!!!!!!!!!!
YIPEE!!!!!!!! Thanks for the great update. After a long day at school and a long night of writing a term paper, I needed some inspiration! Obviously, I am inspired now to work out tomorrow morning! Thanks, Cathe!!!
You are your crew are awesome! Time for everyone to celebrate soon.
The repeated question, what are DOMS? I cannot wait to get my DVDs but I preordered in April so I going to learn my new IMAX2 DVD when it arrives on Monday. It will be a great segway to the 4 new ones and with all the discussion about it on the forums, I knew I had to have IMAX2.
Thank you for taking the time to keep us posted. Not too many people would do that. You're one of a kind.

DOMS=Delayed Onset of muscle soreness! Bet you can't wait for that, eh?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh my gosh, the time has arrived! Sooo worth the wait! LOVE the packing peanuts pic. Waaaay too cute! Thanks for the update Cathe.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Cathe and everyone involved,

O My Gosh! This is great news. I'm so excited about this. Thank you all for these great workouts. I couldn't be more thrilled.


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995

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