Road Trippers...What are you embarrassed about?

Christie, it's always a treat to see someone on the forum. You look mahvelous, dahling. (Sorry... I've been watching "The Incredibles" again. Darn that Edna Mole.:) ) I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Laura, you SO do NOT have a jiggling belly. But if it makes you feel better, how 'bout this... you cover your belly and I'll cover my butt.:p

Oh my gosh you guys! I am laughing hysterically. We are really going to PARTY when we meet!

Haydee, I am just thrilled you decided to come and I know you will not regret a moment!

Okay, my embarrassing moments:

Not being able to do certain Cathe steps/moves. It seems since I took on my own company it has been hard to fit Cathe cardio in-between my classes. Not to mention us moving a month ago has thrown my schedule into turmoil. I plan to get back at it GOOD starting now. I have no trouble fitting in my strength work (except this past month) so that is a plus.

I don't usually turn beet red but might when I start embarrasing myself. :p

I take forever to get ready in the morning. I can NOT go to workout without a shower. My eyes just will NOT open til the water hits them good. (That and my coffee. I hope they have good coffee at the hotel??)

I don't have trouble with the "peeing" part UNLESS you get me laughing, Then, I am in trouble! I have a feeling I need to stay away from Jes and Shelley!

Christi! GREAT pictures! You go girl! Keep up the great work. You are looking good.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Red-faced - check
Sweaty - check
Jiggly - yep, check that too

And I can be uncoordinated, miss steps, fall off the step, and all the others that were mentioned. That's all embarrassing enough for a perfectionist, but I'm learning to get over it and just have fun.

But what I'm most embarrassed about is that I am not the most socially adept person in the world. I tend to be on the shy side and self-conscious to boot.

Hi Lunacat and fellow Road trippers,
I hope I can keep up. The last few days I have been so sore. I am feeling my age. I poop out after 4o minutes of cardio. I just hope I don't fall off my step.

OMG you guys are cracking me up!!! Well I will admit right now that after any kind of cardio my face turns so red I look like I've had a severe sunburn and although I think I'm pretty well coordinated on the step, I have been known to actually fall off my step every once in a while when I'm feeling extra gung ho:eek: x( !! But I think that no matter what we feel we have to be embarrassed about, we are all going to have a blast together and hopefully we will all forget we had anything to be embarrassed about in the first place:7 !!!
Oh, Luna, you cut me to the bone! Road Trippers? What are we, the left behind? Chopped Liver? Perhaps but that will not stop me from making this comment. Have you ever looked at someone whom you know is not as slim or fit or buff or is just a different body type or even virtually identical and thought, well, on HER it looks just fine but on ME, it's just not so pretty? I forbid all Road Trippers *sniff* from being self-conscious in any way. It's a level playing field. Everyone is beautiful in her own way and you will be there, tripping and reddening for all us who are left behind, longing to be with you. Don't smirk at the woman who suffers from copious amounts of gas. Her diet is probably just better than yours. The woman who falls off her step, she's more enthusiastic and the woman who turns red, is "brighter" since she has high color and obviously gets more blood to her head and, therefore, her brain. She make look like she's going to pass out but she's probably just thinking very clearly and has a plan to dodge the woman who's going to come flying off her step at any moment.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Oh, Bobbi! I'm so sorry! I don't want you to feel left out at all! So, please post a sweaty picture of yourself after a workout when we post the road trip pictures.

I wish you were going to be there. ;(
Ok, for starters, if I work out for a long time (more than an hour and fifteen minutes) I get a coughing fit. I hope nobody calls the paramedics for me. :eek:

I sometimes end up facing the wrong way on those outside of the step moves. Hopefully my spacial issues won't bother me when I'm watching Cathe in person rather than on tape. I've never taken a class in person, just on tape. My step isn't full-sized so I hope I don't trip.

My face gets red too.

I'm sure we will all be having so much fun we won't even think about getting embarassed.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
Hey, man! I was just kidding! I'll post a sweaty, tearful pic of me working out with Cathe on DVD while you all did it in the flesh. I didn't manage to smuggle myself to Germany and I don't know how I am getting to Jesey and sneaking into the Road Trip but I'll not stop plotting until the very last moment it's possible. I swear it! :D I did have a pang of rueful longing when I read that it was full. Still, my place is here with my children, who need me so! Don't you worry about me, no siree bob, I'll just go on a shopping binge to drown my sorrows! What should I binge on?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Wow. After reading all of the responses I think all of us Red Faced people are the majority. Go Red Face Team!!! Yes, I'm one as well, especially since it will most likely be humid in NJ in July....

I'm also one who can't do planks, pikes on the ball, that levitation hold thingy (can anyone do that???), or full body pushups after the first 10 or so.

So, just think of this, my fellow Road Trippers, we are here to have fun. We will laugh, smile, giggle, and have a great time regardless of what we can or cannot do in class.

See you next month (can you believe it?)!!!
I thought of something else this weekend while doing Imax 3. I'm not exactly QUIET when jumping on and off my step. They must sound edit the workouts (at least I hope so), because otherwise how are they so silent?
I thought of another item, too. My punching and kicking is pretty comical. Stay away from my graceless body on Sunday! LOL
Shelley - I shake the whole house practically when jumping on and off the step! At least it seems that way... but someone DH manages to sleep right through it all. ;)
I can't do a push up without my knees down!

I trip over my feet on some of the choreography, so I rewind a LOT. guess I'll just be doing lots of basic steps when I get totally lost!

How DO I end up on the wrong side of the step sometimes?

Tucks? Forget it.

I'm glad I'm not alone! I know that the 4 classes will be tough for me, but I'm excited anyway :)
I'm happy to see so many people are willing to share these little tidbits! It's nice to know we're not alone in our exercise eccentricities!

By the end of the 4th class, I probably won't even be able to lift my feet of the ground for kickboxing. Can I replace the punching drills with wussy slaps?
>OMG you guys are cracking me up!!! Well I will admit right
>now that after any kind of cardio my face turns so red I look
>like I've had a severe sunburn and although I think I'm pretty
>well coordinated on the step, I have been known to actually
>fall off my step every once in a while when I'm feeling extra
>gung ho:eek: x( !! But I think that no matter what we feel we
>have to be embarrassed about, we are all going to have a blast
>together and hopefully we will all forget we had anything to
>be embarrassed about in the first place:7 !!!

Hi Sandy! I turn beet red too!!! :7
Here's my delimma- hope I don't leak too badly, frequent the bathroom, or invest in my first Depends :D Kegel exercises are going to be my #1 workout priority for the next 5 weeks! :D What a funny thread!

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