Road Trippers...What are you embarrassed about?

Christie!!! I personally have to step back & realize we ALL have different goals, and then not to mention focuses. You'll do good. All I definitely have to say is, Christie, I want to personally meet you. Your dedication just implodes my mind,

You know what--I don't care what other people are doing :).
I'm going to concentrate on doing the best I personally can and try to support everyone else there. Now, don't get out the violin for me or anything(lol) because I've thought the same thing but I'm over it. I haven't even TRIED my Imax 3(but the box is pretty--lol). I'm happy to get thru basic step and body fusion and now I'm moving onto more technical stuff(lord knows I've bought 23 of her DVD's with all the help from you people on these forums and how much you love her workouts, thank goodness I have an understanding husband), and I'm just having a blast because I'm out of my workout rut.
Party on Wayne, Party on Garth!!
Mary :)
Ya'll are halarious!!! i'm not worried about being in the back.. i don't mind the front row. i'm not shy and i certainly don't mind looking silly:+ Good thing, cause i can almost promise that i will look silly:7

Another red face here! Also, I have curly hair and when I finish my Cathe workouts, my hair is drenched with sweat and the curls are going every which way! Now picture that with a beet red face....oh yeah...

I'll be doing modifications, that's for sure. Also, this happens rarely, but I'm afraid my asthma will bother me, and I'll be sucking on my inhaler for a while. Probably not, but who knows?

Red face? Sweat? Tripping? Moves you just watch? Oh not me, never... OUCH, my nose just hit the computer screen, very Pinocchio-like:+ :+
I think the "back" will be most the studio!
Actually, I'm most nervous about the mirrors on the walls, I've never actually seen myself doing any of the moves and I'm wondering if, after I slink out, mortified, I'll ever have the courage to workout with Cathe again, knowing I don't look cool on plyo scissors or tap hop repeaters, but that instead I flail-GASP.
I think we'll all be too busy trying to keep up, not fall flat on the floor, and sneaking peeks at ourselves in the mirrors to care about what anyone else is doing--we'll just be glad they aren't watching us!
Hmmm...what can I be embarrassed about...

-- a bad case of nose hairs?
-- backne?
-- the fact I get bloated easily and can look like I'm in my 3rd trimester?

Who cares? You all are GREAT and everyone will be supportive I'm sure! OH...and I'm up in the front row with Jes! Cathe's lucky if I don't try to teach the class myself :)

AND...for those of you concerned about the mirrors -- DON'T be. Typically, mirrors in aerobics studios make you look MUCH skinnier ;-)

My big ol' booty!!! ha ha...jdoll, I'll give ya' a run for the money w/the jiggle ;)

I also stink really bad after I workout. I don't sweat buckets...but man does it smell stinky!

Also, here's the things I can't do...

-push ups on my toes
-Plie jacks
-Rickechet (sp?)

Other than that...I'll be up NEAR the front jigglin' by big ol booty and screaming w/excitement to meet Cathe and actually be doing her class!!!! And...meeting all of you!!! I can NOT wait!
That's OK! Jiggling is just another way of expressing enthusiasm! My thighs jiggle. I've come to terms with that. :)
>That's OK! Jiggling is just another way of expressing

:7 :7 :7 Well then, I am VERY enthusiastic! LOL!!!

>If I wear anything other than Black shorts, I sweat so much
>it looks like I peed myself!

Nadine, you almost made me spit water onto my keyboard!!!:7

I was doing Low Max earlier and kept tripping on those triple steps. You'll be seeing a lot of that. I've also fallen off the step while rubbing the burn of my sweat out of my eyes. Good thing I use only a 4" step.

I've punched myself before while doing kickboxing. That was a long time ago, when I was just learning. But I'll probably be very starstruck by Cathe that I'll be doing that as well. I'm already telling my boys (hubby and son) not to be surprised if I go home with a black eye.:)

What am I embarassed about???? Oh goodness, where to begin....

I am absolutely hideous when I'm working out. Red as a tomato, dripping in sweat, buns a-jiggin'... oh yeah, it's scary. :eek:

Things I can't do:
Pushups on my toes
Pikes on the ball
Jump onto a step higher than 4" (and even at 4", it's a huge struggle)
Airborne jacks
Airborne anything, really (my big booty does not like to resist the force of gravity)

But, I am going to be up in the front of Cathe's classes, proudly doing the best I can do, even if I look like a dork. :D
>I've punched myself before while doing kickboxing. That was a
>long time ago, when I was just learning. But I'll probably be
>very starstruck by Cathe that I'll be doing that as well. I'm
>already telling my boys (hubby and son) not to be surprised if
>I go home with a black eye.:)

Pinky, you and me both!


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