Ripped with HiiT December

Merry Christmas everyone! I started my day by setting my alarm early and doing HIIT Lower Body Circuit + Bonus Abs #1. Then I got everyone up for Christmas morning after I showered. Glad I got it out of the way since the rest of the day will be filled with Christmas festivities! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
I squeezed in Upper Body Circuit this morning. I upped my weights on most intervals, and yup, that did the trick! Great workout! I'm looking forward to a rest day tomorrow and steady state cardio on Saturday. That was a lot of HiiT stuff this week! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
This morning I did Low Impact HIIT extreme premix where you do both back to back. It was a good workout but I probably needed something more intense after all the eating I did yesterday! I think the Low Impact HIITs are my least favorite of the new series. I do like Low Impact HIIT 2 tho. 1 just doesn't do it for me. I feel like the moves are too awkward. I probably won't revisit that one again.
Yesterday did Low Impact extreme with 1 then 2 back to back. Was able to get that in by 7:30am. Today I did Cathe live All about legs, love that one, I always get DOMS from that one. Later today will be one of the RWH upper body workouts. Finally nice to get back on workout schedule.
I was able to get in my second workout today. Did chest, shoulders, and tri's. Went heavier than the first time and feel it even more. On the last 2 sets of tri lying extension, was only able to get 10 reps. I have found that now with me doing the dvd's for the second time, I'm going heavier and focusing more on form. I'm really feeling the workouts more. I'll be spending the weekend getting back on schedule and starting week 4 soon. A little of track, but I also took some time today to visit a local eagles nest and 1 of the eggs hatched. What beautiful birds to have living near by.
This morning was HIIT Upper Body Circuit + Abs 2. I do love that workout. I upped my weights again for this one and it was even more intense and challenging. I'm not sure which RWH workout is my favorite. I love them all!
I just finished Lower body circuit. This was my first time doing it. I only used one riser, but matched Cathe's weights. I really liked this one. I had some trouble with the curtsey squats off the step. I was fine alternating but the single leg one took alot of balance. At that point balancing on two feet was hard never mind one. ;)

Now that I've done all the workouts at least once I can't pick a favourite. I like them all.

Have a great day everyone. It is finally sunny here. :)
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! I've been MIA here, but I've been doing my workouts. I took a rest day on Christmas day. My DH has been doing the workouts with me this past week -- first time ever working out together. He is on vacation from work for a few weeks. I am finishing Week 2 of my rotation today and will be starting Back, Biceps and Shoulders shortly (I have to wait for DH, a downside to working out together :p)

My kids got me a Cathe mug for Christmas. :D

Sara, that's my plan this week also with the weight workouts, to put some distance between the upper body ones. The first time I did them, I was still so sore from the Back & Biceps when I did the Chest & Triceps just two days later. This week, I'll put Legs in between the two to give more distance. I'm hoping that will mean I'll be able to do more of those pushups on my toes. Hey, a girl can dream!

Jen, for the Upper Body premix with the abs mixed in, do you think the ab breaks give you a little more recovery time in between intervals? I did up my weights and would like to go a bit heavier on some but sometimes I was still trying to catch my breath from a HiiT and felt like heavier wouldn't be a good idea. I'm wondering if the ab moves would give me some extra breathing time and would allow me to go heavier.
Ladies--I had the same problem after Chest, Triceps and Shoulders--my chest was so sore and it went on for 4 days!!!! DOMS that felt severely bruised! That's why this week I just did Upper Body Circuit twice. I also stuck with more metabolic workouts due to all of the overeating I knew I would be doing. However, next week I start hitting the Lift It Hit It upper body workouts again (and cleaning up my diet).

Catwoman, yes, the Upper Body Premix with the abs does you give you more of a cardio break. Not really a "break" because it moves you quickly from exercise to exercise with little real "rest" but because you are doing both strength and abs between the HIITs, your heart rate does have more of a chance to stabilize. I did normal Upper Body Circuit this morning and tacked on Abs 2 at the end and I found it much more intense cardio-wise than when I did it earlier this week (as the premix with the abs added in). That might have also been due to upping my weights, but it was an intense workout.
Today is a rest day. I caught my DS and DH' s cold. Laying low today. I have chest, triceps, and shoulders on for tomorrow, not sure if I'll be up to it. I'll wait and see how I feel.
Wasn't able to get in a real workout yesterday. Was at the hospital with 85 yr old grandma, she's doing better now. So at the hospital, I went up and down the stairs 3 different times for about 10-15 mins each time just to get my body moving. Also did some dips on the chair when no one was around. I was still feeling some DOMS from Fridays chest, shoulders, and tri's. I did up my weight this time. So today I've done plyo #1 w/ abs #1. Later will probably be either a Cathe live boxing or premix from Rockout Knockout. I also have to clean my white fence since birds decided to poop all down the one side of it.
Today was Back, Biceps & Shoulders. Love this workout! Love the heavy weights, love the finishers, and love the stretch at the end with all the neck stretches. I think it might be my favorite of the whole series, or at least my favorite of the weight workouts. I was able to up my weights a little bit for some of the exercises which really helped burn me out. Now I can't wait to start experimenting with some of the premixes!
Sara - Yah, Cathe's messing with me mentally too! But for me it's biceps. I have to go less on most of those. Crazy 8's twice? Really???

As far as all the rest of the UB weights, she's challenging me like nothing else. And I've never felt so intent on rising to meet that challenge. :D On many of the 3rd sets I can only get 10 reps out. It'll be a long time before I move up in weights.

Elaine, I hope you're feeling better soon. I've been trying to avoid catching a cold. Two of mine are sick too.

I was feeling kinda lazy this morning so I didn't get a workout in before church. After eating (too many) cookies and playing board games with my family this afternoon, I had to do some moving so I did Party Rockin Step #1. FUN!
Yesterday was my rest day. This morning I did Chest, Shoulders & Tris + Abs 1. This time I matched Cathe on all weights--but I struggled. On chest, I was only pushing out 10-11 reps on the 2nd and 3rd sets and on my knees for all of the push up finishers. I did all the reps on shoulders and triceps--but I was trembling by the end. For my doubles workout today I am doing Les Mills Combat Kickstart.

Firemedic--sorry to hear about your grandmother; glad she is ok. And good for you for finding a way to get some exercise in anyway!

Hope you are feeling better Elaine. My entire family has been sick and I am praying it continues to steer clear of me!
Today has been Cathe live Solid Cardio plus HiiT from 11-6. Later will be LIHI Back, bi's, shoulders. I like to do my weights in the pm so I can still get everything else done around the house and yard without feeling like my arms weigh 50lbs. So now I'm off to wash my dogs and give them a hair cut since it's still in the 80's here in FL. Have a great day everyone.:D

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