Rested mothers and their sweet babes 2/28

Christine is hilarious. I have those garbage pile smelling farts myself. It's all the complex carbs/fiber I've been shoveling down. My girls also have them farts. They still only poop once a week or so!
Geez I can't keep up with you today!
Mealnie-I only have 30 day Shred and Christine is sending you that one.
Jen-do you want my 30day shred??

Just put K to bed...need to go clean up the kitchen etc. Im looking forward to legs tomorow!
That's too funny, Christine! LOL Totally sounds like something I would have done! Hee Hee.

The girls screamed for a couple hours straight. But now they are perfect angels. :D I'm enjoying them. I'm watching Grey's Anatomy. I have everything ready for I might hop on elliptical for an easy walk in a bit with a little girl.

I feel very productive today. Especially with my run outside. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I had to pop an ibuprofen! I made several appts today, called to change our sattelite service, and played Candy Land with Jadon. I finished 7 loads of laundry & put them all away. I am woman. Here me RROOOAAARRRRR!!!!!!
SLOW DOWN!!! I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone!!

(Raising hand over here!) -- Melanie, would it be too much to ask you to do for me what you're doing for Jen? I can send you money and/or blank DVDs. Let me know -- I don't how many there are or how much it would take (and if possible, I'd love both series too!).

Christine, I love the bunny story. That is soooo sweet. I hope you got a pic of bunny vibrating in his diaper :) As for STS, I do not have the pull-up tower. I was using tubing on the door hinge, but DH didn't seem to thrilled (it's an interior French door). It might be a problem in later workouts, but not yet. How did Jimmy do at swimming this AM? Too bad you're not coming to Philly with DH on Sunday -- we could hang out!

Melanie, I hope DH and DS1 had a better day today. You look awesome in your avatar picture! I'm so impressed that you're training for a marathon now too. I have several Jillian DVDs - No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, 30 Day Shred, and her BL Last Chance Workout. I like that they are short but intense. When they don't feel intense, you can modify to make them harder. I was dying during the Last Chance Workout a couple weeks ago.

Lisa, Drew has been a difficult sleeper since birth! He slept in his car seat for several months, then we transitioned him to the vibrating seat. BUT, this is his 4th night in the CRIB!! Woo hoo!

Susan, I think I'll get Barefoot Cardio, too. Sounds like one that Ella might even like to "do" with me. Good luck with Legs tomorrow -- I really liked that one! And I really felt the DOMS too :p

Jen, sorry to hear about Aunt Flo's return with a vengance. I got mine at exactly 10 weeks, but I wasn't nursing so knew it wouldn't take long. For you, that wasn't fair of Mother Nature!! Great news about James getting himself to sleep! Sweet baby boy. I love to watch Drew and Ella sleep. Makes my heart swell :)

So, Mr. Drew has cut his first tooth!! He's got two little white "buds" poking through on the bottom. I better get some more pics of the gummy smile, because it won't be just gums for much longer :)

Didn't have time to workout today, but will have to make it happen tomorrow. STS Meso 1, Week 2 -- Back and Triceps.
PennStater (sorry, I forgot your real name!)-yay for Drew in his crib! Christine-Your post was hilarious :). Hmm..garbage farts..

Melanie-7loads of laundry? roar indeed! Do your LOs really only poop once a week? Reese goes every few days....I thought I've heard breastfed babies go multiple times per day?? Mine never did--even when fully breastfed.

All right, here is one day of eating for me. Yes, I'm a grazer. I'll post another coupld days:
Overnight-slice of turkey, half graham cracker
B-egg w slice of ham, halfslice cheese, 45 cal wheat toast, 1 c grapes, coffee w/skim(half cup)
S-30 choc goldfish, 8 almonda
L-hamburger veggie hotdish (lean ground beef, cabbage, green
beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes), orange
S-homemade sugarless oatmeal cookie, prune
D-sweet potato, pork loin, spinach

I did Cardio Fusion. I'm going to start making a list of all these videos you guys are discussing. I NEED (yes, NEED ;) ) to increase my collection. I haven't gotten somethingnew since STS

S-3 c air popped popcorn, dove dark choc miniature
Lisa, we can take care of that for you...just PM with what you'd like.

I'm off to work...will have to catch up with ya'll ladies late tonight or tomorrow.

amazing but true--actually 2 things! 1) I'm typing on a COMPUTER with TWO hands--not a phone with one hand! 2) Reese slept 7 hours without needing to eat! She ate at 8, slept with DH from 9-1. Then he put her in her crib at 1pm. She didn't wake up! She woke at 3 to eat. By 4:30, I was getting frustrated that I couldn't rock her to sleep--she'd nod her eyes but never fully sleep. I said to heck with it; I'll try to put her down drowsy like is suggested. At 5 she was still awake but then must have fallen asleep on her own! YA!! It's 6:30, and I now hear her awake. Do I expect this to continue? No, but I do enjoy those mini glimmers of hope.

Check this out. and click on the brochure. I'm so proud to have my little boy on the cover of the area's Y brochure! We did a photo shoot when I was 38 weeks pregnant (not sure if some of those belly shots are going to make it on other marketing materials..ahh!).

BBL..need to grab my coffee before I get Reese.
Kara has been asleep nearly 10 hours..ahhhh. I did wake up at 230 and tossed for a little while..but the night wasnt too shabby!

I am going to go through my workouts today and I will post anything I want to get rid if anoyone wants them..they are yours!

Lisa-Im a grazer too. I will post my menu today..You will see a theme..I love SOUP! Your meals look pretty good. Do you know your calorie intake? Maybe just cutting out 200 cals a day would make a difference. K poops all.the.time. Up until a couple weeks ago she was pooping probably 5 times a day. Now its 2 or 3

Allison-yayyyy for Drew sleeping in his crib!! and awwww for his first tooth!

Melanie-hope your day goes well! you Rock! Arent you proud of me for posting pics on facebook! I will try and keep it up.

Christine-hope bunnies sleeping lessons are working for John!

Pricilla-how was your night? Have a great day!

Jen-you feeling better??

Ok H is up wanting breakfast. bb after my workout!
Ooops...just to clarify: when I said that I needed more videos, I wasn't implying that you guys needed to hook me up. Just that I want to expand my collection.

Susan-10hrs is awesome! I love soups, too. I have a more difficult time getting DH to love them though. If they don't have meat in them, he's not interested. Yesterday's intake should have been right around 1500.

Time to make Caden some breakfast.
troops are up. K has pooped..haley has had far so good.
Lisa-1500 cals doesnt sound like much to me...I wouldnt think you need to lower that. Could it just be your body adjusting? And as Christine pointed out sleep deprivation really effects sure does with me.
Morning ladies! Yes Susan, I would like the 30 day shred one and poss any others you may post. :) I'm feeling better, thanks. I had some real bad cramping last night that Tylenol and ibuprofen weren't helping with but I got James down around 1030 and climbed into bed. He woke up at 2 and I rocked him back to sleep until I woke him at 615a. Not too shabby either... ;)

Ladies, do you realize that in just a short time we will ALL be one HOT bunch of mommas with all these new workouts???? :D I am so excited!

Lisa- I think your meals actually look good as far as protein/carb ratio. I honestly believe that once you get at least 5-6 hrs of sleep consistently you will see the weight fall right off! I know, I know....when will that happen??? ;) When James was exclusively breastfed, he pooped a couple times a day to every two -three days. He was never consistent.

Melanie- 7 loads of laundry???? Whew! You are an ANIMAL!

Allison- Yay for Drew's first tooth but BOO for losing his gummy grin. :( I don't want James to get teeth either.

Okay well off to work. Hopefully can chat more later!
Legs done! Love the firewalkers..not crazy about the paper plates..just not used to it yet.

Here are th vids I dont want
30day shread
squeeze lower body challenge
squeeze stronger
Get Extremely Ripped
Get Extremly Ripped 1000
Tracie Logs Dynanic Strength and Power with cindy thorp

Ok poopy pants needs changings..bbs
Hey Susan! I would like to try the two Jari Love videos. Just looking for variety....I will PM you.

Did you check out the OD about the stars??? Once again, the reason I stay over here in our supportive, safe forum. :confused:
HI everyone. TGIF Yeah!

I'm at work right now and in few hrs i'll be picking my friend up at the airport. So excited. We might rent some movies and go to the mall.

For you gals that run, do you feel pain in your knees. Melanie, I know you said you were sore, is that DOMS or actually pain. For some reason, mu knee caps HURT. I tried walk/run intervals and when I say run, the fastest I go is 5.5mph and they still bother me. Last night I did CLX Burn Intervals and they were sore too. I don't know if it's any sort of mineral deficiency. I watch my form when squatting and lunging but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions

Christine, what a funny story about the bunny. Ahh, I can't wait to see my little one do creative things like those. He's LOL a lot lately and I just love it. Going back to the knee pain, do you think Insanity is an absolute NO-NO for me?

Lisa, you have a beautiful family! My goodness I don't think Daniel has slept 7 hrs straight in his short life. That's wonderful! I also FB, you can find me under Priscila Moreyra if you want to friend me too.

Susan, Kara seems top be another good sleeper. Daniel still wakes up every 3-4 hrs and sometimes when ne sleeps he makes funny noises that keep me awake TOO. I yet have to see the pics you posted on FB

Allison, I'm glad you sticking to your rotation. I'm looking forward to hear about your results

Jen, is the boob pain gone for good now?
Priscila-I hope I found the right Priscila. Let me know if you didn't get my friend request. As for Reese's sleep, I know last night was a fluke, and I'm not expecting it for a very long time.

eta...jen, i just checked out that thread. wow. yes, i will stay right here, too
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I forgot to friend from work did Butts and Guts last night and loved it! She can hardly walk today! YAY! :D I love when I have friends in real life that love Cathe!

Hi Priscila!

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