Rested mothers and their sweet babes 2/28

Mel, we must've cross-posted. Sorry the day was so hectic. Can you do cable where you live? Have FUN tomorrow at you shower and at Justin's b'ball practice :)
Duh... Feeling dumb. Priscilla I did not realize it was your knees hurting. I hope you feel better. No legs orcardio and motrin. Melanie- likewise. My right knee tweaked yesterday and it was good to eliminate intervals and plyo today.
Susan- only been 11 years with hubbybut we had the bad patch a couple yearsago. Getting through that,being apart this year before the move, then having John almost die. We all face our tough spots. How great we all get through itand have each other. Kegel 123.
Mel- rocking the othes! Yes! Dh came home and played scrabble on hi iPod while I made turkey meatballs and take care of kids. When the timer went off on the dryer during dinner he asked me to go fix the annoying noise. Oh wow, did it mess with the scrabble honey? Here you on the fishing. So.... WhT if you jump him In bed and make his day? Maybe you get the twin bath in turn ?
Allison- totally costco! I feel guilty eating it butthese two kids make me loony and the nuggets rock. I have the mixings for healthy food but oh well. If interested in my chalean which I so think u will love... Pm Melanie asap!
Gals- thank you... This forum is my smile and laugh and
motivation each day.
Quick update before I shut down for the day. My friend made it to TX safe and we went to an AWESOME mexican restaurant. Chips and salsa were so great. the good thing is that they have small portions so I don't feel like I overdid too much or at least I wanna think that way :) I promise I'll do better tomorrow
I managed to do Chalean Burn circuit 3 and some light cardio. My friend has been a runner all her life and she can run a mile in 6 minutes WOW, she wants to take advantage of the warm weather to run outside tomorrow but I need to take your advises and nurse my knees.

I'm falling asleep as I type, Nite Nite
Ok..Haley is snoozing and Miss Kara deciced its time to partay. Shes been up nearly an hour talking her head off. Its cute alright..but Im TIRED!

So Im getting Chalene too...I plan on finishing Meso one..then hitting it. THanks Chrsitine and Melanie! You gals rock!

Think I"ll go eat something! ooooshe just pooped..maybe she'll be tired now.
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wow, let's see if I can remember everythingI want to say...if I evr hqada free hand, I'd be taking notes while reading!

Susan- yes, I have rheumatoid arthritis. I was diagnosed 3 years ago. It warmed my heart to read about you and DH.

Chrirtina- I agree with the idea of creating the nap habit and then doing the crib. It's what we had to do with Caden. I'm rushing Reeses into the crib though because it's often impossible to let her sleep on me AND me take care of Caden.

Allison-high five to Drew on rolling over :)

Melanie-I hope you have a good time at your shower, even with so many people out sick.

If I read correctly, I shouldstay away from Insanity due to impact but Chalean would work, due to modifications. Thanks!

Yesterday's eating was messed up from the cake, but here it is-
B-Special K high Protein and cheerios w skim, coffee w skim (200)
S-soy crisps, chicken breast, almonds (250)
L-Choc cake, chipotle burrito (1/3 of it..chick, rice, black beans,salsa) (600)
D-Pork roast, sweet potato, sinach (250)
S-air popcorn, cheese (100)
Overnight-apple, cheese (100)

I am so happy w Reese tonight. She slept 4hrs on the couch (DH was in the room to watch her), and then after eating and a couple attempts, she slept 3hrs in her crib. Oh, and it's her one month birthday today :)

Happy Saturday to everyone!
Lisa, that's not enough calories for a nursing mom girlie . I counted just over 1000? That may contribute to lower milk supply too.....especially if you add in any type of exercise. Seriously, I wouldn't go under 1500. (I eat about 1900). Try adding two servings of low fat milk & one slice of whole wheat whole grain carb. If you haven't had bread in a while (lo cal diet)'ll notice a large increase in your energy level once you add it in!

Today's Menu

B: Steal Cut Oats (1 tsp I can't belive it's not butter, 1 tsp splenda, 5 walnuts), coffee (1 tbs nonfat creamer, 5 squirts sugar free flavoring)
S: 1/2 cup cashews
L: 1 cup veggie & bean chili,1/2 chicken sandwich (chicken, spinich, 1/2 ounce swiss cheese, mustard) 1 cup chocolate milk,
S: BABY SHOWER CAKE!! + diet pop
D: Smoothie (splash oj, 1/2 cup berries, protein powder, spinich, splash milk, 1/4 cup skim milk, 1/2 banana, ice cubes)
S1: The other 1/2 of sandwich as above + milk
S2: vitamuffin
I put K down at 1..then I stayed up to watch Real Housewivs of the OC and NY! My name is Susan and I watch smut

Lisa-yayyy for Reese sleeping more and Happy 1 month Bday! Insanity is a little too insane for excited about Chalene! Does your RA cause you a lot of pain? Do you have to stay away from food that causes inflammation?? A saw on the news the other day about foods and inflammation and it really interested me.

My mom is coming today. Haley doesnt know and she'll be so excited. Im glad she is. Days are fine with K and me but dh comes in quite handy at night helping out with K while I do chores etc. Weather is awesome...sunny and 70..can't get any better than that in my book. Oh last night at midnight I ate a bowl of buttered noodles AND a bowl of cereail...I feel sick this morning....blahhh. Workout will be walking with Kara.

morning waves to everyone! bb
I'm crabby today. I feel tense with all the activities this weekend. This isn't unusual for me. I am a perfectionist....which goes out the window with 5 kids and two center of attention activities planned for the weekend (shower today & dedication tomorrow). Urgh. I could really use an Ativan or Valium or something today.

Pefection coupled sleep deprivation does not make for a very good mommy. :( I have spent a gread deal of this morning snapping at kids. Plus I know it's going to be close to impossible to get a workout in today.....which I so despirately need to calm my nerves. Urgh!

Christine, my pharmacy tech has 30days to shred video of Jillians. She said I can borrow it. ;)
Morning ladies!

Mel- Sorry you are crabby...I get that way when I have too many plans and I don't even have 5 kids. I can't imagine juggling it all like you do! You ROCK!

Susan- Your post brought tears to my eyes about you and your DH. (Damn AF hormones!) Ever since we've had James I've noticed our relationship has changed. Hoping we will get back on track soon. :)

Lisa- Happy One Month Birthday to Reese! James will be 4 months next Wednesday. They grow WAY too fast!

Priscila- Way to go on the portion sizes and keeping it in check! Isn't it nice to spend time with girlfriends even if its only for a short time? It recharges me....

Hey Christine! Hey Allison!

I feel blah today...Put James down last night at 10p and he was up at 11:15 and 1:45am. I just rocked him back to sleep then he slept til 7:30a so I shouldn't be tired. Not sure what w/o I want to do today. I might not do anything....I think I am burnt out. I got in 5 days this week which is alot for me. I usually feel excited to w/o but not today. Oh well, maybe tonight I will feel better. Off to visit grandpa today! BBL!
Hi glas, what is it with all of us? I am extra crabby today too. I yelled at my hubbby all night. I got John down at 8:30, and once I got to bed later, jimmy woke up with nightmares, so I went and consoled him (he is scared that daddy is going on this work trip and not coming back, remember how DH was living apart for a few months before the move). I came into the room and told DH about it and he rolled over. I was pissed. Then he started snoring. He snores LOUD. I punched him a few times and got to sleep only to have John wide awake ready to eat and both arms out of the swaddle. Fed him, he barfed down my shirt. Got him to bed and then Jimmy had another nightmare. Repeat. Then get to sleep and DH snore more. Move to other bedroom. The alarm on teh monitor goes off in our room (it is a piece of crap). DH sleeps through it. So I finally go turn it off. Get to sleep and John wakes up hungry and arms out. Finally I decided to get up. DH does not understand how hard it is to get up every night, he NEVER has to. And he is leaving on this trip tomorrow. I am so grouchy. Sorry gals.
Melanie- I am a perfectionist too. I feel you. How do you do it? A valium or ativan would help a lot... Hope that you have a great time even though you are stressed.
Jen- Kids are great, but they do change things. I recommend teh book "Love in the Time of Colic". It is about how to rekindle and stay together when you have kids. Especially when you are both tired. It helped us. Clearly I could benefit from rereading it!
Priscilla- Mmmmm. Sounds like a yummy and much needed girls night. Wow that your friend can run so fast. Wow. wow. wow. Glad you are resting so that you do not get an injury that lasts a long time. Enjoy Daniel!
Susan- GLad yoru momma is coming. I love trashy tv, too!
Lisa- Hope that you have another great day with Reese.
I hear DH got to run.
Just got back from post office..Pri and Jen..expected delivery is Tuesday! K is down for her short nap.

Melanie-sorry you are crabby. I too get that way when things arent just so! Take a deep and try to enjoy yuor shower. Can't wait to hear about it!

Jen-you and dh will get it back...things change so much with kids..espcially the first one. Maybe the book Christine would help. From what you have said your dh is awesome and you guys are really tight.

Christine-must be the moon or something...lots of our babies were up last night. My dh snores too. I punch him to roll over all night! I have been sleeping in kara's room lately but with her sleeping better Im ready for my own bed again..even with the snoring. I usually wear earplugs too.

Ok off to get laundry started bb
My hubby called his mom and she is going to fly in tonight from Arizona to help out. She loves the kids and is so excited and so am i. I am okay during the day, but like susan, it is chaos in the evening. Trying to get dinner done adn everyone bathed and to bed. Hooray! We are skipping the run today and go out for breakfast. Maybe I will take today off. Just not feeling it today. Hubby and I tlked and he and I understand each other better now. I reminded him that it is hard to be a SAHM, there is not paycheck or fancy trips to Philly, or bonuses. I feel like I run a hotel and daycare. He did not get it at first. But we are all okay now.
Hi to everyone and hope you all have great days!
christine-glad you and DH talked things over. That's great your MIL is coming to help out. I commend you and all SAHMs! On days I have both of the kids, I long to go back to work. I find it far more stressful than being at my job. I don't think I could do least not during the baby's first year.

I guess it's kind of an off day for many of us. Despite Reese's good night and my 6hrs of sleep, I'm crabby as all heck!
Christine-its great your mil is coming to help! and its great you and dh talked it out! Sometimes men just dont get it that is actually work staying home...24/7 work!

Lisa-sorry you are blahh too. If my mom wasnt here iw ould be in a funk..I just know it.

Melanie-hope youre in a better mood!
Waves! Going to visit with mom
Wow! I see that I was in good company today with my mood. It improved. I did CC1 and Jackie Warner's abs. But now I am tired as heck! I napped for 20 min while DH watched J before work so that should help. Visited with my dad today and that was nice too. Made mexican pizzas for dinner. Yum!

Christine- Thanks for the book suggestion. Sometimes I just feel like we don't communicate like we used to. It could be me and my hormones too. Who knows?? Yay for MIL! Then you can get a much needed workout in too!

Ok bbl! Gotta go listen to something that DH recorded at work.
Lisa, I hope I didn't offend you with my suggestions....after reading my post again I thought it might have sounded authoritative....which I am not....just another mommy trying to offer some input. You can take it or leave it, won't hurt my feelings. :p

Shower went well. It was fun. I got about 7 sets of outfits, a bunch of books, $50 and a high chair.

I squeezed in a 4 mile run outside in b/w basketball & my shower. Then I ran around like super crazy and was 10 minutes late to my own shower. :p LOL Oh well. The important thing was I was able to clear my head. I still feel overwhelmed & tired today. I need to go to bed early tonight.

I can feel my knees again running outside....but nothing like the other day. I'm glad I'm taking the time to run outside too b/c the pounding on my joints is much different than elliptical. I think I burn more calories too. The other day I burned over 3500 calories in one day! My alltime highest since getting gfw. I burn more calories running outside.

Dedication tomorrow. Not sure what to wear. I never seem to have the right outfit in my closet. Anyone else have this issue? lol

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