Susan, I caught Rocco on RR when I turned on the TV today. I want to check out the book (Now Eat This) too. Those mozzarella sticks looked nice and gooey, didn't they? LOL. Love the pics of the bunny girls. H and K are beautiful, Susan. Sounds like you enjoyed the STS Legs workout overall? I've been trying to get to Back and Triceps today -- Drew is NOT cooperating. Drew is a pooper too -- usually 2x/day.
Jen, sounds like J enjoyed sleeping with his mama last night
Good for you for staying the course with healthy eating with your unwelcome guest in town. I love to eat salty foods like chips, but then always hate I feel afterwards.
Christine, the Chalean program sounds like one I would enjoy. Insanity sounds, well, insane -- I am sooo not a fan of the pushup, though I know it's a great all-over exercise. Mickey Mouse nuggets? You must shop at Costco
We have a bag in our freezer. They *are* made with all-white meat and whole grain breading; that's healthy, right? LOL And those Skittles you mentioned yesterday? Girl, there's a rainbow in every bag -- you ARE eating a colorful diet
Lisa, I am no help on the calorie counting. I don't do it myself. I was a Weight Watchers girl for years; love the points system. But I'm trying to do it this time by eating better foods and paying attention to my hunger cues. It's frustrating, isn't it? Sensitivity to egg whites? Oh, my. You poor thing. I love eggs; that would be very hard.
Priscilla, sorry your knee caps are hurting. That sounds painful
I hope you have a wonderful visit with your girlfriend!! As for walking lunges, I'm sick -- I actually like them. For a while, I was disciplined enough to do 100-200 of them every other day (using no weights).
Melanie, hope today's commute wasn't too bad. It's 90 minutes each way, right? So, will you wear *all* your gadgets at the same time -- the Garmin, the GFW, and the HR monitor? You'll be beeping all over the place!! Sorry your knees hurt from the old shoes; I've made that mistake before, too. My back gets sore also.
This is a big week for Drew! Cut the teeth, sleeping in his crib. And tonight -- he finally managed to roll over!! I was pretty excited because I got it on video too
Now, if only he'd go to sleep when he's laid down. He cries (and tonight he just kept on crying...AUGH!). He was awake last night from 1:30 to 3:30, crying and screaming. That was fun.