Rested mothers and their sweet babes 2/28

Lisa, I haven't gotten the request yet. I'm friends with the rest of the girls, you can also find me in their friend list :)

Jen, you know, I have B&G but have only done twice I think. Those traveling lunges kill me. I think next time I'll do just stationary lunges instead.

I'm starvinggggggg, time for a snack
dh is brining me home some boxes from work..I will get the vids in the mall tomorrow!

here is a pic of haley and k in the same bunny ears 10 years apart. Haley was 2 months..Kara is nearly 5..I think K is gonna be a shrimp like me lol


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ok got the vids packaged up ready to mail!

Ok..what is with the stars anyway. That just seems so "high school" to me. Why would anyone want to rate a thread old are these women??
btw..K has been napping for just about 2 hours..ahhhh. Laundry is done..had a great cup of coffee...and got dh packed and gone for his camping trip. Its just me and the girlies this weekend.
I will BBl with good in depth personals. Busy day. Went ffor a 12 mile run adn the kids were quiet. Took Jimmy for a bike ride and now making lunch and playing Hot Wheels with him...
The stars thing is so high scchol. There are some real negative people over there. I stay over here and read their suf from timeto time, it bumss me out that people can take a great thing like fitness and be so petty. Insecurity. Too much time on their hands. They should have babies!
Real quicck, Lisa, it looks like you are not getting too many calories. I noticed not a lot of dairy. what about a glass of milk or some f the Fiber One Cottage Cheese during the day? I tend to lose more weight when I eat a lot of dairy. Do not know why.
Crap, screaming. BBL. You gys are a chatty crew today. I have chat envy!
Thanks Susan! Can't wait! Now I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting on my package in the mail!

Awesome run Christine!

I want to make my healthy version of mexican pizzas this weekend. Been craving it. Oh and I'll have you know that despite AF, I have been really good. :D The past two nights I have eaten only two Thin Mint cookies after dinner and my eats have been the same despite some HUGE craving for pizza again. And it didn't help when my gals at work ordered cuban food today which is another weakness of mine. :eek:
Oh and Priscila, I hear ya on the walking lunges! But I have started to realize that the exercises I HATE the most are probably the ones I NEED the most! :)
I really enjoyed the walking lungnes from week 1 legs today! Im weird though! Now pushups...Im a knee girl! I really need to make myself suffer and be able to do them on my toes!

mmmm pizza. I think Haley and I will make homeade pizza tonight! Thanks Jen..good idea. know the chef Rocco...I saw him on Rachel Ray today...hes got a new cookbook I think I will get.
I will take all day to address all the great posts. Whew!
Susan- Love the bunny ears. I like the idea of takign pictures of the kids at the same age and outfit to see the ddifferences andsimilarities! Hohn looks so mucch like jimmy did, it is crazy. I really want to start STS in the next month or so. You guys have to give me all the goood input!
Lisa- No way on insanity for your knees. it is very high impact and really not that safe a workout, but i love it anyway! I think you should see a dr. about the kneecap thing, I think that i have hears that is water under the kneecap? Not sure, but I think there is a way to fix it... Way to go on the sleep. I read my old favorite sleep book for babies and we put john down an hour and a half earlier last night and he slept almost 10 hours straight! He got up at about 5am and I fed him. I was reading your post on my ipod while i tried to rock hi to sleep and decided, what the heck, i will put him down drowsy too. He went to sleep and stayed down another 2 and a half hours! I was so happy. He took a long 2 hour nap during our exercise, so it has been better than yesterday. Yesterday was too much crying. I think that youhave greta eating habits. Maybe more cruncchy veggies with high fiber skins like peppers? Some milk or cottage cheese. One great thing I like is to make a small baked potato, put cottage cheese and chopped veggies o top. Yum.
Ok, got to come back later again. Screaming.
Thanks for your food suggestions. I actually have some cottage cheese in my refrigerator. The only way I have been able to eat it though is cooked with my oatmeal. today I REALLY slipped up with my food. I stopped by work , and was momentarily weak when offered a piece of cake made by a great baker! Then I wet to Chipotle with DH. I only had 1/3 of the burrito though and a least stayed away from cheese, sour cream, and guac. I'll make up for it (as much as I can anyway) tonight and stick with protein and veggies.

I'm doing this nutrition thing to see if foods may affect my RA. When I was tested yesterday, I showed a sensitivity to corn and egg whites. I'm very bummed about the eggs!! I'm thinking about protein powder to replacesome of my carb eating, but so many have a lot of artificial flavors/sweeteners. I'll need to do some research.

Christina-Thanks for your feedback on Insanity..saves me some $. Well, it actually just redistibutes it to another fitness product :). Is insanity the same as Extreme?. 12mi run? man, I'm a slacker! That's awesome!

Susan-I saw the beginning of Rachel but had to start my workout..will have to check out the recipes online.

Core max and P907 Back and biceps today.
AFternoon ladies!
Lisa-is RA rheumathoid arhtritis(sp)? A good friend of mine has it. I don't know what I would do if I couldnt eat eggs! I have looked into protein powder and found 99% have art sweeteners..and I will not use I just try to get pro in my diet. I love protein pancakes..but they contain eggs so you may not be able to eat them. Rocco made baked mozz sticks....I will try those out on Haley.
Melanie-hope you had a good day
Hi Jen, Pricilla, Christine, Allison
bb after the kids are in bed...ahh I will be alone alone alone...yesssssssss!
Typing on my phone here both kids asleep on me.
Melanie- how do you do it? Your day yesterday sounds exhausting but I bet you went to bed proud and tired. Want to do my laundry? Tee hee. How is soreness today. I remember when we used to have a treadmill that I would get so sore in my hip flexors and hamstrings when I did outdoor runs. I think my stride changes. I notice it even more on the rare occassion I get to run without the double jogger. I have a much shorter stride with the jogger and it really is a pain in the bootie. You are awesome. How did you like the new running clothes? Did you wear the ponytail hat?
Susan- I will check out the ckbook. I love cookbooks as much as exercise stuff! Any special girl plans? Dh getting no nookie all weekend! Gasp! Guess you will not have much time to post on Sunday ... HA!
Jen - you are good about doing those hard videos. B and g and the end of kick max both
make me crippled! Way to go. You will like chalean I think. I am still sore from the thigh band work two days ago. Maybe you can look on eBay or craigslist for the bowflex or costco weights. Most exercise programs that people start on new years are flunked by now. might be worth a shot...
Lisa- bummer on the allergies. Poo. I was gonna give you my egg white ham black bean tortilla recipe. My kids love them and they keep me full for half the day. As foe the insanity and chalean. They are very different. Chalean has adaptations and is meant to be a progressive program. Her xardiomis realistic and easy to adapt. She has excellent curing and reminds you on form. Insanity is not that safe but I love it. It is all out cardio drills and a lot of push ups and core. It is repetitive in drills but I do not mind. Way to ho with Reese sleeping. Hey, do not fret about your eats. I had Mickey mouse nuggets alphABet tater tots and ranch for lunch. Not sure there was a natural item in any of that.
Priscilla- how are you? Feeling better? I was thinking that you should consider your milk as adding weight. It also needs more fluid in your bodyy to be made so do not worry about the darn scale good lookin.
Allison- wish I was going to philly too! That would be fun! I will miss hubby but sometimes I like the isolation. Remind me I said that when I freak out in a few days! I think your daughter would like Ellen Barrett a lot and do it with you. Way to go on deem in the crib. You must be so happy! I suck.'john only likes afternoon nap on me. My fault I know. I figure it is better to create the sleeping pattern and change location later. Got to run. Awake kids.
Hey! HSC is done! I forgot how much I like that workout! My calves already feel sore...haven't been doing much calf work. I always forget that area.

Christine- I think I will like Chalean too.

Susan- Yay for DH being away but I think Christine is right. We won't "see" much of you Sunday when he returns. ;)

Lisa- Bummer about the eggs. That is one of my fav ways to get protein. I never really thought about the artificial sweetners in protein powder. I usually only drink shakes on the weekend.

Ok James rolled over and can't roll back over so I need to go rescue him! :D
Ahhhh...K has been asleep since 7. Haley and I are about to watch 4Weddings..havent seen it before so I do n't know if its any good.

Jen I can just picture James stuck on his back lol poor baby.

Oh Im sure dh will be hot to trot when he comes home lol. He has already called twice all lovey dovey. Lately we have really connected more than ever. We had a very slight rough spot a few months ago and it really opened our eyes. I think sometimes we took each other for granted etc. We are happier now than we ever have been. We have been together for 22 years and married for 18. I am so in love with him!

Ok DOMS is setting in...will I be able to walk tomorow..yikes!
Time for our
Susan, I caught Rocco on RR when I turned on the TV today. I want to check out the book (Now Eat This) too. Those mozzarella sticks looked nice and gooey, didn't they? LOL. Love the pics of the bunny girls. H and K are beautiful, Susan. Sounds like you enjoyed the STS Legs workout overall? I've been trying to get to Back and Triceps today -- Drew is NOT cooperating. Drew is a pooper too -- usually 2x/day.

Jen, sounds like J enjoyed sleeping with his mama last night :) Good for you for staying the course with healthy eating with your unwelcome guest in town. I love to eat salty foods like chips, but then always hate I feel afterwards.

Christine, the Chalean program sounds like one I would enjoy. Insanity sounds, well, insane -- I am sooo not a fan of the pushup, though I know it's a great all-over exercise. Mickey Mouse nuggets? You must shop at Costco :) We have a bag in our freezer. They *are* made with all-white meat and whole grain breading; that's healthy, right? LOL And those Skittles you mentioned yesterday? Girl, there's a rainbow in every bag -- you ARE eating a colorful diet :p

Lisa, I am no help on the calorie counting. I don't do it myself. I was a Weight Watchers girl for years; love the points system. But I'm trying to do it this time by eating better foods and paying attention to my hunger cues. It's frustrating, isn't it? Sensitivity to egg whites? Oh, my. You poor thing. I love eggs; that would be very hard.

Priscilla, sorry your knee caps are hurting. That sounds painful :( I hope you have a wonderful visit with your girlfriend!! As for walking lunges, I'm sick -- I actually like them. For a while, I was disciplined enough to do 100-200 of them every other day (using no weights).

Melanie, hope today's commute wasn't too bad. It's 90 minutes each way, right? So, will you wear *all* your gadgets at the same time -- the Garmin, the GFW, and the HR monitor? You'll be beeping all over the place!! Sorry your knees hurt from the old shoes; I've made that mistake before, too. My back gets sore also.

This is a big week for Drew! Cut the teeth, sleeping in his crib. And tonight -- he finally managed to roll over!! I was pretty excited because I got it on video too :) Now, if only he'd go to sleep when he's laid down. He cries (and tonight he just kept on crying...AUGH!). He was awake last night from 1:30 to 3:30, crying and screaming. That was fun.
Whew, chatty crew we are. I know I won't even come close to commenting on all things but here's my greatest effort!

Today went well, but DH didn't have a great day. Dish Network was coming over to replace our DirectTV (better deal & channel package) but they weren't able to do it b/c their antenna is rotated a bit from DirectTV and we have too many trees. :( Then the electrician came out & he has to order parts for the hot tub & great room lighting...and drill a big hole in our wall? :( Baby shower for girls tomorrow....and over half the ladies are sick with bronchitis & won't be able to make it. Boo Hoo. Such is life! lol

So.....when I came home & DH was grouchy I sarcastically said something like, "Why are you grumpy? it b/c you weren't able to fish today?" That was followed by all sorts of profanity from his lips. Oops. Hit a nerve. :eek:

Susan, those pics of the girls is awesome. Too cute. I'm going to have to look for bunny ears at Kmart now for the girls! Your so generous to offer DVDs!

Christine, I loved my running outfit! I work the pony-holed hat, my base layer Eddie Bauer top, a long sleeved tshirt, my down Eddie Bauer red vest, thin mittens, and my Under Armour pants (and of course my old uncushioned shoes). Last night I tried to go for walk on elliptical, but my knees hurt too much & I didn't want overuse I just walked 2 miles. It was good to have the day off today for my muscle fibers to re-coup. Tomorrow I"d like to run outside again!

Jen, sounds like you've almost pushed thru your monthly friend. Urgh. Dont' miss that monster at all!

Lisa, I was thinking dairy when I looked at your menu originally as well. Remember we need milk to produce milk. I prefer hocolate milk. I drink at least two full glasses/day. I'd recommend continuing to post your meals for the next few days so we can see a trend, if you dont' mind. I can post mine if it makes you feel better. Being accountable makes me eat cleaner. :p far as your DVD collection worries. We are all vidiots here! LOL

Precilla, my knees hurt if I do too much of the same activity at high intensity without crosstraining. I'd recommend doing some stretching or other type exercise to give your knees a break for a couple days, then taper back up to running over a weeks period. You're doing great, hang in there!

Alrighty, I think I'm going to try a pilates DVD real quick to relax. Whew. It's hard to just "shut down" sometimes. Big day tomorrow with Justin's last basketball practice & baby shower. :)
Ok DOMS is setting in...will I be able to walk tomorow..yikes!

LOL! I was sore for 3 days post workout!

That's wonderful that you and DH are so happily in love. Glad you're back on track :) DH and I were in a rough spot for a while, too -- it stinks, and it can be difficult to "get it back." People told me marriage can be hard, but I had no idea!!

Jen, poor James, stuck on his back. Susan's comment made me laugh!
Melanie-sounds like a hectic day for those fish missed him lol. Too bad about all the sickies..wish I could come to your shower!! TAke pictures for us!

Allison-Drew has had a big week! K rolled over 2 times a couple weeks ago..but not since ...guess its not on the to of her to do list! Yayyy he needs to let you workout! Yes, marriage is work that is for sure!!

Anyone want the original Squeeze? I still have that one.

Lisa-I hope Reese sleeps for you tonight...Christine-hope JOhn sleeps!!

Ok ...back to my show
Waves to Pricilla and Jen

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