Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions on what could be causing my lower-back issues. I believe all of you are correct; watching form, using better shoes outside, the hilly inclines. The fact of the matter is, to put it bluntly, my back will forever be screwed (I was going to use a word that started with a F). All those years of physical labor and lifting heavy totes/unloading skids, did a number on it

. Now all I can do is be extra cautious and pray to the Back Gods

Since my Yoga on Tues, I have been feeling a bit better. Yesterday I did LBB standing portion + STS Legs D6 bonus drills (leg lifts w/ blue firewalker and inner thigh lifts w/5lbs ankle weights). Total time 60min. I felt cheated though since I had to lower my weight #'s and stay shallow on the squats and no weights on the deadlifts

Today will be PUB w/modifications, taking my lower back into consideration.
I only like Power Yoga. That's it, that's all. I can't get into the "spiritual" aspect of the others. My mind just never shuts down. The two I mentioned, I
love and have done numerous times. It's more cardio-based, very fast paced, your HR is elevated, you sweat, you burn. Don't get me wrong, you do all the Yoga poses, but it is more athletic in style. Does that make sense? Bob Harper ROCKS with Yoga! He seriously kicks butt! And he's pretty hot too

Yay on more UB muscle definition! I love muscles, they are so sexy on both men and women.
For me to lose 5lbs, I HAVE to focus on calories or else it's a no-go. I can workout until I'm blue in the face, but won't lose an ounce unless my calories are reduced.
Great job on getting back into your workouts. I love KPC. I should do it more often. It's a wonderful toner for the legs and butt too

I hope you continue to have better days from here on out
Yes, I agree, schools DO NOT like working parents. That will be me when Bella starts school

. I feel bad for you.
WHY? WHY do kids have to wake up at night????

Venting here because I go through it ALL THE TIME! I can just imagine how cute your little guy was when he came out though

Your ex is your ex for a reason, that's what I've been told, and it's true. I still talk to my ex from high school, but he lives in PEI which is a Province on the far east coast (THANK GOD!). He's such a wreck sometimes that I feel bad for him, but I'm also glad I'm not with him. I agree, you never stop having feelings though. It truly is a bitter-sweet relationship.
I will p/u a foam roller and see if it helps. Thank you for offering to get it, that was super sweet
Have a great day ladies!