Hi ladies, Happy Friday!
I have managed to skim the Strong Curves book but still haven't figured out which routine to follow, plus I really want to read more of the technical stuff before diving into a glute program. I guess I will be doing some sort of rotation after all

I have decided that I'm not doing his "full body" workouts because I am pleased with the strength I'm still gaining still in my upper body with Cathe (and the way my muscles are shaping up).
Yesterday I did Power Hour; it's another oldie but goodie! I stopped the DVD at the abs part and instead did Hotflash Core. It's similar to the Horizontal Conditioning in that - based on the Vol 1 that I have done a few times - HC is a full body workout whereas Hotflash Core has abdominal and glute work, and technically uses arm strength because of the plank position, but that's the only similarity.
This morning I wanted to get to work early so I only did a quick 20min Butt Bible. Since I had done squats/lunges/deadlifts yesterday in Power Hour I subbed some of those exercises for leg front raises (using 2lb ankle weights,
Stacie! I forgot I had them!), used the barbell for hip thrusts during the glute bridges, and did heel taps on the ball. One thing that I was able to read in Bret's book is the importance of working the glutes often (3-4 days week) but not just the regular same exercises. So more squats doesn't necessarily equal a stronger and better boot-tay... hence my exercise substitutions.
Turns out I ended up going to Ripped class tonight but Craig was busy so again, sans Craig. He got called in to work and still had Home Depot and a fence place calling his name. Plus, the golf Masters tournament is on and he was more interested in getting caught up on that.
Tomorrow I'm going out for dinner (sushi!), to a comedy club, and then to check out a band or two. The places we're going are all in one general area which is nice. Again, Craig's more interested in doing his thing so it will just be me and a girlfriend; I'm really looking forward to a fun night out.
It is very important to know how much daily protein your body requires so I'm glad to hear you're working on that. I'm not real familiar with your protein powder but it does sound like it's the one you need. Since my workouts are in the morning I need the quick recovery and I just love my morning smoothies. 30g of protein plus carbs and antioxidants and vitamins... can't go wrong. Plus I can drink it on my way to work and it fills me up for hours.
I'm happy for you and your new program! I caught most of his interview but I was a bit distracted so I didn't hear all of it. It was interesting, though.
Congrats on your clean eating; I'm glad you're enjoying the food and also noticing some changes with your stomach! I tell ya', bloating is so annoying!
Too funny - did you accidentally put in the wrong DVD or was it on a subconsciousness level?!

Either way I am very glad for you both that it worked out so well. Sorry to hear her dog is sick again... or, actually, is it something terminal, I think you said?
I couldn't believe you guys got snow; I know you didn't get pounded but still - what a surprise. It's back in the 30s here at night but 40s during the day. Makes me glad I grabbed the opportunities to enjoy some beautiful evenings while I still could. I hope your weather warms up so you and your dog can go jogging again.
I finished a Whiskey Sour book that I borrowed from Amazon; it was entertaining but there were a couple parts in the book that really bummed me out. It was a quick read and I will probably read the next one in the series but if it has similar background info I might write off the books. I still have your recommendations written down for when I'm ready to be wrapped up in a book for a while but right now I still have a continuing education book/test to get through which I keep putting off. And then there's the Strong Curves book to get through, too. Sigh. Never ending, is it?!
I hope you feel better soon, and I'm just sorry to hear it. I mean, here you are trying to start working out again and your body is not doing much to help you. I hope you get to enjoy High Reps this weekend
Oh, by the way, turns out the Flash Player doesn't work on my Kindle (Fire HD)... we had to go to the basement the other night because of the tornado sirens and I took the Kindle with me so I could track the weather on Weather.Com... didn't do me a bit of good.

I'm still looking in various forums on how to get some sort of flash player - surely there has to be more than one - loaded onto it.
Happy last weekend of competitions! Have a safe trip. And yay for your bike! Sounds like you have a great plan ahead of you for your workouts and in preparation for your hike. Also, I do hope things are going well at home.
Nice job cleaning up your diet and drinking water. I swear, I never thought I would crave and enjoy ice water but I totally do now. You will get used to it.
That was funny... 30/30 was more like 25/35

I like my tuck jumps wide, also, if I were to actually like tuck jumps.
Until later, ladies