Good morning,
It's thunderstorms and pouring rain here this morning so the dogs woke me up. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday - Monday morning I did Cardio Leg blast and took a rest day on Sunday. Today will be an upper body and plank workout. I'm really hoping to get Bret's exercises in tomorrow!
Woo hoo! I definitely count dancing for hours a workout
Glad you went out and had a good time; I love those kinds of evenings
Congratulations on your awesome purchases! It is money well spent, and spent wisely!
Good to know how tasty the cheesecake is. I'm going to have to try that! I'm also glad to hear that Tyler likes the smoothies - that's an awesome way to get nutrition into him (and you!)
I was just wondering how different Sagi's cardio is from Cathe's. You had mentioned the planks but I didn't realize that the planks were the cardio. That sounds crazy hard!
Congratulations on your E-Z bar! I had no idea they were so inexpensive. When I get the BB program I'll also get an E-Z bar.
Glad to hear you were able to feed the geese without getting attacked! It sounds like a beautiful day. I love the name of the place; sounds very surreal.
Bret's book is very interesting; I'm looking forward to when I can actually start using his rotation but I have started a little bit of a change from the norm. I'm still trying to read through the rest of the book but I'm almost finished!
Nice job on Cycle Max! Glad to hear that you enjoyed spinning
Sorry the girls didn't do as well as they normally do. You're right, they will learn to preform under pressure. It sounds like it was a good experience over all.
I am sorry to hear about your shoulder and I hope it feels better soon.
The twins sound adorable. It's great that you were able to take them dinner and enjoy the family
Sounds like the baseball game went well!
Have a great day everyone
It's thunderstorms and pouring rain here this morning so the dogs woke me up. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday - Monday morning I did Cardio Leg blast and took a rest day on Sunday. Today will be an upper body and plank workout. I'm really hoping to get Bret's exercises in tomorrow!
Woo hoo! I definitely count dancing for hours a workout
Congratulations on your awesome purchases! It is money well spent, and spent wisely!
Good to know how tasty the cheesecake is. I'm going to have to try that! I'm also glad to hear that Tyler likes the smoothies - that's an awesome way to get nutrition into him (and you!)
I was just wondering how different Sagi's cardio is from Cathe's. You had mentioned the planks but I didn't realize that the planks were the cardio. That sounds crazy hard!
Congratulations on your E-Z bar! I had no idea they were so inexpensive. When I get the BB program I'll also get an E-Z bar.
Glad to hear you were able to feed the geese without getting attacked! It sounds like a beautiful day. I love the name of the place; sounds very surreal.
Bret's book is very interesting; I'm looking forward to when I can actually start using his rotation but I have started a little bit of a change from the norm. I'm still trying to read through the rest of the book but I'm almost finished!
Nice job on Cycle Max! Glad to hear that you enjoyed spinning
Sorry the girls didn't do as well as they normally do. You're right, they will learn to preform under pressure. It sounds like it was a good experience over all.
I am sorry to hear about your shoulder and I hope it feels better soon.
The twins sound adorable. It's great that you were able to take them dinner and enjoy the family
Sounds like the baseball game went well!
Have a great day everyone