Good morning, ladies!
Monday morning was Crossfire, and today I can tell; I can also tell that it's partly from Sunday's Turbo Barre. Feels good!
This morning I did the cardio portions of KPC, and then the Upper Body Express premix of TBT.
The Express Upper Body is actually just Chest/Triceps/Shoulders (even though there is a specific premix for Chest/Triceps/Shoulders which is not what I selected).
Since I did also want the Biceps and Back I went back to the Premix menu and selected Biceps/Back/Core... those exercises were repeats of each other. A bit disappointing since the other premix contained several different exercises instead of repeating the same ones.
Bottom line - those two premixes are a bit off however I am glad to have the premix options because it's still easier to get the workout I want even if it takes a few tries to get it
Since you mentioned TBT premixes you may already be aware that the premixes are somewhat off. I did not try the premix for Chest/Triceps/Shoulders specifically because I wanted the entire upper body -- so maybe that is the premix that would have given me the entire upper body option. Any thoughts?
I am proud of your neighbor, and I'm so glad that you're still helping her. I know you're ready to get to your own stuff, and having to do a workout that is annoying can really make it a chore. Soon she will be doing it on her own! I wonder why your neighbor likes the Richard Simmons one so much - especially now that she's experienced the Cathe quality. Maybe she just thinks he's cute and fun

Your weekly workout rotation sounds great! Is she noticing any difference in her energy levels or feeling stronger yet - or just better about herself?
It's SO awesome that you are making so many cookies for a fund raiser to help people you don't know. The school is a community so it's great when everyone pitches in to help. You are so generous!
Your nephew is going to be so popular especially with you making extra treats for his friends! You're such a good aunt!
Have fun on your dates, and Congrats to Tyler for his upcoming Brown belt test -- he'll do great!
Thanks for asking - the dogs did great with Kathy. Unfortunately Whisper's toe was bothering him and he didn't want to walk up the stairs so Kathy walked him around with his leash. I really appreciated her extra work.
Come to find out he dislocated his toe; I took him to the vet yesterday because I could tell it was m-e-s-s-e-d u-p. This tendon and ligament broke but not the bone so the knuckle is displaced. The vet pushed it back into alignment and wrapped it really tight. He goes back Saturday to have it checked to see if the wrapping has held it in place - if not he'll need a cast on his foot. Sigh. It will take 8 to 12 weeks to possibly heal... 8-12 weeks of walking him and not letting him off a leash - in the winter time! Ugh! Plus the girls still get to use the stairs to the back yard so it's a bit challenging when it's time to go Outside. Mostly Craig and I can help each other, but there are certain times of the day where only one of us is around to do everything. Oh well, everyone will get used to the new routine
By the way, when I was doing Turbo Barre I noticed that there were times I was keeping the weight of my body on my heels in order to use my glutes and hams; it also kept my toes a bit more free which kept torque from the knee... just another something to consider.
Speaking of Turbo Barre... Holy Smokes Superwoman! SJP, LBB floor and Bar work?! And no breaks?! YOU are my IDOL! As hard as I've been hitting my lower body I still feel like I suck at bar work!
Aw, shucks - thanks - regarding the biceps work
Great idea on the weighted gloves! I have some that are a half-lb and will need to try that in addition to my 1lb wrist wraps. Thanks!
Power Max... Glad you enjoyed it and that it really challenged you! The older music is so fun! I may have that one on VHS - I'll have to check it out again.
Thanks for the Bond review! And way to go on indulging only in the scent of popcorn... sometimes that's just as rewarding IMO
I best get - take care all - Heartymax and Toni!