Hi all, thank God you are all safe.
You ladies have been really busy - baking, cleaning, preparing for the storm - and working out.
San Antonio was in the 60s - that's colder than normal and I was completely surprised; I was glad I brought an extra pair of jeans.
We only had time to check out the Alamo and the Riverwalk. Worth seeing but nothing all that fantastic unless you really like to shop (which I don't unless I'm specifically looking for something).
There is a River Taxi which probably would have been the best part except we didn't get to do it... just not enough time.
It was great catching up with my friend from Houston, though.
At least I found a good place to get a Mojito (or two, or three!)
Toni I'm so happy for you. All your hard work is paying off! You are living proof that sit-ups are not the best way to shape the abs... Planks are! Sorry, *Tasha*, I know you don't want to hear it
I like to do Ball Roll-Outs and that always gets my abs. Since it's not really a plank, *Tasha*, you may not mind that one.
Is your daughter still loving her new hairstyle? By the way, glad you got some quality time with DH
Stacie I'm so sorry your son was in such a mood the other day. I hope he has calmed down and the dog has been able to get some peace. I also hope you have been able to do a few workouts.
So it sounds like you are really enjoying the kettle bell workouts!
It's cool how you used your RF experience for the CCC abs
Heartymax I didn't realize you were close to the storm. So glad you are okay.
How is your son with his broken bone?
I am very excited about Xtrain!

Especially when I read about the Hip Thrust with the barbell! Finally, something that will work the glutes but leave the knees alone
Tasha I had to read your post twice to make sure I got it right... wow, that was a lot of different workouts! Way to go! I don't know what a Vachon Flakie is but it sure sounds decadent, some kind of pastry!
Stupid question but I gotta ask it - did you get big time DOMS?
I'm so glad you like the Cardio Drill Max. I haven't done the cardio-only option but I imagine it makes time management much easier
I didn't realize you get what NY gets so it is a blessing that you all are safe.
'Sup with the fish, by the way?
I need to get back to work. Take care, my fantastic 4!