Hey everybody!! Yesterday was a much needed rest day(as scheduled). I should have stretched, but I didn't. I am really loving this 5 day workout week. I have more energy, my body feels stronger and not drained, and I am less hungry. I've lost weight since I've started the new schedule and I truely think it's the eating and being less hungry and being able to generally eat less. Just feels like a better balance. Which brings me to the topic of XTrain. I wonder if the 90 day rotation will be a 6 day workout week? I'm pretty sure that I may not do any formal rotation with the program. I will however use all the workouts in my own rotations I'm comfortable with. There are some really great workouts in there and I think I like the idea of mixing and matching more than the formal rotation. What are your thoughts?
Today was High Step Training. Ok, this workout just got into the doable range...whoot whoot!! I have absolutely no doubt that it is because of HC. I am having the same reaction to HC as I did with P90X2 Phase I. Both are core focused. Everything just seems easier with a strong core. And I did all the bicep curls!!!!! The first set of barbell curls I did with the 30lb barbell, then 8lb dumbbells, then 25lb barbell, and finally 8lb dumbbells. I think I can do the last set of dumbbells with 10lbs next time.
HeartyMax - I'm so glad that your workout week is going well
Jennifer - DOMS are much better now. Yesterday I had DOMS in my obliques, which I have not had before. I think tomorrow it will my biceps
Stacie - The baby will be here in approx 4 short weeks
I haven't really let myself think about it yet. I'm really not sure how I'm going to respond to the baby being here. Everybody keeps saying I'm going to be a grandmother, but that is difficult for me to wrap my head around. I don't really have a relationship with my step-kids(by their choice), so for me to all the sudden have a grandmother feel for her child is a bit of a strech for me. So I'm not really sure what to do with that exactly, but I'm not sure I really need to do anything with it. I'm going to continue to always put the children first(mine and my husbands) in terms of their care and doing what needs to be done cause it's the right thing to do. That's just what I believe in and I don't know how to do anything different than that. But I'm not sure how the rest will go. I do need to start figuring out some type of schedule that gives Chelsea a break in the evening time. And I should use the word break lightly, because she will most likely need to do school work during that time if she is unable to get any done during the day. The problem is that I'm often in my car running back and forth with kid activities, so I'm not exactly sure how that's going to work. Time will tell...
Today was High Step Training. Ok, this workout just got into the doable range...whoot whoot!! I have absolutely no doubt that it is because of HC. I am having the same reaction to HC as I did with P90X2 Phase I. Both are core focused. Everything just seems easier with a strong core. And I did all the bicep curls!!!!! The first set of barbell curls I did with the 30lb barbell, then 8lb dumbbells, then 25lb barbell, and finally 8lb dumbbells. I think I can do the last set of dumbbells with 10lbs next time.
HeartyMax - I'm so glad that your workout week is going well
Jennifer - DOMS are much better now. Yesterday I had DOMS in my obliques, which I have not had before. I think tomorrow it will my biceps
Stacie - The baby will be here in approx 4 short weeks