Good afternoon!
Crossfire for me today - but still with no weights or pushups which really made the workout much easier as you can imagine. After CF I pulled out GS Legs and did the floor work. I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow!
I decided to take today off work. I don't have anything critical waiting for me, and since I have the days to use (or lose if I don't take them) I figured I'd take one.
Good thing, too, because I ended up going to the eye doctor! I splashed bleach in my eye - no, not on purpose

- and after flushing it for 15-20 minutes it still was burning and wanting to blink so I called the doctor. They had me come in; everything is okay. They said I flushed it really well because the Ph balance was good and my cornea is not scratched. They gave me some drops that I need to use. So - if it ever happens to you make sure you flush your eye for 15-20 minutes! I used mostly tap water but I also used some over-the-counter Bausch and Lomb eye irrigating solution which I have on hand for those bad allergy days (mold and pollen).
Tash, OMG, 40/20 with not one single modification? You are the rock star, girl! Wow; you had to have been sucking wind like there was no tomorrow - and I am sure that you did feel like you were going to die! I have not ever succeeded in completing that workout without either another rest break or modifying! The part where we jump over the step but keep our hands on it... I keep my hands on it but instead of jumping over the step I simply jump for butt kicks with both feet at the same time. Something for me to aspire to - again!
It's interesting that Thanksgiving isn't really a big deal up there; that is funny. I wonder why that is. "things that make you go hummm."
I hope you all are feeling better; I am sorry that you missed out yesterday but hope that you were still able to go to your aunt's house today.
You burned some major calories during 40/20 in preparation for that T-day food

You might want to make sweet potato pie at least once; it is awesome - it's sweeter than pumpkin pie. I've never made it

so I don't have a recipe to give you but I'm sure you could find one online. As for the green bean casserole, I recommend using fresh, steamed green beans (or frozen/thawed) instead of the using canned variety that everyone likes to use.
You save a lot of money by not wearing panties

I didn't realize they cause problems for some people but now that you mention it I can see how they spawn yeast infections, which are absolutely awful!
Stacie, that is a very sad letter from your nephew! He will be thrilled to receive one from you so quickly after you received yours. It's a good thing you were on top of it, and shame on the other side of the family for not getting the info out there! Imagining how alone he must feel is so sad.
Oh, NOW your son affirms that your workouts are hard instead of telling you that your form doesn't look like the people on the TV! LOL! Tyler sounds just adorable and observant
Be sure to let us know how his belt test goes!
Sorry to hear how tired you are, too. I hope the workouts help with that. As for being on the pill it should at least help your hormones stay regulated and I would think that has to help
I'm impressed that your library has such a great selection, but I agree - it would be nice to have rentals for at least 2 weeks.
Toni, what a relief that the shower went well (if I already mentioned that, sorry).
Congrats on Vol 1 being better this week; I'm sure you'll improve more and more every time you do it, and then soon you'll be ready for the Boot Camp! LOL!
I'm stoked for the X-train series. I definitely am excited that Legs are combined with a rear delts workout! And I love the clothes
I do wish, though, that bi's/back were on one DVD and the tri's were on the chest/shoulders DVD... but oh well.
Hi Heartymax
Have an awesome day, ladies!