Hi ladies!
This morning I didn't really have time for anything except a quick 15-minute premix from Crossfire... it was the tabata and firewalker premix. It woke me up and got me going so it was good. By the way, last night's class was sort of a joke

I am thinking of Lower Body Trisets tomorrow after Slide and Glide! Talk about fire!
Heartymax, What class are you taking, or, actually how many are you taking?
I bet you will enjoy your workout tomorrow
Tasha, Toni took the words right out of my mouth. Way to bite the bullet and just go for it during that unexpected workout.
I'll have to look into the premix add on just in case I do decide to add on to Lower Body Trisets. In fact, it is on my agenda tomorrow.
OMGosh, So funny - Cheesy porn! LOL! That's Great! I didn't think it looked so bad on U-Tube but maybe I'll change my mind when I actually receive the DVD and do the workout. I'll let you know!
So glad Bella is doing better. She's not even mine and I'm so proud of her!
Stacie, I don't know how they get up from the sprawl so fast, either. I've watched clips of RF and it's amazing. I'm sorry your back didn't cooperate with the backwards bridge today; maybe next time... and with your hair pulled up
Thanks for asking about last night's workout. As I mentioned above it was a waste of a clean pair of socks! The fun factor with the people in the class was nice, but it was crowded and there wasn't a lot of space to even do the circuits very well.
For example, my friend and I were trying to do Roll-Outs on the ball but right in front of us 2 other people were running sprints and we had to keep making sure we didn't get stepped on.
Same thing with the people doing kettlebell swings - we had to make sure we didn't get hit when we were running our sprints. Then during the leg lifts on the floor with the band at least 6 seconds were spent switching sides so naturally one leg worked almost to fatigue but the other leg didn't get phased at all.
Nothing major but again, I am just glad it's not my only form of workout.
So I just chalked it up to a night out minus the food, and drinks; we definitely had some laughs
Enjoy your dinner tomorrow; have you picked a place yet? You'll have a great time - no one owes anyone anything and that is such a stress reliever!
Toni, We'll have to touch base on the HC workouts.
it totally makes sense that you have the hard end of the deal. You're handling it very well, and you are exactly right - you need to be a parent not just a friend. Stacie's right... he will thank you for it when he's older!
Nice progression with Afterburn! I feel the same way - it used to have a dread factor to it but after practicing it a few times it isn't such a killer even though it is still not easy at all! As for the feet-dragging walking planks one time I did that move with my elbows on the ground; it's still not easy, but it won't hurt your wrists. I bet you could also "walk" holding on to 8lb weights - that will keep your wrists straight... I sometimes do that with mountain climbers. Or sometimes I'll just keep the base of my fingers on the floor instead of my wrist. I get tendonitis sometimes so those modifications help me.
I think Crossfire is harder than TTM and I'm pretty sure Heartymax said the same thing. I guess it's all about everyone's individual abilities.
Have a great evening super moms!