Mid-afternoon check-in ..
Deanna - no... you didn't miss Stacy's birthday.. she was eating someone else's birthday cake
Stacy - I agree.. you have been doing really really well staying consistent with your workouts and being careful about food !!!
I did Gym Style Legs !!! Yea !!! Just not all of it... lol
I did the standing work... i.e. the first half, but skipped the 2nd half with all the stability ball work. After all the squats and lunges of the first half, my legs were fried. Next time, I'll do the 2nd half by itself and the next time, I'll try to do the whole thing !!
Deanna and FnV - re: China Study. Therein lies the whole problem. As I said when we first started talking about the Paleo/Primal way of eating... in my heart and soul, I'm a vegetarian.
But as far as my health goes, I want to do what's smart.
Problem is.... you have people like those affiliated with the China Study saying one thing ... and it all makes perfect sense to me.
then I read The Paleo Solution / The Primal Blueprint and that all makes perfect sense to me.
but they are complete opposites.
sooo.... who is right??????
beats the hell out of me... sigh
so I continue to flounder around and have the book Laurel's Kitchen (which I bought in the 70s or 80s when it first came out) right next to The Primal Blueprint.
which one do I believe?
and.. most importantly... since I only have one life to live...
which one do I trust my health with?
Or does the answer lie somewhere in between????? i.e. moderation in all things???
I only know 3 things with certainty:
1) Processed foods are bad, bad, bad.
2) Fresh vegetables and fruits are good.
3) Protein is important for building healthy cells for muscles, hair, skin, etc. But protein doesn't necessarily mean animal products. With smart choices, one can get adequate protein on a vegetarian diet.... particularly if one includes dairy and eggs in that diet.
all else is ?????????
One other conundrum.... as Deanna pointed out.. back in the old days.. foods weren't coated with pesticides and all other kinds of chemicals....
Today.. even the fresh produce we buy, the flour we buy.. everything we buy.. unless we buy it locally at a farmers market.... has all been highly cultivated with agri-business techniques designed to improve yield... not designed to improve health..... So even eating a vegetarian/plant based diet in this day and age, means "processed." And.. the animals are grain fed and given hormones and all kinds of stuff that has to be bad for us to eat.... so.....
I really don't know what the answer is...... go live on a commune and grow all our own food?