Progress, not Perfection - 2012 - Month #1

Morning Ladies

I feel like I have gained 5 pounds. I have been eating everything under the sun. I have not had chip in months, well lastnight I purchased a bag and ate them all. :( I also had locks, bagels, cream cheese, capers, red onion and a tomato at a champaine brunch yesterday and yes I also had the champaine. :)

I hung out with a friend of mine, he got me those 5 finger Fila toe shoes Sears: Online department store featuring appliances, tools, fitness equipment and more I am going to try them out this week while exercising and next Saturday when I do a 5k.

I did not do any cleaning over the weekend so I am going to force myself to get up and do something now.

I'm late this morning..... :D

Sounds like we're in a bit of a slump... me included.

Cracker Barrel brunch led me to crave sugar and carbs and I caved.... bad mistake !!!!

Deanna ... I share your "pain." Falling off the wagon is not fun. I feel soooooo much better when I eat right..

Needless to say... I never did my cardio yesterday.
and I refuse to weigh myself this morning.... what I don't know, won't depress me ... lol

Today is a new day.... I have Gym Style Legs in the DVD player.

Right now.. I'm running out the door to do a few errands... then home to do my workout.... and I'm staying on plan for eating this week !!!

We CAN do this... we ARE doing this !!!

Progress, not Perfection !!!

Well, smack my ass cuz GS Legs is done. Bam.

First time I've done it. It actually was nice b/c even though it was long, there was some time to breathe between sets. I took a vacation while she did the slow mo lunges but other than that I feel good about all my efforts. The calf part was challenging to finish even tho that is usually pretty easy for me (shimmy drills).

Deanna, I have been meaning to ask you about those shoes, I remember you mentioned them a while back. The Primal guy wears them in his workouts; he is an advocate of barefoot. Let me know how you like them.

Susan, how goes? Did you try the slide and glide?

Has anyone looked at the rotation Cathe put up for 2012? She had two and both are STS and LIS intensive. One has Wed and Sun off, so maybe I will give it a try after we do the Susan. It would match with my school work schedule this semester and I need to drive those workouts around the block a few times.

Stacy, step ups don't seem to be aggravating to my knee. I'm not sure what is the trigger, but I suspect it is more lateral twist than anything. You said you were tired during your treadmill walk; keep listening to your body, that is not always easy to do.
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I'm going to see this movie next is China Study not Primal
What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug and major medical operations have become routine. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country's three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to "battle" these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases. Could it be there's a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive, but so utterly straightforward, that it's mind-boggling that more of us haven't taken it seriously? FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so-called "diseases of affluence" that afflict us can be controlled...

CLICK HERE TO WATCH TRAILER: Forks Over Knives - Official Trailer - YouTube

And...Stacy, did you ask about Calves in another one of the forums? I did a control F "calf" in one of my compendiums...4DS, Legs and Glutes, SH Leg, GSL, LB pyramid, CTX LL, HS Chall, Push Pull. The compendium doesn't include the more recent workouts of LIS or STS.

Stacy, Dragon Tat turned into a page turner for me...
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I am with you Fnv, I want to see this movie as well. After everything I have been through with my health. I really feel that all these deseased are from the food we eat. I have heard about a Plant based diet. However, I feel unless you are going it yourself you do not know if Pesticides are being used!

Thinking back to my grandparent and how they had their garden and grew their own food. There was no Pesticides being used, that I know of. They had Collard greens everyday. They also had a small farm with chickens and pigs, and that is what they ate.

I am going to the movies to see Forks over Knives as well as The Three Stooges The Three Stooges® Movie

I'm going to see this movie next is China Study not Primal
What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug and major medical operations have become routine. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country's three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to "battle" these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases. Could it be there's a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive, but so utterly straightforward, that it's mind-boggling that more of us haven't taken it seriously? FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so-called "diseases of affluence" that afflict us can be controlled...

CLICK HERE TO WATCH TRAILER: Forks Over Knives - Official Trailer - YouTube

Stacy, Dragon Tat turned into a page turner for me...
Deanna, from what I read in China Study (written by T Colin Cambell or something like that, but he is one of the guys featured in the Fork movie)....anyway, my take away from that is that Protein is a Cancer Feeder and while organics are good, minimizing exposure to pesticides is fine and overall its better to be plant based. Besides, animals we eat, have hardly eaten an organic diet. Just thinking out loud....
FnV...your "BAM!" comment made me LOL! Good job for kicking a** and taking names!!

I woke up with a burning pain on my upper tibia under my knee, I've had it before and dont know what causes it. Needless to say, I opted out of PS L&A. I did do Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout but did the warmup, the 6 min standing leg segment (mostly single reps and pulses with some upper body/compound stuff) then did the 30 min floor work segment using 2 lb ankle weights and then did the 15 min ab segment holding a 5 lb barbell weight plate on my chest for added resistance. It was a good workout and no knee pain :)

Susan, Deanna...I dont feel in too much of a slump but I did eat the bday cake last night, homemade spice cake. Oh well, today's another day.

I'm sticking to my not weighing in for awhile. I feel like my attitude is good, I'm more conscious of my food choices and I'm finally feeling like I can get into working out consistently. I dont want a number ruining that for me right now.

I'm off to browse the bookstore. I've got about 75 pages left to read on Tatoo. My husband has the trilogy though he says this one can stand alone, so not sure I'll read the other 2 or not. He said the 3rd one was hard to get through. Anyhoo...check back later, Month 2 is right around the corner!
Mid-afternoon check-in ..

Deanna - no... you didn't miss Stacy's birthday.. she was eating someone else's birthday cake :)

Stacy - I agree.. you have been doing really really well staying consistent with your workouts and being careful about food !!!

I did Gym Style Legs !!! Yea !!! Just not all of it... lol
I did the standing work... i.e. the first half, but skipped the 2nd half with all the stability ball work. After all the squats and lunges of the first half, my legs were fried. Next time, I'll do the 2nd half by itself and the next time, I'll try to do the whole thing !!

Deanna and FnV - re: China Study. Therein lies the whole problem. As I said when we first started talking about the Paleo/Primal way of eating... in my heart and soul, I'm a vegetarian.

But as far as my health goes, I want to do what's smart.

Problem is.... you have people like those affiliated with the China Study saying one thing ... and it all makes perfect sense to me.

then I read The Paleo Solution / The Primal Blueprint and that all makes perfect sense to me.

but they are complete opposites.

sooo.... who is right??????

beats the hell out of me... sigh

so I continue to flounder around and have the book Laurel's Kitchen (which I bought in the 70s or 80s when it first came out) right next to The Primal Blueprint.

which one do I believe?

and.. most importantly... since I only have one life to live...

which one do I trust my health with?

Or does the answer lie somewhere in between????? i.e. moderation in all things???

I only know 3 things with certainty:

1) Processed foods are bad, bad, bad.
2) Fresh vegetables and fruits are good.
3) Protein is important for building healthy cells for muscles, hair, skin, etc. But protein doesn't necessarily mean animal products. With smart choices, one can get adequate protein on a vegetarian diet.... particularly if one includes dairy and eggs in that diet.

all else is ?????????

One other conundrum.... as Deanna pointed out.. back in the old days.. foods weren't coated with pesticides and all other kinds of chemicals....

Today.. even the fresh produce we buy, the flour we buy.. everything we buy.. unless we buy it locally at a farmers market.... has all been highly cultivated with agri-business techniques designed to improve yield... not designed to improve health..... So even eating a vegetarian/plant based diet in this day and age, means "processed." And.. the animals are grain fed and given hormones and all kinds of stuff that has to be bad for us to eat.... so.....

I really don't know what the answer is...... go live on a commune and grow all our own food?
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G'Nite all !!!

I'm eager for cardio tomorrow.... step class is going to seem easy... lol

See y'all for coffee manana.....
Coffee Smiles to all, just saying hi- I'm doing a review for my math class this morn so I'm brushing up instead of doing cathe nation, lol. I'm doing Wed workout today, later on. Upper body from TBT.

Deanna, I didn't know there was a stooges movie coming out, it looks fun! Now that holidays and your sickness is gone, you can get your groove back- don't worry about the hiccups, today is a new day, May it be Chip Free. : )

Susan, I am with ya re diet. My prob is, even if I eliminate whatever is deemed "bad", I still take in more than I need...too much of a good thing is still too much (except for maybe straight up veggies). Ha ha, a regular step class is gonna seem easy -- you are going to walk out of class saying, "what, no burpees? what a softie."

Stacy, from where I stand, you're looking solid. Its nice that there is usually one of us capable of carrying the flag!

BBL, hopefully with workout logged.
Good morning my friends !!!

Sorry about my food rant yesterday :D I'm just so frustrated.... trying to figure out what is healthiest to eat....

yes.... step class is going to be sooooooo easy compared to the Cathes... lol

Stacy - keep up the good work !!! You are doing fantastic !!!

Deanna - how's the weather in Vegas? Can you and your co-worker walk most days in January??

FnV - What kind of math are you doing this semester? My favorite was algebra. Hated geometry :p I actually liked calculus but couldn't tell you a thing about it today... that was 40+ years ago...

I previewed Total Body Trisets - Upper Body yesterday afternoon... in prep for tomorrow....
FnV... can't wait to hear your report on it later today !!!

I LOVE doing upper body..... lower body??? not so much... lol Lunges and squats kill me.
Make it a great day my friends !!!

Progress, not Perfection !!!
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Good morning, coffee here.

Yesterday's food was not all. Oh well, gotta just put it behind me, hopefully not literally though! ;)

Cardio is on tap today, not sure what. I'd like to do step but I think it might aggravate my knee so soon after leg day. I'm burnt out on the treadmill. I might pull out and oldie from Charlene Prickett that's floor aerobics, low impact with big arm movements to get up the heart rate. Hmmm....yep I think that'll be the one. It's a tad boring but who wants to think AND exercise??

Ladies, I feel horrible I have gained several of my pounds back. :( That is because I have been eating horribly over the last week. Like I said I normally do not eat chip, I had an entire bag of Munchies Cheese Fix, and the next day I had Check Mix Carmel Crunch. :(

Deanna's Rotation..........Cardio, Cardio, Cardio, Cardio a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Now that I have my new shoes I need to put them to good use.

I called my walking buddy this morning and asked if we were going to walk this morning. She said it all depends on how her Sciatica Nerve feels. :( If I am not to busy at work today, I am going to start going by myself.

I am also going to look into the Special K Challenge. I think I seen this ceral on sale 3 or 4 boxes for $7, which is due to expire today.

Let me get up from this computer and get out of here.
omigosh, Charlene Prickett! She was the first real instructor I ever experienced. Lifetime? Lonnie and she had two regular side kicks....Her dtr was Tara?? Inspired me to read Ken Cooper and Pritikin --- LONG CARDIO and LOW LOW Fat, two philosophies I am questioning today! She's a gem- a smart fit woman.

Nope dtr was Xana
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Cause tangents are fun ..... lol I am forever going on tangents... or some might call it wild goose chases.... :p

Mid-day report.

Step class was great !!! It almost felt like a day off... lol

Easy on those knees Stacy !! I'd love to hear more about cardio floor work... sounds fascinating, but I can't picture it ..

Deanna - not sure if your co-worker would believe me... :p.. but the 2 times that I had bad bouts with sciatica, walking really helped. I alternated walking with rest and that really helped. Sciatica does not do well with sitting for long periods of time. She might want to try getting up and walking around the office for 5 minutes every hour..

After 2 days of bad food, I'm back on track today !!! Yea !!!

It is sooooooooo easy to fall off the wagon...

Make it great day my friends !!!

As always... Progress, not Perfection !!!
Almost forgot...

I'm adding kidney beans, lentils and brown rice back into my eating plan.

Still no wheat or other grains (except white and brown rice) and no added sugars and no processed foods (except things like mayo, mustard, ketchup, etc. etc. etc.)

back to our regularly scheduled programming :D
Check in, just finished 1.5 miles alone. I was able to walk faster and longer alone.

Extreme Cardio is on the rotation tonight either Insanity or walking outside for a good distance.

I can't beleive I allowed myself to gain weight. I worked to hard to drop the few pounds I had lost. :mad:

How Long to Walk for Fat Burning?

A minimum time of 45 minutes in the fat-burning zone is recommended to get the body to burn stored fat. Walking longer will burn more stored fat.

Start with a 10 minute warm-up walk at an easier pace. This burns off the stored blood sugar and glycogen energy in the muscles. Pick up the pace to the fat-burning zone of a heart rate of 60-70% of your maximum.
Deanna, good for you for going the extra mile or 1.5 miles! ;) What's done is done, you cant change the past BUT you can change the here and now!! A little sweat, some extra water and thinking twice about what you put in your mouth, will get those extra pounds off in no time!! You can do it!!! are you doing today?? I ended up not doing Charlene Prickett but this one may make an appearance later in the week!

Susan...floor aerobics is just old school aerobics without the step. Here's a link with video to the workout I was going to do today. Nothing fancy at all, but I remember last time I did this the front of my thighs were feeling it the next day from all the "big knees" as Charlene likes to call them!

(Susan...I checked out that link, it appears to send you to her homepage. If you goto "Products" and then "Low Impact Aerobic DVD's" the one I have is called "Tie One On"). She has some interesting names for her workouts ;)

I did an oldie from Cathe, Step Works, 40 minutes of straight, moderate intensity, nothing fancy step aerobics! It was a good one!

I also got Cathe's new Low Impact Challenge Step from her new low impact series in the mail today and previewed all but the premixes. This looks like a goodie once I learn the choreography! Does anyone know what the premixes consist of, all that's listed is the names and times.

I also got my new treadmill workout Walking Strong by Tracey Staehle as well. This one looks good. I needed some treadmill boredom busting! This looks like it will fit the bill!

Eating today...not great.

B--lower sugar maple & brown sugar oatmeal with a handful of almonds
L--plain hamburger from Burger King
S--couple handfuls of popcorn

As you can see I'm majorly lacking in the fruit and veggie dept!!
Step Express 1 Chapters:
Chapter 5 Warm Up
Chapter 6 Step Combo #1
Chapter 7 Step Combo #2
Chapter 8 Step Combo #3
Chapter 9 Step Combo #4
Chapter 10 All Combos
Chapter 12 Stretch

Step Express 2 Chapters
Chapter 5 Warm Up
Chapter 6 Step Combo #1
Chapter 7 Step Combo #2
Chapter 8 Step Combo #3
Chapter 9 Step Combo #4
Chapter 12 Stretch
and so on...

Stacy, I copied this from workout manager, calendar, add workout, DVD, LIS LIC, Premix chapters....There are probably lists out there, but that has been the quick and dirty way I've been figuring out premix content lately. The WM has been getting upgrades and SNM is putting chapter and premix info into it. I'm really appreciating it.

RENE was one of Charlene's regulars... I bet Step Works was fun, knee did ok?

Deanna, I like what you wrote and your plans to get more walking in to burn fat. I'm gonna do a walk myself this eve while dd at her TKD class. I think that the long lower level of cardio and some shorter hi intensity, like the Insanity is a great mix.

Susan, this semester my job is assistant/tutor/homework helper in Prep and Intermediate Alg and also for Chem. They have a test in the morning and today was a review day. I used to hate and fail math and chem, but I grew up and learned to like both subjects. : ) Glad you are getting food on track. I keep standing in front of my fridge...nothing seems appealing.

I did protein shake on way out the door, roasted turkey breast leftovers w/ some mayo, cashews and 1/2 of a grilled cheese sand I made for dd. I am not sure, but I think that list is completely devoid of all plant life. Uh, yeah, no plants whatsoever.

I did TBT Upper Body. I'll have to see how I like it after I've done it a few more times. There was a LOT of push up plank work- including one side tricep kick backs in a plank position. I didn't care for the music. Today I just cruised thru and tried to note where my weight was too heavy or too light w/o getting stressed out about missing the first couple of reps while I tried to figure out what move we were doing and chasing down the ball.

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