Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 12/17

I took yesterday off, my first in a while.
People have difficulty eating during cancer treatment. things smell or taste funny or "off" to them, and tend not to be hungry to begin with. not to mention nausea and vomiting. many people get down what they can, when they can. familiar foods, foods they are used to might sound better. a lot might depend on what sounds good. "chicken soup" sounds better to me than bone broth. I would not touch anything called bone broth, regardless of good intentions. when I'm sick, probably nothing compared to what someone on chemo feels like, strong flavored or smelling foods don't work. Brussels sprouts and cauliflower don't sound great either, and ordinarily I love both.

diane sue congrats on 44 years. we are getting up close to those newspaper 50th anniversary pictures.

I am down to only one bite of any desserts, not that I've had many in a long long time. . still not losing anything.
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Hi Everyone,
This is my first chance to check in today. This morning I did Build and Burn Trim and Tone Intervals for 24 minutes and 172 calories. Average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate 160. I followed that with WS3 Stremline Sculpt for 16 minutes, 69 calories, average heart rate 108 and maximum heart rate 132. I liked both of these workouts.

We have been married for 47 years. We literally grew up together.

My day was really busy and I have been going nonstop since 9:00 this morning. Daughter number 2 arrived with her family this afternoon and number 3 shortly after that. My oldest daughter came in Wednesday so now everyone is here.

Valerie, it’s good to take a day off occasionally. It’s strange that you haven’t lost any weight yet. After the holidays you might review your food tracker and follow some of the sample food plans for a few days. I lose weight very slowly but I have found that if I follow the plan the weight eventually comes off. I eat desserts occasionally and just log in the points for them.

Have a good evening everyone.
Valerie, my daughter's both say the thought of something called bone broth is just not good :) Really it isn't any different than most any broth other than the bones are cooked for a long time and removed. It really can be good. I throw some celery and onions in with mine just to give it a nice flavor. I tried some from the store in a glass bottle once and it was not good. It is supposed to be high in healing nutrients. The woman I mentioned said she could only get down a couple of spoonfuls at a time at first because she was so sick and weak. My sister in law died from breast cancer. My husband took vacation time and went to California to be with her and took her to some of her appointments. I rarely get sick enough to not want to eat. I do remember post surgery being so ill and my husband bringing home McDonalds and I thought I was going to vomit from the smell. As active as you are and the way you eat, I am surprised that you are having such a hard time getting the weight off. Maybe trying something like Carolyn mentions would kick start some loss. For me if I am really wanting to get rid of some weight I cut down on the fat in my food and increase my cardio.

Carolyn, that is great that it has been 47 years for you. My husband was 18 when we met and 19 when we got married. I am 2 and half years older. I am sure you are enjoying your family :)
Good morning,

No workout yesterday, hopefully starting back tomorrow. John has a horrible cold...good he had a half day yesterday. He has been in the recliner since he got home. Even slept in it last night. I feel like putting a mask on.

Diane Sue, that room will be great when you are done. You will have to post some pics here. I forgot about bone broth and its healing properties. I will have to mention it to her. Not sure if she would find it appealing though.

Valerie, although the chemo my friend had did not cause any nausea, she did not feel like eating things like salads or vegetables. The only things she wanted were things like muffins, toast etc. Sugar and starches. Comfort food. Hopefully she can get her mind in a better place and start eating better things that will help her get stronger. Do you think you may not be eating enough calories to lose weight? Sometimes low calories can backfire on you.

Carolyn, wow 47 years...almost to the half century mark! :)

Hi to Judy & Lori,

Take care,
Hi Everyone,

Thursday I did KCM Build & Burn Legs and KB/KB Mix and finished with Muscle Meltdown Triceps. Yesterday was an active rest day. I did WS 3 Total Stretch. We spent most of the day out and the traffic was crazy. We drove by our local Costco and traffic was backed up with people trying to get in. No way would we have tried to get in there.

Deb-When I was working at the health food store, this was something that was recommended to help someone maintain strength and muscle mass if they were having trouble eating due to illness:

Valerie-Happy Anniversary! I agree with Deb, maybe you aren't eating enough calories since you are working out so much. Have you ever tried a diet break or a refeed? Some people say that increasing your calories, especially carbohydrates, for a short time can increase your metabolism.

Diane Sue-I agree, I really like the kettlebell moves in Build & Burn. The Legs & KB/KB premix was a good one! I will do it again. Congratulations on 44 years of marriage!

Carolyn-47 years! That is awesome! I married late, I was 45 and my husband was 47. We just had our 10th anniversary last month.

Lori-WS3 and SB sounds like a great combination! I am still loving WS3 and am so glad I got it! Such a well rounded program and so much variety. I am looking forward to starting Fit Split too.

Yesterday I painted the outside wall of the room addition. My husband wouldnt let me klimb up the extension ladder or the scaffolding to try to paint. He is better at heights than I am. It was worrisome for me till he was back down on the floor. It is a long way up to the ceiling of the second story. The scaffolding is a bit wobbly. It is not tall enough to reach with a paint brush. Today he is going to climb up there with a nail gun and put molding trim up. I think we will both be glad when this part is done. I dont like standing at the bottom with my phone praying and hoping I dont have to call 911. Yesterday I got 24 floors in and 13,774 steps. This doesnt happen often.

Deb, those cold viruses are hard to avoid. I have thought the same thing with the mask :) The oregano oil capsules I have been taking has helped with my coughing since being sick. The only thing is, it also seems to have flushed out toxins as my face has broke out all over and I got the itchy bumps on my head again. It is either that, or I am allergic to it in 500 mg daily doses. My plan was only to use that dose for a week. ( which is the dose I found recommended in most places) I read some forums where others had the same thing happen. Yesterday I cut down 125 mg.. Things look better this morning. Monday is a week. I see Dr Axe has oil of oregano capsules along with various other items. His is so expensive though. Fermented or something. I have used this before but not the brand I got this time from Amazon. Zane Hellas. I hope you can avoid the cold.

Judy, I have had a sore lower body after doing the kettlebell and tabata lower mix along with body design lower.
Deb that is what I was thinking about ....foods that sound good when you’re sick.I ordinarily love salads and veggies but not much when sick. I want broth, rice, toast with peanut butter, crackers, oatmeal, cold cereal, a banana, potato. maybe a little chicken. mild, non smelly, bland things. Forget stinky... smell of cooking meat, fish, stinky vegetables. just not tolerable.

If I eat more, I gain. If I’m not hungry at night Im, at best,staying the same. I've read many times about eating more but for me it's fiction. I have lost on WW before but this time I’m just staying the same. I think I have been sitting at the computer too much and being overall less active since bicycle and hiking season has been mostly over. A one hour workout is not the same calorie burner as regular long hikes and rides. Plus more holiday wine, cocktails, snacks don’t help. I keep to lower calorie stuff, white wine vs eggnog, but I have a very "efficient" metabolism. have always watched others gobble burgers, fries and shakes and stay the same, while I saw gains immediately.

Deb lots of hand washingsanitizer, and not touching your face will help avoid the virus. I’ve dodged lots of colds that way. He is "in peoples faces" all day, so an occupational hazard? My DH... when he was still in practice... got a lot more headcolds. from patients and other employees because of close, all day contact. I avoided getting his colds probably 80% of the time by keeping my distance, cleaning common surfaces like the telephone, and washing, sanitizing more. He often slept in a recliner to help head congestion. that didn't work for me, can't sleep sitting up. I'd go to the guest room so we both got some sleep.

wow 47 years Caroline I married a bit later but we could make that too!
Judy I hit Costco on Thursday but will avoid until mid next week. Too jammed up, even the gas pumps.
diane sue, keep an eye on DH. Mine is also better at heights than I am. I'm fine up to about 15 feet but suddenly it gets bad for me after that. quite a project for this time of year.
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Today I did Kelly Coffey Total Body Kickbox challenge mix which alternates the kickbox and strength segments, 45 minutes, 288 calories, heart rate average 121, max 167, 3,515 steps. I then did the Fit Tower Advanced bonus abs, 12 minutes, 40 calories and finished off with Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Power stretch 24 minutes, 60 calories. Total time was 81 minutes, 388 calories.

Valerie, has weight watchers changed? Sitting at the computer for long periods of time is where I find I miss burning any calories. I am not near as active as I was even a few years ago. My grandchildren are all turning into adults so they don't help keep me as active as I was when I was running them to school and picking them up. I used to be running non stop with little time for sitting at the computer.
Yes WW recently changed. a lot more foods went to zero points. so quite a few things are less point value but the amount of allowed points per day also dropped by about 25%. for me, it means not having to track as many things. It affected the point values of "added" recipes. I had a squash soup that used to calculate out to about 5 points, but dropped to 1. so I'm sure there are many more adjustments to be made, but I have to pull up the recipe and change it so not a fast process. it's still a point counting program. they also allow you to roll left over points from one day to the next. I try to stay at my 23 points regardless. I usually get in more exercise points than they expect. If I'm not losing, I just ignore those things. getting older does not help with calorie burn. I'm thinking maybe I should get a fitbit type device to encourage me to get off my butt for just movement, not just necessarily formal exercise.

Also I got my calendar yesterday. I am as far from new jersey as you can be. not opening until Monday.
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Hi Everyone,
No workout for me today. I probably won’t get in another workout until Tuesday. My Cathe calendar arrived yesterday too.

Valerie, I also wonder if you are eating enough food for your activity level. I don’t use activity points for extra food at all. I usually reach my weekly target but I think of that as necessary to keep my metabolism up. You might consider varying your food points sometimes.

Hello to everyone and have a good night.
Valerie, my tracker alerts me that I need to move and get at least 250 steps each hour. When I am sick or when I had surgery I stopped it from reminding me. There is nothing worse than lying around sick and having it vibrate and remind me I need to move. I can choose to use it or not. At the end of the day it lets me know how many hours I got in 250 steps. I have not purchased any of the calendars. I think I would like the stickers and stuff though.
I did a 40 min spin, and MM chest but went to 15 lbs for the whole thing with no problem. would be a big jump to 20 lbs. maybe weighted gloves next time. I don't have 17.5s.

then some friends came over for some wine and cheese so good thing I did the workout. Carolyn on days I mt bike, hike or roadride, I eat a little more because I am so hungry. but a regular 1 hr workout I try to stick to points allowed.
Costco sold out of the fitbit long before xmas so I will watch to see if they get restocked in January.
Good morning ladies,

Still going strong with WS3. Yesterday though I needed a change and I felt like a Fit Tower workout. So I did Live FT Total Body followed up with a bellicon bounce.

Today is a busy day for us. Workout, clean a bit, wrap gifts then off to our annual xmas eve gathering at my son’s GF’s parents home. Always a fun time.

Diane Sue...congrats on 44 years. So nice. Odd how Amy just stopped with the workouts. Oh well...I certainly have plenty to keep me busy!

Judy...funny thing....I was on I think a Cathlete FB group I joined not realising you are on it to. I saw you made a post and right away I said is that my Judy??? Lol. It was funny to see you elsewhere.

Carolyn..Congrats to you and your husband! 47 years is awesome! Very nice to have your family with you. :). I am not sure how I feel about the new WW. Not sure what my workout will be. Whatever it is it will be a shorter one. So hard this time a year.

Deb...hope John is feeling better today.

Valerie....we are off next week and no way will we go near any retail stores!! I sometimes feel I can go to 20’s on flies but usually stick with 15’s. 17.5 would be perfect. Wine and cheese is always nice! :)

Merry Christmas all!
Deb where are you this morning? hope you are just busy and have not come down with the head cold. likely too soon for John to be better.

Lori this is a superset, a jump to 20's would be a lot. I will stick with 15's. maybe add weighted gloves or go down to one riser on the push ups.

I've had a problem with my surgical site for a while now. I went in 2x this week to Derm to check it. didn't think it looked right. same person looked at it both times. Friday I took DH with me. the doc said "keloid', a kind of raised scar tissue. they can get pretty big, ugly, impossible to get rid of. Even after poking and prodding friday she stuck with "keloid". both DH and I thought it was infected. we had some antibiotic in our first aid kit. I started taking it Thursday night. I volunteered that I'd started antibiotics when went to get it checked on Friday. she stuck with keloid. we did not agree but we thought, she's the expert. we ( DH and I) decided the antibiotic was still a good idea.

I did the spin yesterday, when I got done, wound was bleeding. so... it was abscessed...and opened spontaneously. probably several weeks now. did not hurt, but did not look right and was not healing. looking much much better already today. I am unhappy with the Derm to say the least.

so my Merry Christmas present to myself!.. should finish healing rapidly now.
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Valerie, they were having specials on Fit Bit , but I went and looked at their website and they are only offering free shipping on anything over 50 dollars. Nice work on the 15# now. It is a good thing that you had the antibiotic to take. I would not be happy with that derm either. I know you probably took good care of it with Neosporin or something. I would not have thought it likely would turn into a keloid.

Lori, I have wondered if there was some problems with YouTube and their policies since that seemed to be a problem for Kelly Coffey as well. The last thing on Amy's site was just a Christmas post. Nothing about workouts. She is still left off at her most recent Stepletic workouts.
diane sue they did not recommend Neosporin. the instructions were to wash twice daily and then dress with plain vaseline and a gauze dressing held down with paper tape. the directions were on a typed sheet I took home with me. DH could not believe it. I put a loose ace wrap over to keep the dressing on while sleeping for the first few weeks. it has been open and undressed for weeks now. only one part of the scar started to look wrong. The doc told us Friday there was no difference in outcome between antibiotic salves and plain Vaseline, so I didn't imagine it. I might have gotten infected no matter what. will never know except followed their directions to the smallest detail..... except for exercising, but I was extremely careful about that. the wound was always covered and I never did anything to stress the area. I'm disappointed that what DH and I thought was "infected" was not recognized, until it spontaneously opened. the most likely problem post surgery. I have a scar on the other leg from ACL surgery and there is not the slightest trace of a keloid. keloids are much more likely to form on darker skinned people, and I'm as pale as they come! Wish I HAD some pigment! It is looking better today and hopefully all will go smoothly now.
ETA did metabolic total body and icy core today.
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Merry Christmas Everyone! Deb, I hope you are not sick. The grandchildren are up early today and so excited. We will have breakfast shortly and open gifts after. Have a wonderful day.
This morning I will do a workout. Maybe Imwill do some painting before we go to my daughters. I stayed up till after 12 staining the two closet doors and rntry foor to the new room last night. I cant varnish till we go to Home Depot tomorrow. Merry Christmas to all of you!!

Valerie, my daughter always recommends Baciitricin as a preference. Always keeping it coated for a smoother scar area. She says neosporin would work , but she prefers the other. Healing is slower , but the results are better. I really do not get the vaseline. Maybe there was some bacteria in it? My daughter does recommend vaseline for things like cracked dry skin. I was buying Aquaphor for my cracked hands and she told me to use vaseline, the same thing but cheaper. I dont like the smell though. I am glad it is getting better and that doctor should have recognized what it was. I am a very pale person too.

Deb, I hope that younare just busybwith family and not sick.

Carolyn, have fun with your family and opening presents. :)
Good morning and Merry Christmas to everyone.

Deb... hope you are just busy ( how could that be:rolleyes:??) and not sick.

Diane sue I think that's why they print directions. most people would question them. That was the purpose.. to keep the scar smooth.
we had both Neosporin and Bacitracin. also Aquaphor and a big jar of Vaseline. this is a top Dermatology group. I did what they told me to do, for as long as they said. No way to tell when the problem started, but surgery was back in late October. it seems to be a mild infection at this point.
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