P90X2 pre-order.....who's caving?


I haven't been around much this summer, but when I got the announcement about P90X2 I was kinda surprised that nobody here has mentioned it yet. Here's a link to the program with a small clip of exercises:
Team Beachbody - Featured Product: P90X2

I already know that I won't be doing some of those moves, like the push up's while having the toes on one medicine ball and the hands on each med ball as well.:eek: Not only is that way too difficult for me, but I think I would break a wrist trying to manage that, especially if doing it while sweaty. I didn't really like the X+ workouts but I still do the regular X workouts. I'm torn......if they are like the original, I'm totally in. If they are like the X+ workouts, I will be kicking myself.
just looked... the 3 balls balancing move looks.... tough. looks like atleast one workout requires a plyo box, and space is an issue for me.

I'm not interested in it at the moment since I'm trying out and enjoying Tracy Anderson and barre workouts. Maybe later when enough reviews come out and my fitness tastes change (and if I'm ever that advanced).
I ordered the Ultimate set! I have never done P90X but this one looks better to me.....I have watched several clips of all the workouts on the P90X2 facebook page. ;)
I already know that I won't be doing some of those moves, like the push up's while having the toes on one medicine ball and the hands on each med ball as well.:eek: Not only is that way too difficult for me, but I think I would break a wrist trying to manage that, especially if doing it while sweaty. I didn't really like the X+ workouts but I still do the regular X workouts. I'm torn......if they are like the original, I'm totally in. If they are like the X+ workouts, I will be kicking myself.

DH and I both did P90X rotations and still use the DVDs, so we're going to pre-order! ITA that X+ was a disappointment (big time)...seemed like cheaper production, not as much variety. X2 looks much more like the original, maybe even better! We read on the website that the X2 rotation is 5 days a week as opposed to 6 because it's more intense and requires more recovery. I'm giving birth in December, so I'll probably use X2 as part of my "getting my body back" routine once I can return to vigorous exercise. But, oh yeah, I will be modifying for sure--especially with those crazy med ball moves and Tony's other crazy pushup and pull-up moves. Looking forward to it, though!
I just watched the preview on Beachbody's website. That looks unbelievably tough. One day I hope to be strong enough to do some of those moves. I have the heart and determination just not enough core strength and stamina.
I never clicked with p90X and I think by the looks of these workouts, I would probably like X better than X2. Definitely will not pre-order, but I do look forward to hearing the reviews and watching the infomercials :D. I'm sure this is going to be a very good system, but too much in it that does not appeal to me.
I preordered last week.

There's a lot I will be modifying (like push-ups on 4 medicine balls! but Tony has backgrounders doing modifications, and I take his 'extreme' versions of some moves as something to perhaps aim for, but something I don't feel the need to do.), but I love a lot of what I see (use of stability balls, foam rollers, functional moves...).

I really like Tony as well, and am confident he'll give us a program that makes the best use of the newest fitness research and knowledge.
I have all the P90 workouts, including the plus series and one on ones, but after doing STS I'm not interested in spending any more on that system. I can't say I ever fully clicked with Tony's style either, or the set, but after spending all that money...I feel guilty, but I just can't bring myself to do them anymore. I doubt very seriously I'll buy the new one.
I subscribed to the 1 on 1 with Tony Horton series and this last year all the workouts were a preview of what X2 will be. Boy are they TOUGH. I have been waiting for my notification for pre-order since 1on1 subscribers get some kind of discount for this new series. Not sure if I will actually do it or pass it on to my 24year old son.....
I am intrigued by the foam roller being used in a workout. I have one that I hardly ever use b/c I'm not very creative with coming up with my own workouts.:confused:

From what I've seen, this sure does look tough! I got great results with the original X, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to give this a shot.
Hi girls,

I caved and pre-ordered the P90X2 Base kit, and I will likely get a foam roller from Walmart and one 8lb med ball since I already have one and a stability ball. I didn't see the need it getting the deluxe kit because I already own some of the equipment and I can get the pieces I need for around $50 so I didn't think the price jump from base kit to deluxe was really warranted in my situation. So, I will just get the P90X2 base kit. I think this program is definitely even better than the original and is a great progression with more core emphasis and functional fitness moves and love the foam roller workout addition. Its more sports conditioning with core, strength and streching and fuctional fitness moves which i love. I know I won't be doing the extreme moves and will be modifying but it does give me something to work towards I love the challenge and like Tony's style. I am looking forward to getting this and my son, who is a highschool junior cross country athlete was interested in this as well to use to help augment his training between Cross Country season gearing up for spring track season. I told him its mine but he will have to share and it can't leave the house as he knows I'm pretty hardcore about my workouts I purchase and don't let him take them to his friends house. He doesn't understand that I am very particular and don't loan out my workouts to anyone or allow them to leave my possession, teenagers:p

Hugs to everyone!;)

I'd like to pre-order this too!

For those of you who have pre-ordered, did you order directly from BB or from a coach? I had no issues when I ordered P90X a few years ago but have heard so many horror stories about their customer service that I would like to avoid any problems.

I'd like to pre-order this too!

For those of you who have pre-ordered, did you order directly from BB or from a coach? I had no issues when I ordered P90X a few years ago but have heard so many horror stories about their customer service that I would like to avoid any problems.

I ordered through Mary at www.totalfitnessdvds.com . She's a coach, but also someone I've ordered DVD's from for a while and trust. Here's the P90X preorder page: P90X 2 Pre-Order (P90X2)
Awesome! I've order from totalfitnessdvd before but didn't know she was a coach and handled BB products.

Thanks Kathryn!:)
I preordered these as well from Mary at total fitness dvds. The set comes with two one-on-one dvds included in the price. I didn't know that until after I ordered. I was excited to learn I was getting freebies! I really like Tony's style and I'm looking forward to these.

I just saw the P90X2 clips today at lunch and order it right away! I am super excited about the functional fitness and core fitness focus. Some of the moves do look super tough and it will be interesting to see how I do with them. I have done P90X and although Tony did kinda annoy me sometimes the workouts are solid and I got great results. It looks like a good series to start the year 2012 off with!:eek:
I'm thinking of ordering but I'm not impressed that BB won't send the 2 freebies with my order b/c it's an international order:mad: What's the diff?
If I order anything it is going to be the rumored Les Mills Body Pump Beach Body series that is supposed to come out in December. This is what I am waiting for.

The economy being what it is, I have to watch my workout dvd pennies with Scrooge-like vigilance,
probably not until 2013. i am doing supreme 90 now,insanity asylum for chrismas,cathes low impact series,a.s.a.p and do sts,insanity original,supreme 90,p90x,and p90x+ again(which i love).some of the 3 month rotations i am shortening to 2 or 1 since i have so much.


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