P90X2 pre-order.....who's caving?

Eating my words

I've caved (despite saying I'd never buy another Beachbody product EVER AGAIN) because P90X is still one of my favorite workout series (partly because of the ability to have just the cues -- I am inordinately irritated by workout DVDs when I have to listen to the same comments and whooping for the nth time -- I just HOPE P90X2 has the same feature!).

I am looking forward to a crazy STS/P90X2/LIS/S90/Insanity/Rushfit/Physique 57/Tracy Anderson Metamophosis rotation (sorry, Tracy, but I will be using more than 3lb weights ;-) ).

Cathe's heavy weight training DVDs are my favorite of all, though, because hers really work my muscles in a way that seems most effective (and she is not irritating!). When I do some of the P90X workouts, I end up adding some Cathe to get a proper workout, because, for example, I can't do pullups without modification so I need to do other exercises to get a full workout.

But I do like to mix things up.
Not me. I wasn't thrilled with P90X the first one. STS is way better by far. By the way, did anyone see Tony Horton on Dr. Oz last week? He was touting his 10 minute solutions workouts. Whatever it takes to motivate someone, you have to find the trigger. For some, it's seeing yourself in a photo, for others, health reasons can be motivational. Kudos to those women who got in shape with Tony's program.
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I caved with the P90X 2 pre-order. Just the basic set, not the extra toys. I was glad that they offered a payment plan.
I might get this if I get any extra money for Christmas. I liked the first P90X but Tony got on my nerves. But it is a good workout program and P90X2 looks pretty cool.
The basic P90X2 set is also available on QVC (whose customer service is excellent, and who accept returns until January 31 on items bought around Christmas time, also 5 easy pays and no shipping charges).
Now you tell me!

The basic P90X2 set is also available on QVC (whose customer service is excellent, and who accept returns until January 31 on items bought around Christmas time, also 5 easy pays and no shipping charges).

As Ralphie would say in "Christmas Story," "Oh, Fudge!"
Not me. I wasn't thrilled with P90X the first one. STS is way better by far. By the way, did anyone see Tony Horton on Dr. Oz last week? He was touting his 10 minute solutions workouts. Whatever it takes to motivate someone, you have to find the trigger. For some, it's seeing yourself in a photo, for others, health reasons can be motivational. Kudos to those women who got in shape with Tony's program.

I saw that episode with Dr. Oz and I was impressed by Tony's personality and message. He came across as genuine and passionate and the people that were dedicated to his program that he got to meet were very inspiring! I have his 10-minute stuff and his prior P90x and the P90x plus, etc., but STS rules now, and I can't go back to Tony's house.

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