New Video Poll

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The "Intro To Cathe" video is a fantastic idea! I am sure there are a lot of us who are in the high intermediate/advanced range who are not into complicated/dancy choreography. This would be a good start!

Other suggestions:

1. Kickboxing/Sports Drills on a Step - simulated boxing, soccer, jumping rope, skating, skiing, basketball.

2. Cardio Kicks 2

3. Circuit Max 3 or another 10-10-10 or make it 20-20-20 :)

4. Matwork Pilates

5. A workout similar to your Wedding Video - 60 minutes athletic step and 60 mins weight training.

6. It would also be great if you can come up with a workout suitable for traveling. I guess it would have to be more of a hi-lo workout that doesn't require a step- don't think it's practical to be lugging a huge step when traveling. That's why I love your Cardio Kicks and wish you could do more! And that is why I suggested Pilates :) Easier to pack a mat!

Obviously I belong to the I-prefer-athletic-steps-rather-than-complex-choreography group. I am sure you will come up with videos for complex choreography fans but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE throw in a video or two for us... Two Left Feet Mortals :)

Thanks a lot!
Just read more of the other ideas, and I'd like to place a vote for the Body Max II without the step or another CTX series without the step. Another poll member commented that there are MANY good step tapes out there, but the hi/lo advanced, high-intensity, low-impact market is pretty bleak. That's SO true. I, too, have an abundance of fun step tapes that I don't use much at all any longer and I don't get full benefit from the Intensity Series because it's just too hard on the knees. Again, I'm not asking for a beginner or even int/adv workout--I want the full treatment, but I don't want it to be joint-jarring.

I wouldn't be interested in the Intro to Cathe video. I think you can get a good flavor of that on the Wedding Video, which I have and never use.

I guess my vote boils down to anything that's advanced, not step and high intensity.

Thanks again for the opportunity to put my 2 cents worth in. :)
I like all the ideas I see. As i guy who works out with your tapes, i would like to see an imax 3, more intervals, more kickboxing on the step, dancey moves are good, and maybe weightwork that works the negative than the postive, or visa versa. Basically, anything that REALLY MAKES YOU SWEAT AND GETS YOUR HEARTRATE UP. thanks.
Intro To Cathe- hey, it's a great idea!

I know some of the advanced steppers don't like the idea but give us a break here :) It's just one single video for us "newbies" to Cathe.I mean, we can't just do the Wedding Video over and over right :) We need a little bit more variety too. So another one is just right. She comes out with videos every year so I am sure the advanced/complex/dancy steps people will always get their lion's share. This could probably be her only "New To Cathe" video in a long time. So, I do hope Cathe does the video :)
Please count me in as one who would be absolutely THRILLED with an "Intro to CATHE" workout! While I love Cathe's gym style weight workouts, the Cathe step tapes I tried have intimidated me.

Someone mentioned keeping the intensity of the "Intro..." workout to that of the first segment of Cardio + Weights, I would agree with that and like to request that the teaching of moves be on the slow side to help make it klutz proof. If this involves splitting the group with w/ some doing more complex moves and others doing simpler choreography, that would be fine with me. (I don't want the more experienced stepper to be bored, but as a newbie, I would prefer to learn things slowly and more thoroughly.)

I would also like to thank you for chaptering the Intensity Series DVD's so well and adding the Bonus Workouts. Please keep these wonderful features.
I will definitely place my vote for Push/Pull workouts! This is a great method! I was just complaining to myself a couple of weeks ago that I need some new step workouts! :)

And the intro tape would be very nice too!

Thanks for getting started on a new series even though I'm still trying to master the Intensities! :7

One more idea....I believe one of Christi Taylor's step tapes (Totally Cool Step), has a "move" section at the end, a separate section where she breaks the moves down and explains them so you can practice them outside of the workout. I think this is a great idea because then you don't have to break a workout down as much - it makes it more interesting once you have mastered the workout to not have to go through all the breakdowns again.

You have so much already built in by chaptering. This is just one more suggestion that might make it easier for people who are choreographically challenged!

I can't wait for the new workouts!

Hi Cathe!
Thanks for the chance to comment on the new vids!

Push/Pull - sounds great!

Stylized Step - YES, YES YES!!! Keep it similar to Rhythmic Step with a complete finished product at the end!

Intro tape- Maybe something similar to the cardio on Cardio & Weights with short sections using the various moves. Also, maybe there could be modifiers showing more intense/less intense moves????

Tape 4 - I'd like a 20-20-20 tape also! Or Bootcamp 2,or Imax 3

**No kickboxing - yuck! I seem to be in the minority, but I'll say it anyway!

****PLEASE keep the great music similar to the Intensity Series!:) I keep reaching for the Intensity series over and over. It is fabulous!
Dear Cathe:

Thank you for asking for input and for your caring!

Just as background, I've been doing your superior vids for about 4 months now and am 47 years old. I am so impressed with your fun, professional and caring style.

I can do about 90% of your moves and modify the torque-y-er ones for my knees, maybe I don't jump as many time as other people can. That dosen't bother me at all. You keep the ol' heartrate up in a fun way.


I like the idea of a new to Cathe tape; my input would be to chapter it or design it so that once some of us semi-newbies or soon to become semi-newbies (or even veterans of you) can still use it once we master the moves.

The Stylized step would be Ok; I'm not there yet but maybe with the help of the above tape I would be!

The push/pull one sounds great.

I agree with posters who would like a cardio with variety like 10-10-10 but make it 20-20-20, and then, add a great core work section.:D

You're terrific!

Bonnie :7

Could you incorporate in the Intro to Cathe some type of nutritional guide for those who want to get more cut using your videos? I know in past threads you stated that you are not a nutritionist, but you look like you follow "clean diet" that supplements your wonderful workouts. Just a thought...


I enjoy all of your videos and cannot workout to anyone elses! I am currently training for a Marathon and will be "stepping" along with your strength workouts that I use now.
I would be happy to see any NEW strength videos and as for cardio I love IMAX 2 and more athletic moves rather than dancy. Finding good strength videos is sooo hard, I just purchased another instructors upper and lower body strength video and boy was I disappointed.
I would love kickboxong and hi/lo. The tapes you mentioned sound great also. I do have a request for a new tape but it is not really new moves. I do not have a DVD but I have the new Intensity series on video. Could you make a abs hit two with the ab/core work from that series. I love what the series has done for my abs and I am so afraid they will go away when I have to switch up my routine. I would like to be able to just get to the ab work of those tapes with out all the fast forwarding. Thanks
Hi Cathe-

Thanks for asking... I would love to see a total body sculpting video (with weights) on the ball. I love how you used it in the Pyramid workouts and really felt the burn. It has kept me searching for a good video that incorporates total body on the ball.

The others you suggested sound good too. Personally, I would love the new step workout to be more athletically approached than dancy... The Push/Pull sounds like it could offer a new way to challenge the muscles, which I am always up for.

As usual, whatever you make seems to push me harder and that is the name of the game!

Thanks and Happy Spring....
I would love to see the push and pull strength training video. I really like the idea of intervals and think that cardio kickboxing 2 is another great idea. I am not into beginner step videos personnally but would like to see a step video that is not so intense perhaps for those days of low energy/just want some fun. I do like the idea of the separate slower teaching of the moves as a trailor for the harder moves to learn like Christi Taylor did in some of her latest videos. I still count Bodymax as my ultimate favorite for its structure and its completeness. I really enjoy the Intensity Series and like the flexibility of the dvd formats so I am sure anything you do would be great. My favorite step moves are squats and lunges on and off the step (the swim move), revolving door, I step and variations, box lunge (really love it) and a variation on the turnstep, A, shuffle turn, and hop turn type of move all around the step, also like the turn straddle turn exit move, 2 knee repeater crossover/walk around/shuffle around and flying angels. I also enjoy the yoga moves you incorporated into the I series and love the stability ball work on the gluteals, inner thighs, reverse flies, and hamstring muscles. I do like to use the resistance bands. I use them for squats, bicep curls, step touch for outer thighs, step backs for gluteals (45 degree angle), tougher for taller people but clean and press with resistance bands, and isolated tricep extensions, lat rows, etc. I would have someone demonstrating the weights at the same time as the resistance bands for alternatives. Hilo, yes I would get it but really enjoy a mix of cardio kickbox and athletic moves with intensity such as fast sumo squats, shuffles side to side with jabs, icebreaker squat hops or perhaps a squat that moves higher and lower while incorporating some major jabs and hooks for the upper body nice and long to really feel the burn. I better stop now.
RE: Hi Cathe!

Love all your videos. I would love another Interval Max,
(having a lot of fun with the new one!), Push-pull sounds awesome,
another weight endurance video and another Boot Camp type video...........
but I will be happy with whatever you decide!
Hi Cathe!
This is very exciting news! :) I am thrilled about the All Step tape, and the Intro to Cathe tape! I would love to have a Cathe Schmorgesbord tape where you would do cardio in the first section and total body strength in the second section; like a 15-15-15 cardio followed by a condensed MIS style, with emphasis on upper body and core. I'd also love an indoor cycling tape by you! Whatever you do, I will buy it and I will love it!
Cathe, I have all of your DVD's, I'm 41 and have been active--athletic-- all my life and lifting weights since I was 17.

Intro to Cathe--Do the slow breakdown of all the steps as a separate feature on a DVD (or intro part of a tape), and then put them all together as one kickbutt workout for the beginner and advanced. I'm advanced, but I'd review a few of the steps to make sure I'm moving safely. I, too, would not be interested in a beginner tape, but you could make it so that it appealed to all levels by separating the step-by-step breakdown from the actual workout. I love the intense athletic moves of Step Max, Power Max, and Step Fit and would love to see another workout like them--athletic, not dancey.

STYLIZED STEP: I don't like dance, period--I don't like Rhythmic Step. If you must do this dancey/girly stuff, PLEASE show athletic alternatives that would keep me up with you. I am definitely NOT interested in another Rhythmic Step.

Push-Pull: I like the idea of designing the workout so that it's easily broken up into 2 workouts--I prefer splitting my body into 2 or 3 groups, and working each group more intensely than I have the time for in one workout. Add a super-tough core segment with balls. I work my lower back seriously and would love to see you do more for that than just deadlifts and planks (there are variations on deadlifts, too). You have already a plethora of all-body workouts, and you could round out your total selection by offering more split-body weightlifting.

4th workout: I, too, love BodyMax, IMAX, MIC. I love the athletic drills and pushing myself. Boot Camp was a bit of a disappointment to me--I was in the Air Force, and we didn't lift weights in basic training!--but something like that without the weights, with longer cardio/drill segments--just me, my body and my willpower!

Thanks for asking, Cathe.
I prefer athletic rather than dancy steps so I hope you will have a step video that is similar to IM 1 and 2 or Circuit Max. PLEASE have another Cardio Kickbox video! Unfortunately, I am so bad with Rhythmic Step! My two left feet can't take it :(
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